- Comment on Fable delayed to 2026 3 days ago:
Gamer moment
- Comment on Struggling 4 days ago:
Yes and the instance lemmy.world in particular is not
- Comment on Struggling 4 days ago:
Lemmy.world isn’t leftist
- Comment on What movies have you watched this week? 3 weeks ago:
Bladerunner. I was very underwhelmed, especially with all the hype surrounding the movie.
- Comment on The Sims re-release shows what’s wrong with big publishers and single-player games 1 month ago:
Explain in one sentence what cloud saves are and how they conflict with it being a singleplayer offline game.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 1 month ago:
Ok, let me rephrase, not if their plumbing needs fixing and a specific green-hatted plumber is taking the job.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 1 month ago:
Not if their plumbing needs fixing
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 1 month ago:
Sure like everything that is uncomfortable. Rest is literal. How convenient.
- Comment on Gemini wont talk about Bernie Sanders 1 month ago:
Damn those chinese censors!!!.. wait
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 1 month ago:
Gamer moment
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 1 month ago:
It’s so weird how Trump and Jesus fans always need to explain what the words their admiration spoke actually meant. He maybe the evangelicals had it right all along and Donnie is the second coming!
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 1 month ago:
I believe Jesus taught tolerance and love
So that’s what he meant when he said
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Matthew 10:34-36
or when he said:
“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." Matthew 12:30
So tolerant and loving! 😍
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 1 month ago:
Nahh their workers still get exploited (even more than the average laborer)
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 1 month ago:
Stop using Amazon
- Comment on low spec gaming looking pretty sunny right now gang 2 months ago:
Honestly my Anbernic rg40xxv (yes all their devices have convoluted names lol) just arrived and I couldn’t be happier. Really into retro games right now so I don’t need more than the power of this lil guy.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
“Learning new things is offensive”
Big yikes
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
It’s not a problem until someone tells you to not refer to them as a dude or a guy. If you continue, you are just an asshole 🤷🏻
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 2 months ago:
Most recent one I can rememver was beating Tears of The Kingdom. I was SO invested in the final boss battle and I got really emotional. I was so immersed I was basically vocally taunting the boss for everything they had done. Only other time that happened was with Cyberpunk 2077 and only because of Edgerunners.
Then in the past (jesus has it really been more than 17 years??) the first time my buddy and I beat Halo 1 on Legendary after an all-nighter of gaming. That was awesome. Horrible smell in that room tho lmao.
- Comment on Please create a non-secure password. 2 months ago:
Not being allowed to use special characters can be a sign of the website saving your password in plain text.
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 2 months ago:
I thought this doesn’t work cause AndroidTV forces its own DNS server, specifically, Googles own.
- Comment on Anon hates Apple 2 months ago:
A lof of banking apps do work on grapheneOS: privsec.dev/…/banking-applications-compatibility-…
My battery life has been soo much better since Google Play can’t do whatever it fucking wants anymore.
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 2 months ago:
D:OS2 is one of the very few games that made me cry with the emotions I had for my characters. I hope you like it, great game.
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 2 months ago:
I wish I could play Cyberpunk for the first time again. Enjoy! Did you see the anime Cyberpunk: Edgerunners? Would highly recommend.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Nah, ten minutes don’t matter.
- Comment on What is your Game of the Year? 3 months ago:
Non-Steam was Turtle WoW with the hardcore mode.
Steam was Path of Exile 2 and 1.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 3 months ago:
The company faced significant backlash after allegedly terminating employees under stress and later clarified that the move was part of an awareness initiative.
lmao yeah right. Get fucked. “Ohh we tots didn’t mean it besties”
- Comment on Insurance agent making a last stand in downtown NYC, after being cornered by policyholders (2026) 3 months ago:
- Comment on Energy 🤤 3 months ago:
Urgh thanks for that rabbit hole haha
Super interesting. As an aside, imagine a world where we talked about politics and science the way those three were talking about the experiment and physics behind it.
- Comment on Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? 3 months ago:
Ich hab auch Qualität statt Quantität verstanden =P danke!
- Comment on Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? 3 months ago:
Anybody got an opinion on which is the best Far Cry game aside from the first three?