Your body is essentially an oxidation reaction that it ponders its place in the universe.
A slowly burning fire that pays taxes.
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Your body is essentially an oxidation reaction that it ponders its place in the universe.
A slowly burning fire that pays taxes.
A slowly burning fire that pays taxes.
That’s poetry. Nicely done.
Yes. Oxygen does degrade our bodies. Unfortunately, we also need it to stay alive. Life be like that.
It’s reported many people who have died had varying amounts of oxygen in their bloodstream at the time of death.
Oh yeah, reactive oxygen species, right? But iirc those are only confined to certain parts of the cell
Just eat enough antioxidants to flush all of the oxygen out of your body!
Rust on the Myrtle Beach ferris wheel has also been shown to reduce fertility levels of crabs nearby, causing a dramatic drop in their population and California Bill 34 was passed to drastically limit how many can be caught, devastating the local fisheries!
For more information, Google “Rust ferris crab rule 34”
Wait a minute, something feels off…
I googled this and that’s enough internet for today.
Where does it lead? I’m not brave enough
Jeez, imagine coding in rust, that can’t be good for you.
its apparently safe
Prepare buckets of water for melted processors
Yeah, that is the “government” tells you!
If you think that is bad, just wait til you learn about Dihydrogen Monoxide. That shit kills.
Stop downplaying it, call it by it’s most descriptive name:
Hydric acid
100% of the people who drink dihydrogen monoxide eventually end up dying. Shit’s dangerous
there are three constants in life.
taxes, rule 34, And oxidation.
the fact that I made a rule 34 joke about this without even seeing this comment is so great
great minds think alike, or something.
HOW DARE YOU BAD MOUTH RUST LIKE THAT! Rust is natural, and isn’t anything bad. Let your body rust, and accept it’s warm embrace.
Have you tried doing it in Rust?
nah, i do tea
In rust we trust!
I bet you sheeple also drink dihydrogen monoxide every day!
Isn’t that there one of them… “forever chemicals”? 😂
Never trust atoms, they make up everything.
I’ve also heard that electrons in them cannot be relied upon - especially to be anywhere that they say they will (instead, they zip off to the other side of the whole galaxy/universe, then before you can tell anyone they’re gone, they are back again!) :-P.
Seriously, though, when those blue-green fuckers came up with oxygenic photosynthesis and started shitting oxygen all over the place they killed practically everything else on the planet, the bastards. Paleontologists call it the Oxygen Catastrophe or Oxygen Holocaust.
We joke but oxygen is a caustic poison and when it came on the scene, evolution practically had to start over
Be sure to drink plenty of Coke to dissolve the rust your body builds up from breathing!
Not just drink, inhale.
Is Pepsi okay?
is local store cola okay?
Check the label. Anything with sulfuric and phosphoric acid is good for rust removal. The reason why it’s in cola is simply because without it, it would be way too sweet from all the sugar.
Jeez man this oxygen addiction is too great cant withstand 30 seconds without oxygen
I can do at least 45 seconds up to a full minute.
If oxidation didn’t happen, you’d suffocate. 😌
No you!
This isn’t wrong. Don’t put oxygen on a pedastal, it’s toxic stuff.
I mean, it wouldn’t stay on the pedestal anyway. It would just float away.
It won’t float away if you freeze it first, of course it will sublimate away but not all at once.
That’s just lack of creativity from your part.
The OP didn’t say the composition of the pedestal, if it has cavities, its temperature…
Wait until OP learns about dihydrogen-monoxide.
I read some comment (so take it with a grain of salt) where someone who knew a bit of chemistry said, in a way we actually are damaged by the oxygen we breathe. Details foggy but they mentioned free radicals and our burning up on a cellular level, albiet over the course of our lifetimes
Yeah it’s why we have antioxidants. The idea is oxygen is constantly stealing electrons from nearby molecules and antioxidants help replace those electrons.
Life is just a constant form of slow death. Up until your body simply can’t replace the old cells fast enough anymore.
Oh good i remembered it roughly right. If you happen to have a good laymans source laying around already i could use a refresher. I mustve used the wrong search terms cuz i keep getting bunk ass health scam sites
It’s true. The medical field over the last few decades has curbed when to give patients high flow concentrated oxygen for this reason.
That’s why breathing pure oxygen is bad idea
So I know it’s a joke, but isn’t this why dietary antioxidants are good for you, is because they literally help inhibit the oxidation of your body?
Oxygen ravages electrons all day at the end of the electron transport chain and nobody bats an eye, but you steal one pair off some DNA and everybody loses their minds!
Also pure oxygen is bad long term
Just iron try to protect life from Cyanobacteria. The war is over, but it fights on.
Holding my breath from now on.
Sodium is a dangerous explosive, choride is a poisonous gas, yet we put the mixture of two into our food.
Raise awareness of sodium-cloride!
Oxygen is one of the most reactive gases. It can burn iron at 100°C.
It can burn diamond at 720 °C, what do you think it’ll do to soft tissue over the course of an entire lifetime. Things helping aerobic life survive are
a) partially consisting of partially oxidized polymers in the form of carbohydrates (remember, the only thing that cannot burn is what has already been burned);
b) oxygen’s peculiar, natural triplet state which greatly slows down its kinetics compared e.g. to its horrible relative, ozone.
This but unitronically
I thought this will somehow relate to rust programming language
What oxygen does to your lungs is what Rust does to your brain
I mean it’s not wrong, there’s a reason antioxidants are a thing.
Makes me think of the DHMO awareness campaign
Linking to this got me permanently banned from the entire Libera IRC network, apparently because a random snowflake mod also happened to be named Walter and decided it was a personal attack.
! 10 months ago
Every creature that had ever breathed oxygen, dies. That’s a 100% mortality rate. 10 months ago
Every creature that hadn’t breathed oxygen also dies. Can’t live with it can’t live without it. 10 months ago
A necessary evil 10 months ago
Turritopsis dohrnii would like to have a chat. 10 months ago
Anaerobes have entered the chat 10 months ago
I breathe oxygen, I’ve never died 10 months ago
All current living creatures are basically a rounding error in that calculation