Change my pitch up
Stack some bricks up!
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Change my pitch up
Stack some bricks up!
i wasn’t expecting prodigy here.
In other news, banger song, go listen to it (smack my bitch up for those wondering)
Literally first thing that came to mind
I know it’s a meme but can somebody set me straight? I swear I read somewhere that this narrative started with the research community saying, essentially, “we know a number of ways in which they might have achieved this feat but we aren’t sure which one they used,” but the entertainment/conspiracy communities heard “there is no explanation for how these people were able to achieve this feat.”
It started with “we have no idea how they did it”. Then over time it morphed into “we have several hypotheses but don’t know if it any of those is realistic”. The current state of things is still there regarding the construction technique itself.
In the meantime the village where construction workers lived has been found. Now we know the profile or people who built the pyramids, how they lived and what they ate. Even some details about work organization.
All of this still didn’t propagate into the popular culture which is still stuck in the 1980s regarding pyramid knowledge.
Of course! Because otherwise it would mean all the mystique is gone! And if the mistique is gone, people can’t imagine they’re supposed to be starship landing pads!
Or lay-line powered aura cleansing structures.
Or part of an ancient technology global warning system.
Or a physical star chart pointing to the origins of the Egyptians.
Or hydrogen fusion power generators.
Or piezoelectric resonance generators.
Or… Some… Other things I probably forgot about. But it’s certainly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, NOT a tomb of some egotistical man that believed himself a god on the Earth!
i would really appreciate it if a stats/math nerd would put together a short piece on how “statistically it only makes sense if the Egyptians built a pyramid, this is the most logical and likely outcome”
i feel like you could argue that statistically, shapes that are to be built by humans, will inevitably approach the shape of a pyramid.
I’m too lazy and incompetent at statistics to do the math, but survivorship bias is very much relevant here.
Turns out, if you build something that isn’t a bunch of stones in an organized stack, it won’t last thousands of years like the organized stone stacks.
this is true, regardless, i’m still sure it’s somewhat relevant. human societies have built a lot of large structures, but the pyramids are some of the largest ever.
Take a handful of sand. Turn your first perpendicular to the ground and let it fall slowly. What shape does it form?
It’s more due to engineering. Materials have limited strength. Stone has fairly good compressive strength, but it’ll still crack if you put too much weight on it. If you use your stone to make a tower, it won’t get very high before it topples over. If you instead build a pyramid, the weight of the stone on top is dispersed across several stones below it and those stones disperse their weight to multiple stones and so on down to the base, letting you build far taller.
if you build a literal tower there are two primary issues: how do you get things up to the top, and 2, it will fall over because of gravity and or wind if you aren’t careful. (or just the ground being too soft to support it)
the pyramid solves basically all of these problems.
The same thing with things like Stonehenge. I liked the theory that said these types of constructions are the result of the prehistoric version of Burning Man, where they built it just because they could as an art installation.
Well considering they rebuilt Stonehenge in the 1950s its possible the site is totally wrong too. Its possible it should look more like the Callanish stones.
It’s still standing because luckily for us they didn’t invent fire yet. /s
Not even /s, there are signs of posts planted upright nearby, a so-called woodhenge.
I refuse to believe medieval people could build cathedrals. They lacked modern tools for such precise masonry and glasswork.
Well, they were modern at the time.
aliens don’t like white people
i got into an argument on tiktok with someone who insisted no ancient civilization could build the pyramids. i asked them if they knew what tools were and they clapped back with “what tools did they have back then?” mf never heard of simple machines
“but how did they make the lines so straight???!!!”
Mf never pulled on a piece of string.
There’s some guy on YouTube who was showing how to lift boulders and logs by himself using only simple levers and inclines. It’s been a while since I watched it, but if I remember right he moves a rock the size of a car 100 yards and lifts it a few feet into the air.
He does this with tree branches and scrap wood lol
Show them a video of an automaton to blow their minds.
Okay but if they really built a hydraulic lift elevator that’s so cool
Morticia Adams lookin fly
They also gain approval from the Royal Society of Putting Things On Top Of Other Things.
she might be but hard to tell from this angle
Everyone, or just the people who would call in to coast to coast am?
I mean, can you make one that big?
I didn’t think so.
I rest my cases
Whips, rimmer, massive massive whips.
The most interesting part to me is the rope strong enough to pull that kind of weight.
ropes together strong
TBF, they had some pretty shitty science in ancient Egypt.
How many kilograms each?
Yes. 5 months ago
I get the same reaction from my fellow Americans when i tell them I walk my groceries home so I’m not surprised 5 months ago
My cousin couldn’t understand how I bought groceries after I sold my car. After telling him I walked three blocks to the store he asked how I bought groceries in winter. I told him I put on a coat and boots and walk three blocks to the store. 5 months ago
One of my carless kin! There are dozens of us!! The number of times people have assumed I can’t go somewhere “because it’s raining” and I’m just like, I have a jacket and an umbrella! But what if you’re biking?? Um, I have a jacket, a backpack cover and leggings and sometimes… if I’m just heading home to a hot shower and a change of clothes, I just get soaking wet! Like absolutely sodden! NBD! And if I’m heading somewhere without the option of a change of clothes, I bus there and that leads to a whole other issue of “But that must take ssooo long!?!” Yeah sure, a bit longer, but I can relax, pop on some headphones, set google maps to tell me when I’m near my stop, watch/listen to something and let the driver worry about the driving! 5 months ago
I live two blocks from my local market, I understand you.
Also, they don’t understand that giving me a bag for milk is not worth it, milk has a handle. 5 months ago
No, it comes in a plastic lined cardboard box with a screw on lid 😛 5 months ago
It actually pisses me off to no end when people put their plastic jug of milk into a plastic bag. Like, the jug is heavy enough that the bag will never hold it, just fucking carry it like a normal person