Thought to have been an ordinary falling star.
- Comment on ONE OF US 12 hours ago:
This is heavy.
- Comment on Blobfish 2 days ago:
I always assumed the Stardew starfruit was a special fruit that just happens to share a name with our starfruit.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 2 days ago:
I would love to experience X-COM UFO Defense, but the only X-COMs I’ve played to any extent are the two “modern” Firaxis games. Going back to the originals is a real effort, especially without having the manual to hand.
- Comment on What is everyone's favoured domain name provider these days? 1 week ago:
It’s definitely a thing, but not for all domain types. Not sure why.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
“How is Windows 11 more secure?”
“It just is! Promise!”
- Comment on can you guess my favorite animal? 1 week ago:
You’re thinking of a chupathingy.
- Comment on Latin 1 week ago:
Darmok and Jalaad at Tenagra
- Comment on Steam is a ticking time bomb. 2 weeks ago:
Think the oldest game I own that I haven’t yet played is Tomb Raider. Got it with my original PlayStation.
- Comment on Steam is a ticking time bomb. 2 weeks ago:
Hi there
- Comment on For your consideration 2 weeks ago:
Without a banana for scale, it’s hard to tell.
- Comment on The most influential video game of all time - BAFTA 2 weeks ago:
If you want to get technical, the first was arguably 3D Monster Maze, released in 1981. There was also Battlezone, again 1981 - though it’s debatable whether it counts as an FPS.
A more accurate answer would be id’s own Catacomb 3D, from 1991.
Wolf 3D definitely wasn’t the first by any stretch
- Comment on 11 Best Indie Games of All Time 3 weeks ago:
How is Bastion on neither of these lists??
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 3 weeks ago:
Like $200 worth of honey?
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 3 weeks ago:
Great, but small Android phones are still few and far between. The Jelly Star is a notable exception, but those devices don’t seem to get much in the way of long-term support
- Comment on Favorite Racing Game Soundtrack? 3 weeks ago:
DAYTONAAAAAA… Let’s go away!
- Comment on Favourite Metroid game? 4 weeks ago:
MPP is glorious
- Comment on Favourite Metroid game? 4 weeks ago:
Gonna be controversial and say Metroid Prime Hunters… mainly because that’s the one I’ve spent the most time with.
Zero Mission takes a close second, though.
- Comment on What is a season pass in computer games? 5 weeks ago:
Depends on the game, though I’d more describe that as a battle pass than a season pass.
- Comment on The IT Crowd: Jen has been transported 5 weeks ago:
Yes. They do occasionally transliterate, and I think it’d be nice if they’d done so across the board.
- Comment on The IT Crowd: Jen has been transported 5 weeks ago:
Tangentially related: there are a lot of moments in Firefly where the characters speak Chinese. Instead of captioning it properly, they just write “[speaks Chinese]”.
Which is especially jarring when you have a whole [speaks Chinese] sentence with a [speaks Chinese] phrase in the middle.
- Comment on Spotify Premium "Ad Free" plan 5 weeks ago:
I had Spotify on shuffle once, and it played the same song twice in a row. On two separate occasions.
- Comment on Day 208 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
When I did a legendary Combat Evolved solo run, there were one or two speedrunning strats I borrowed. Probably could do the same for H2 - one of the later levels, you can skip entirely if you do it right.
- Comment on Day 208 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
Halo 3 is a lot of fun, and it’s got some brilliant setpieces, but in terms of plot it’s always felt a bit of a rush job.
Even so, I love it to bits and it occupied many memorable evenings between 2008-2010. Definitely a much easier Legendary experience than Halo 2.
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 1 month ago:
Or maybe they wrote ‘darn’ but with dodgy keming?
- Comment on EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy 1 month ago:
As a lifelong TS2 fan, even I would be hard pressed to pay what they’re charging.
- Comment on Are mods usually confusing as hell or am I just an idiot? 1 month ago:
This just reminds me of the mod situation for early versions of Minecraft. These day’s it’s as simple as pressing a button and dropping your mods into a folder, but back then it was a case of directly modifying the main Java file, removing specific bits, adding specific bits in specific places… not smooth at all
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 1 month ago:
I am familiar with the venerable plastic pig… never been inside one though, for better or worse
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 1 month ago:
The weight of having to pick the P50 up when it inevitably capsizes?
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
What’s pre-tipping? A tip before you’ve even had service?
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 1 month ago:
Can you shoot the other one too? Y’know, the one that’s in the Albert Hall