- Comment on Whatever it takes to get to solidarity amongst the working class. 2 hours ago:
Many asses touched, so a brotherhood
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 1 day ago:
The stock market will always be up and going up if people keep putting more money in it.
Stocks represent all assets that can be sold and traded publicly. Although US infrastructure is crumbling, all the shit is still there.
Times are hard but we still have obscene material wealth (for now, here is hoping climate change doesn’t reduce that too much). Ironically, stocks should have gone down in the pandemic cause of the productive capacity dropping but it didn’t cause a lot of cash was printed.
For stock prices to tumble down and crash, people need to take their money out of it. That’s only going to happen if there is another economy that people prefer to put their money in (like China).
So what is more likely to happen is we keep having stock prices go higher and higher, cause more and more money would be in circulation (so inflation). But our productive capacity could drop. So we could become much more poor, have little wealth all around, and go to the baker to buy 1 loaf of bread with $1000 price tag.
TLDR: when your economy represents basically “everything”, it won’t crash unless human civilization crashes.
- Comment on star bae 1 day ago:
I read the first two and thought black holes
- Comment on Its so joever 6 days ago:
So I’m in a weird right angel block of it is what it is, I guess it explains my half and half mood.
- Comment on 🐜❤️U 6 days ago:
“I ant you”
I ain’t you either
- Comment on What would you consider the 3 greatest movies ever made? 1 week ago:
Terminator 2 Lord of the rings trilogy Pulp fiction
- Comment on I made 2 days without a drink. Time to celebrate with a drink! 1 week ago:
You got to be married so you can drink your problems away?
- Comment on Roll the blooper reel 1 week ago:
Found this right below this post:
- Comment on Horse goals 1 week ago:
Crab apples are basically little apples, and they’re safe to eat as long as you discard the seeds and pit.
Like bigger apples, they pack healthful nutrients — just on a smaller scale.
However, they may not always be palatable, which is why they’re not as commonly consumed as their larger counterparts.
Still, if you want to give them a try, you can eat them raw, tossed into salads or smoothies, or even made into a scrumptious jam.
Generally, bigger crab apples are the tastiest. As for the tinier ones — it may be best to leave those for the birds.
- Comment on Horse goals 1 week ago:
You know, there are smaller apple that humans can eat with one bite.
They are called crab apples
- Comment on Mainstream media's face when Trump dies of a hamburger heart attack and they have to go back to reporting like they used to. 1 week ago:
Oh you sweet summer child.
Media hysteria has been ramping up for decades.
Also, you really haven’t been paying attention to how divisive musk has become have you?
- Comment on Word of the day 1 week ago:
I mean, can you give my a moment?
- Comment on If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose? 1 week ago:
Red dead 2.
Gives me open wilderness with the very streamlined ability to hunt and live for the land.
Just got to make it past the TB and then boom, reincarnation as John and have a picture perfect family and farm.
I should replay it soon.
- Comment on These still don't taste like Steve Harvey.. 1 week ago:
I keep squinting my eyes but nothing is happening
- Comment on what if another country staged a coup in the US and deposed trump? 2 weeks ago:
Only way that would happen is if the military lets it.
Is there any country the military trusts more than the current president?
Hmmmm… Canada would be my closest guess.
- Comment on My entrepreneur bro be like: 2 weeks ago:
I like to imagine that he was at one point providing good copper, but eventually, once he became so famous that people built statues, he stopped caring about quality and went full con man.
- Comment on Tough question 2 weeks ago:
I just googled it, so take it with a grain of salt
- Comment on Tough question 2 weeks ago:
It’s 70% of the US, would explain a lot
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 2 weeks ago:
Feels like Japan tried hard to make it as different as possible
- Comment on It do be like that 2 weeks ago:
I honesty don’t care about reports or sub drama.
What is killing the lemmy experience for me is the constant clutter of US political outrage.
Being mad about things you can’t do anything about isn’t healthy.
Maybe it’s like this in other social media as well, I wouldn’t know much about that but I’m guessing Instagram and tick tock are probably less so given how uninformed their average user usually is.
- Comment on Just asking questions. 2 weeks ago:
So they remove the headrest in movies ehh
- Comment on Why do some people assume all immigrants are illegal and should "go back to where they came from"? Shouldn't that logic apply to all non-Native Americans? 2 weeks ago:
So people are programmed to be biased towards their own self interest, it’s not as malicious as it sounds, it’s unfortunately human nature.
So naturally they would think that the new world conquest was justified for whatever reason (maybe cause there was no flag?).
And conversely, naturally they would think of new people coming here as less justified, after all, we live in a modern world with borders now.
What I’ve learned from politics in the last few years, especially during the pandemic, never trust someone’s opinion when there is conflict of interest.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 3 weeks ago:
Certain minorities have higher chances of committing crimes as well but treating them differently based on that is textbook discrimination. Weird how one judgment is okay and the other is not.
- Comment on No mommy I don't want it 3 weeks ago:
And also, milk has nutritional values
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Man, these anti bot techniques are getting less effective.
- Comment on its 10pm 3 weeks ago:
In the cloud
- Comment on Sadge 3 weeks ago:
It’s from call of duty 4. You press F to pay respects to your dead friend.
- Comment on Sadge 3 weeks ago:
Kind of a stretch but I understood that reference.
For those who don’t, I’ll press F to pay respect
- Comment on Hypothetically existed 3 weeks ago:
It was funny in the mid 2000s cause we didn’t appreciate how hard it is to maintain a free encyclopedia. And even then it was only funny for certain pages.
- Comment on Yep, you did. 4 weeks ago:
Oh I 100% agree that feudalism is the end goal of capitalism, I actually think the US is getting too unstable for that. Imo civil war is closer than full on dictatorship, or at least I hope so.