- Comment on Tough choices 17 hours ago:
Speak for yourself!
- Comment on This hope is cope 1 week ago:
Speaking as a freelance worker, I love this experience. Loading up the App and seeing I’ve been paid by a few people and I’ve got more in there than I expected.
Even if I knew I’d invoiced the money, still lovely to see it in there!
- Comment on 'lil lad 2 weeks ago:
Jimmy Carr, if he never had surgery
- Comment on Choose to live in reality 3 weeks ago:
This view supposes we are external to reality.
From another view, our capacity to shape reality is limited and defined by the nature of reality.
- Comment on Anon tries to download videos from youtube 3 weeks ago:
I think you’ve defined the problem rather well there…
It’s not that Normies couldn’t use it, it’s that Normies won’t use it.
- Comment on place yer bets 4 weeks ago:
I can’t blame them, their cousins are hot.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Getting any printer to work is hard enough.
Getting an old, worn unreliable one is not a solution that would work for everyone. I doubt there would be enough of these for everyone who hates their printer anyway.
Also, printer nonsense has been going on so long, it’s probably impossible to totally avoid
- Comment on With powers combined, idk 5 weeks ago:
You’re clearly a highly evolved person.
- Comment on With powers combined, idk 5 weeks ago:
Do they look like penis or just penis look like them?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
No, it isn’t.
Statistics are not value judgements.
They’re often used to justify racism but they’re still innocent.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
The year you were born does not define your views.
But it can serve to predict it.
Whilst any individual within an arbitrary age bracket can be anything, trends and statistics for those age brackets can be measured and proven.
This is true for age with a much stronger effect than hair colour, because of the material impact it has on the cultural, economic and environmental factors which inform a person’s assumptions, experience and perception of norms.
- Comment on We all do this 1 month ago:
There’s a limit to that with health anxiety for some people, they need to believe in the illness enough that they’ll find the listed symptoms or distort things to fit.
One of those things that can be good or bad, depending on the underlying process.
- Comment on Is anyone else worried about the dehumanizing memes about Mark Zuckerberg being exploited for anti-semitism? 2 months ago:
Honestly, didn’t know he was Jewish.
His own personal identity is strong enough that I don’t think the two things are gonna get conflated
- Comment on This could be the costume for a New Super Hero. What would you name him? 2 months ago:
He flies by the seat of someone else’s pants!
- Comment on Alan Emrich, the game designer and writer who coined the term '4X,' has died 2 months ago:
He’s been my buddy since master of Orion ❤️
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 2 months ago:
Mass Effect, almost certainly with plenty of honourable mentions to other games.
Peak is the Dramatic Scene at the end of ME1 after the final boss. Really really moved by events on Tuchunka and Rannoch.
Favourite moment outside Mass Effect, JC Denton saying “You’re gonna burn, alright”
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
Absolutely agree.
One of the ways we’ve gone wrong so far is that people do need some guidance at least on what is possible and acceptable.
Just saying to young people “Be whatever you want to be” is unhelpful and confusing.
Role models of all kinds and representation matter so people who are figuring these things out as they grow have inspiration, ideas, can see who they are reflected in the world around them so they can put a name to the feeling.
If we can do that without shaming, blaming or excluding then people can find their way without the need of gender binary.
Caveat, not everyone is a suitable role model. Some people are warnings, not examples.
- Comment on Putin's Sovereign Gaming Console Revealed 2 months ago:
So does the ticket to Ukraine.
- Comment on Do you see what I see? 2 months ago:
I mean, the post has some shit in it, dunno if that is enough to make it shot 🤔
- Comment on So be good for goodness' sake! 2 months ago:
Uranium is excellent, even the ways it kills you are cooler than coal
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
Swtor and surviving Mars. Both around the 2000 hours mark.
Fallout / NV and Skyrim, each around 1000 hours
I do love those games.
- Comment on Some Older PC games I have, just wanted to share. 2 months ago:
Did anyone ever fill out those registration cards?
- Comment on Some Older PC games I have, just wanted to share. 2 months ago:
Old games come in large cardboard boxes to accommodate the manual, with disks rattling around inside.
And in one case, a vacuum packed t-shirt too!
- Comment on everything's going according to plan 3 months ago:
You’re that much of an ****?
- Comment on If a word can have as many meanings as we assign to it. Can was assign every meaning to one word? 3 months ago:
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
A man chooses. A slave obeys.
- Comment on I screen, you screen, we all screen for I screen. 4 months ago:
Maybe the screen itself isn’t the point then?
Did people who had to write things for a living ever enjoy books when they got home?
- Comment on Half as Hot 4 months ago:
I think it’s acute angle
- Comment on Probably 5 months ago:
Sandi Mann sounds like a fun woman
- Comment on Fead 5 months ago:
And you’d deserve it for saying “on accident”