- Comment on Pi Day 7 months ago:
You know, I thought about it after reading the comments here, and I’ve thought of one possible explanation for MM-DD-YYYY, that being the order you effectively get the useful information from a date.
Going by DD-MM-YYYY, you read the first part, and that tells you the day in a month, but not which month, just skimming that first section gives you no actually useful information about how near or far it is without reading the second.
Doing MM-DD-YYYY on the other hand, you first read the month, which immediately tells you what part of a year it is, and if it’s relatively sooner or later, and then reading the second part of the date just gives more precision, rather than the whole useful answer.
So basically, it makes it easier to skim dates within a year with more useful information listed first, whereas putting the year first would just delay or offset that same skimming method.
Day first gives a range of error between 0 and roughly 330 days without reading further, whereas month first gives a range of error of only up to 28 to 30 days depending on the month.
- Comment on meme 8 months ago:
Suppose I’ll perish
- Comment on The Indie Chat & Recommendation Thread 8 months ago:
Oh no, furries, the most apology worthy state of existence- Wait a minute…
- Comment on Oxygen 9 months ago:
Wait a minute, something feels off…
- Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭 1 year ago:
Yeah, I agree with that similarity to Warframe’s level of developer interaction.
Sure, in the past they’ve been slower to respond to feedback about problems, and often times old things have fallen out of relevance because something else just outright does the same thing, and more, but better.
But as it is now, DE really seems to be prioritizing listening to feedback, almost exponentially so, and as an example, bringing things up to par with what they should be at the current level of the game, a concept that much more rarely got the implementation it deserved in years before.