- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 1 day ago:
6 was what I ended up with after considering all options before I went fully digital.
Better grip and easy to refill
- Comment on Idioms 2 days ago:
If you’re trying to mock English idioms then those aren’t even close to the worse.
How about:
“I screwed the pooch on this one”
- Comment on Polish leader offers actor Jesse Eisenberg military training to 'land the new James Bond role' 1 week ago:
What’s ironic is that he is a good actor, just sometimes picks the wrong role.
Looking at you lex Luther
- Comment on Before you act, is this right for the company? 1 week ago:
Courage or shamelessness?
- Comment on STOP RIGHT THERE💂♀️☝️ 1 week ago:
That’s a lot of emojis.
- Comment on Just one more shift bro I swear it will be fine 1 week ago:
I know but it’s only 2025.
I feel like shit that was suppose to happen in 2040 is happening now and I just wish I had a little bit more time to get my shit together.
- Comment on School is training for prison and wage slavery 1 week ago:
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 1 week ago:
I’m not a Gen Z but how about, give me the TLDR?
- Comment on My shape is a middle finger 1 week ago:
Well all we know is that the guy on the left doesn’t know, or maybe he prefers it that way.
- Comment on Are Autocracies more powerful than Democracies? 2 weeks ago:
Autocratic countries have a small number of leaders, often one.
The goal of said leader isn’t really to grow and bring wealth and prosperity, but to never lose power.
So overall, the economics of the country would plateau, cause why risk allowing wealth to grow and fall into your opponents’ hands?
Hence why countries like Russia and North Korea rarely innovate, but just take what’s available to further entrench their country’s position.
So the only way autocracy can prevail is by brining down anything superior to it, much like what Russia is doing to the US.
- Comment on 'BRZRKR' - Justin Lin directing ultra violent Keanu Reeves comic book movie 2 weeks ago:
Nic Cage is more like a renegade.
Keanu is more like action Jesus.
- Comment on Mickey 17 is a big middle finger to space-obsessed strongmen [Review] 2 weeks ago:
Okay sure but can’t you have all of that without train?
Imo a bunker would be a much better metaphor, especially since Ed Harris’ character believed their world was eternal (it was hard to believe it was running for that long).
I like the director and his critique on capitalism but imo he did it wrong. Especially give that the ending
Tap for spoiler
Was the self destruction of humanity, given the train crashed, not anarchy. Imo the movie would have been semi saved if they just showed a tribe of Eskimos at the end, not a polar bear. That would be perfect, it would show that humanity would live on, but clearly the capitalistic system that was preserved on a train was self destructive and always meant to crash.
- Comment on 'BRZRKR' - Justin Lin directing ultra violent Keanu Reeves comic book movie 2 weeks ago:
In 500 years, when society has moved on from all our troubles today and our lives are nothing but stories of the past, some movies will still have their Keanu Reeves, for he is, the one.
- Comment on Mickey 17 is a big middle finger to space-obsessed strongmen [Review] 2 weeks ago:
Just saw the trailer, I like the tone, hope it’s good.
I’m still mad at snow piercer… why the fuck do they need to constantly moving? That’s the worse thing for heat insolation!
- Comment on Hexagons Are The Bestagons. 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 weeks ago:
Hey remember that wall that didn’t get built?
The fact that no one is trolling him about it shows how people are weirdly compliant about all this.
- Comment on All the chewed and clawed up stuff is worth the cuteness 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on I'm not original at all but feel a bit amusing about thought somebody takes it to heart 3 weeks ago:
Jokes on you, sometimes I see a meme so good, I close the app cause it’s enough to hold me for the next little while
- Comment on Never before had I felt intensely jealous of a tapir 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Clap them cheeks 3 weeks ago:
Me too, thanks
- Comment on If we want to have any power vs. watching helplessly while people in charge fuck everything up, we should focus on democratic workplaces. Not just unions, workers should own and control the business 3 weeks ago:
The biggest lie capitalism ever told was that your free cause you can chose where to work.
- Comment on It's a-me! 3 weeks ago:
If you bought that today, that’s not that good of an expiry date, usually I try to go for 14 days
- Comment on New poster for "A Minecraft Movie" 3 weeks ago:
Borderlands movie vibes
- Comment on Whatever it takes to get to solidarity amongst the working class. 4 weeks ago:
Many asses touched, so a brotherhood
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 4 weeks ago:
The stock market will always be up and going up if people keep putting more money in it.
Stocks represent all assets that can be sold and traded publicly. Although US infrastructure is crumbling, all the shit is still there.
Times are hard but we still have obscene material wealth (for now, here is hoping climate change doesn’t reduce that too much). Ironically, stocks should have gone down in the pandemic cause of the productive capacity dropping but it didn’t cause a lot of cash was printed.
For stock prices to tumble down and crash, people need to take their money out of it. That’s only going to happen if there is another economy that people prefer to put their money in (like China).
So what is more likely to happen is we keep having stock prices go higher and higher, cause more and more money would be in circulation (so inflation). But our productive capacity could drop. So we could become much more poor, have little wealth all around, and go to the baker to buy 1 loaf of bread with $1000 price tag.
TLDR: when your economy represents basically “everything”, it won’t crash unless human civilization crashes.
- Comment on star bae 4 weeks ago:
I read the first two and thought black holes
- Comment on Its so joever 5 weeks ago:
So I’m in a weird right angel block of it is what it is, I guess it explains my half and half mood.
- Comment on 🐜❤️U 5 weeks ago:
“I ant you”
I ain’t you either
- Comment on What would you consider the 3 greatest movies ever made? 5 weeks ago:
Terminator 2 Lord of the rings trilogy Pulp fiction
- Comment on I made 2 days without a drink. Time to celebrate with a drink! 5 weeks ago:
You got to be married so you can drink your problems away?