- Comment on smort 4 weeks ago:
Isn’t intelligence somewhat like the word “good” - as in, someone must be “good at” something, rather than inherently. Are cars “good”? (sometimes but not always…) Are cats? Are people? e.g. regarding the latter, there are many tasks for which a computing device is much better than most people - e.g. sorting a list of >1000000 elements, within one second (and then doing that task, without pausing or slowing down or error, in perpetuity). So the term “good” is only definable given a known fitness landscape.
Which then becomes somewhat naive to try to extrapolate beyond that - bc then someone good at sports could be said to be “intelligent” (at performing their particular sport?), or someone with high emotional flexibility at adaptive to new circumstances, etc. Ironically enough, someone with good accounting skills (always thinking within the box, that being the whole point for them) would likely make a horrible scientist (who needs to think OUTSIDE of the box), and potentially though not guaranteed vice versa.
So intelligence must be reflective of… SOMETHING, blah blah hand waving meaning things that “I” am good at, basically. I know right, I have all the best-er-est words, I am such a jenius, and so on.
How would that measure the intelligence of a tribal person who has not seen abstracted geometrical shapes?
So yeah, they would be less “intelligent” at performing those tasks that are measured by the test. Corollary: people on average may legitimately have gotten more intelligent over time, depending on availability of schooling. Thus necessitating adjustment of the measurement system, if the real goal was not to measure “intelligence” and rather to provide some kind of separation among people based solely on that singular metric (which itself should be questioned, if the people doing so are wise rather than merely intelligent:-).
- Comment on Frogge 5 weeks ago:
I see your… whatever that is, and raise you a honey badger don’t care.
- Comment on Frogge 5 weeks ago:
Ikr, like OP couldn’t have waited a couple days!? 🤪
- Comment on Creating a Lemmy assignment for college level comp course 5 weeks ago:
I don’t know what is going on with kids these days. Whatever it is, is not good. And also, large portions of it seem intentional, while other parts (No Child Left Behind) due to incompetence.
I know that we grew up in the era of information. But that was then, and this is now, the new era of not just mis-information but outright, active dis-information. Your Chinese device may legit be spying on you - see e.g. TP Link routers - it’s only a matter of probability based on how cheap that would have been to accomplish (undetected) at the time it was made. And if not, then perhaps they should have done it - it’s just strategic!? :-P
I think part of a revolution must start with opening our own eyes. e.g. some people wanted Bernie Sanders - but lol “no, not like that”. I’m not saying “bOtH sIdEs SaMe” - I’m not - however… qualitatively if not quantitatively, they kinda are, yeah. Speaking of, Bernie has a recent video about oligarchy where he points out what that means. The thing in: as he described how the government exists to serve the interests of a single person and their family, my thoughts turned to how Biden pardoned everyone that he wanted to be exempt from whatever. He’s not “tHe SamE” as his opponent - he’s not! But… isn’t he though?
Regardless of Truth vs. Falsehood, I at least understand that this is how people perceive things. No nuance, no subtlety, no room for quantitative differences. So, now we will get what we wanted: not having to think deeply anymore in order to vote. Before, our votes barely mattered as certain oligarchs got what they wanted either way, whereas now, other, different oligarchs get what they want this way.
Brace yourself: I don’t think there will be another Presidential election, or least that the probability of such is maybe 50%. He said that he’d be a dictator, and he was. He also said that we’d never have to vote again. We’ll see. Long before that, Project 2025 says that it will start gunning for the liberal academic institutions present in this country. Be careful, and maybe start thinking of a backup plan? Teaching kids who don’t want to learn in the first place may no longer be a viable career option in the extremely near future - even for you who has the job already. Sorry, this has got to be stressful to think about… but it’s a real worry. Even if there is another election, the ratchet has been dialed up, and that tends to never go back down, especially lately, and only ever forwards:-|. Btw this is not “despair”, this is my attempt at least at being a realist.
Bc more to the point, it’s what the people want. As long as that remains true, and at some point long beyond that, such will continue. This is our new normal - and it’s not about “sad” or “happy”, it simply is.
- Comment on Should I avoid communities on 1 month ago:
Other reasons to avoid, besides those already mentioned here, include that you will not be allowed to say things offhand about countries such as Russia or China or North Korea with your same account even in communities located on other instances. You either comply FULLY, even when elsewhere, or else you are banned from the entire instance. You can read more about such practices in communities like !
Also a lot of other “not extremists” have blocked that instance altogether, so besides having access to your community able to be yanked out from under you at any time (far more than usual I mean), you also will miss out on interactions with those other people. You will be willfully choosing to remain inside of that echo chamber, which is such to a significantly higher degree than the vast majority of Lemmy overall, and legitimately much higher than even Reddit (no joke, again, read for yourself the stories in that and other communities). Whereas if you choose a community not on, then you can still interact with people from that instance, just elsewhere.
Also, you could be told that the mod hopes to kill you someday. Sadly, I’m not joking there either (some selected quotes: "nono I don’t want to shoot for pointing that it’s a game, I want to shoot you because…”, and then later tripling down still further, e.g. stating “I hope you die soon.”).
See e.g.
- Comment on Josh Johnson - The Failure, Fear, And Frenzy around Luigi Mangione 2 months ago:
I love Josh Johnson! I hope to see him behind the chair in TDS soon.
- Comment on Stop making up states 2 months ago:
Bc it’s so far past that it has become its own thing. Like there’s “mental illness”, and then there’s “Florida”!:-P
- Comment on Stop making up states 2 months ago:
I would say that this is perfection, if it weren’t for the simple fact that most states are in far more danger of Ohio than this shows… :-D
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
It used to still be a worthwhile investment though. These days… it can be, but it’s not guaranteed. You also can learn most things online for free, so what is it even getting for you, really?
But that only if you are willing to push for them, and so many kids are only there purely bc their parents send them, like an extended daycare or continuation of high school. I’m not saying it’s not worthwhile, but it requires a VERY serious commitment, and so many people are not willing to live up to that.
See also the recent discussion in ! Is college in the USA worth the financial investment?
- Comment on Is something happening in South Korea? 3 months ago:
fr fr
Believe it or not, but I was lazy myself in writing my comment. It would have been better to have a question mark at the end. ❓
- Comment on Is something happening in South Korea? 3 months ago:
AI slop
- Comment on Cats are Healers 3 months ago:
Knowing that you survived probably gives you a nice hormonal boost:-).
- Comment on Cats are Healers 3 months ago:
Survivorship bias: those who survive the encounter have lowered stress.😁
- Comment on Should Germany aquire nuclear weapons? 3 months ago:
What if the USA decides to side with Russia against Germany?
- Comment on I just saw this in a supermarket and I am now very upset and angry at whoever thought of such a thing and you need to feel my pain. 3 months ago:
This works for every nation I can think of… that would offer this product on their shelves.
- Comment on I just saw this in a supermarket and I am now very upset and angry at whoever thought of such a thing and you need to feel my pain. 3 months ago:
Let us know your progress, m’kay? :-P (inquiring tastebugs demand to know! and no I’ve decided not to change that spelling!)
- Comment on On Wednesdays we wear pink. 3 months ago:
- Comment on Creating a Lemmy assignment for college level comp course 3 months ago:
Translation: you have a fulfilling career and an actual life, rather than e.g. health issues that required some downtime as I did over the past year:-).
But I went through similar shock multiple times in my life, finding out that people are not what I thought they were. This recent USA election was yet another one, and the one that originally elected DT as well. It helps me understand people, which might be good I dunno, but it also makes me lose faith in the entire democratic system, especially in this post-information, disinformation age. It is like the system is under the assault of a foreign agent, which causes cancerous growths, yet we seem to have had zero immune system response to it. At which point this “body” is not “ours” anymore, it has been taken over. And yet, this is also the way that it has always been - e.g. predating the Civil War - but we were just fooling ourselves to think otherwise, again and again.
Anyway, back to the kids: they think differently than we did growing up, and also we ourselves did not pay attention at the time, but we too thought differently than others around us. That’s the reality to have to deal with, or else change careers.
A look at video games is instructive: before I was born even there were more “frustrating” games (that still persist today) like D&D where you go to all the trouble to make a character, then they die in some campaign, which gives people a “sad” feeling. Hence, most games don’t do that, preferring instead to build characters up and keep reintroducing them even if they leave, to really tell a STORY where they are the main character(s). Anyway, back to people irl: they prefer not to feel any sort of frustration at all - and btw if they do, it is the school’s fault (No Child Left Behind said so) - and instead just want short, simple, straightforward hops right into the magical “job-land”, where jobs are passed out like candy, yet do not involve doing the 4-letter word “work”.
Also, we could totally be surveilled by corporations here - everything is free and open to the public, including these very words I say right here & now. It is just that their surveillence does not dictate our user experience, as it did on e.g. Reddit, before we left it. And ofc they don’t want to resist - they hope to get jobs IN that very corporate hegemony!
Speaking of capitalism, the phrase “Make America Great Again” keeps reminding me of how the top marginal tax rate was like 90%, so the literal thing that made America GREAT was basically socialism, and government regulation reigning in the worst excesses of capitalism, i.e. I mean the slavery part. Unions were strong, protections were put into place, but then we (collectively) forgot, so now we’re losing them. It’s our own faults:-(. However, rather than return to the greater level of socialism that we had then, to make America truly GREAT again - an example could be to limit the purchasing of housing by corporations that have zero plans to actually live inside of them - we instead will turn to fascism, b/c that always ends well in history I suppose (by those who refuse to learn either “from it” or even “it” to begin with).
Get those thoughts out of your head: it will never happen. I am not saying that resistance is futile (hehehe), just that it needs to not be naive. The Democratic campaign we now see was not savvy enough to function, and if we were smart enough and could be open enough to have seen that, then we could have tried other things - e.g. perhaps Kamala Harris could have risked angering the extremely wealthy in a more desperate bid to keep DT from the throne, rather than act assured that she would win regardless. What the Fediverse is good for though - imho you understand ofc - is not to be subversive, and rather to enjoy, as you say, out from under the bootheels of corporate advertising. NO ADS is a fantastic selling point, even to those of us who use ad blockers to begin with.
BTW the mealtime videos moving has nothing to do with hexbear - it’s really a complicated situation that has little to do with anything toxic, and much more to do with how it would be preferrable to not have every single community on the entire Fediverse located at Lemmy.World. But if it is hexbear drama that you want, here is a perfect post to read: TLDR: they aren’t “leftist”, they are trolls who only pretend to be thus, exactly like the MAGATs that claim that they are “defending” (rather than overthrowing) democracy. And what’s more, they know it - they just don’t want you to say it, exactly like a toddler seeing what they can get away with.
Don’t forget the guy in The Matrix who CHOSE, nay BEGGED to be put back in.
ApesHumans just want to “be comfortable”, it would seem. The thing that seems to get people out of that is pain, as the mother of innovation and all of that. 1984/Animal Farm. People are Sheeple. Like a drowning victim, you cannot help someone who refuses to be helped: you can only encourage / try to motivate them to try to change their own direction.Which is why I think you will be a good teacher: b/c you care! Either that or a bad one, if you allow everyone to take advantage of you along the way and then break from the strain - b/c man is that whole system becoming predatory these days! Please, PLEASE take care of yourself - whatever you have to do in order to make that happen.:-)
- Comment on Creating a Lemmy assignment for college level comp course 4 months ago:
I mean on the one hand kinda yeah, and it was always going to be thus. On the other hand, allow me to encourage you by reminding you that your job was not to teach them about freedom & open-source goodness so much as critical thinking skills. So even if they don’t get it NOW, so long as they have the tools to get it LATER that will be enough.
If you are in America, then realize that No Child Left Behind did a grave disservice - sorry if you said that earlier and I forgot, though also, I am hearing of similar occurrences all around the world as the wealthy do not see a need for the middle class to exist any longer, hence are pushing to cut back funding for edumacashun.
Add to that how the current generation is all about achievements involving “scores”, not really intellectually curiosity - plus, how could they truly know much of anything anyway when the body of knowledge is now so much vaster than what a human brain could hope to comprehend? Which was always true in our lifetimes anyway, but now it’s true even for one field or even sub-field underneath a field, plus Googling existed - or at least did, whereas its demise lately might feel like a blip while we merely await its return, being rebirthed from the ashes of a purifying fire, a Phoenix of internet searching if you will? :-P Anyway, in the absolute height of irony, they literally cannot afford to be too curious, or they will be kicked out of college for refusing to “learn”.
But give them a few years after leaving it and… maybe they’ll turn around, some of them anyway? Perhaps your REAL job is to inspire in them a lifetime love of learning? :-P
It does bug me that spez was correct though - he really did see clearly into the hearts of the lazy bums who endlessly mindlessly scroll through content regurgitated from decades past, plus those actual niche subs that are too frightened to move away. Then again, we can be pretty toxic here as well, just like there, so is it really all that different here, vs. there, except that here we lack the content that they have there? I strongly, vehemently maintain that the MAXIMUM experience here is better, and probably the average is too but e.g. I was reading a post this morning where someone said that they thought that was named that way as a joke and almost joined it, before realizing that it was serious - if they had though, then its being defederated by almost other instance would have enhanced its echo chamber effect enormously, by bringing in next to no outside material, only what is local on that instance itself. And could you imagine joining hexbear, or even making a post there unawares? I still shudder from my own experience of merely making a singular reply to a comment there, all of ONCE (something middle-of-the-road such as “at least Biden brought gas prices down just prior to the midterm elections, which helped Dems win those crucial Congressional seats, which isn’t nothing” - and I got my ASS handed to me for several WEEKS and WEEKS where they would just all pile on, long past when I was so done with it, and ngl after I made the same mistake in I very nearly left Lemmy myself rather than put up with such a barrage - all from different accounts, mind you, so that blocking is horribly inefficient).
We are still fairly new, and dynamic, and all of us still learning how to make things work - e.g. But that’s also what makes it “exciting” for some of us. And yet, the interface and interactions are legit less polished overall, so it really does seem to endear itself more to those of us with an “early adopter” mindset. And maybe that’s okay, especially for now, and all the more so if that is what keeps us kind and worth coming here to:-).
Don’t lose heart. In the assignment sure, but deeper than that, you’re doing a good work - which I can say with certainty b/c you care, and that right there is basically everything? The details you’ll work out later:-P.
- Comment on Creating a Lemmy assignment for college level comp course 4 months ago:
Yeah, advocating for literal murder, e.g. of someone who chooses to own stock, we have not only a toxicity problem but overall a quite shocking divergence from the experiences visible on other more moderated platforms, such as X (which also advocates for murder these days I hear, but only in such matters as are soon to be approved by The State, like giving cops free reign to murder anyone they choose - but only lasting for one hour, bc otherwise that would be just ridiculous, you know!?🤪🫠).
On the one hand, getting out from under the thumb of regulations is fantastic, compared to not being able to do thus at all. While on the other, people can be so unfriendly and waste so much of our time having to sift through such nonsense (as is sponsored by The Other, Opposing State).
So yeah, I guess it is a bit like 4chan? (Not that I’m speaking from personal experience, but from the stories told about it, it shares similarities?:-P) But then again, Internet 1.0 did not offer the ability to federate as we now can, so actually I think it’s a step forward, more than merely back - yes we are rolling back some features that were quite bad (corporate sponsorship), but we get to keep most of the good - e.g. the ability to view images and even videos directly inside the post without having to leave the site to view them elsewhere and then return. We have the best of both of those worlds!?:-)
- Comment on Creating a Lemmy assignment for college level comp course 4 months ago:
That’s so cool! Do be careful but yeah, it is such a wonderful experiment. On the one hand, if I didn’t have access to Lemmy, I would never have found out that e.g. after Biden forbade the railway workers from striking (two Christmases ago iirc?), he worked with them for MONTHS to get them all the things they needed e.g. time off with paid sick leave. The corporate media (for the most part) refused to cover it, probably bc it was boring and they couldn’t sell ads as effectively with such content as well as something that bleeds and thus leads.
On the other hand, Lemmy also allows disinformation campaigns to spread too, e.g.:
(For one it ignores how both Russia and China are doing genocide - relevant bc on where it was posted you are only allowed to criticize such things when the “other side”, meaning Western capitalism, does it, so like you can say how the USA aids Israel’s genocide but you can not say how Russia is doing similarly in the Ukraine, or China to the Uyghurs, etc. - and it ignores that Trump has said that he will write Israel a blank check to do even more, instead seemingly pointing blame at Biden’s administration for doing genocide, all without ever saying so explicitly but that seems the implication, given the timing of it being released just prior to the USA election? Oh well, surely anything that fosters apathy among the voting populace could never influence the outcome now could it…?)
You might point people to !, and post to that community yourself anything that you want a new user to know?
Also check out PieFed - it lacks significant polish, e.g. if you tag my username there like I will not receive a notification bc that feature hasn’t been implemented yet, but especially for a student has such great resources so it at least is something to be very aware of and kinda show off what the Fediverse has to offer now plus where it is heading in the future. Especially as so many people want to get away from the “tankies” - e.g. Lemmy.World announced wanting to support a different project, Sublinks, though that one might be stalled at this point:-(.
Do let us all know how your experiment turns out? I mean make a post somewhere (and please tag me to make sure I see it!:-) so we can all be enriched by your efforts and the fruit that they bring:-). If you need a suggestion for a community, maybe… ! or !
- Comment on Reddit is profitable for the first time ever, with nearly 100 million daily users 4 months ago:
Definitely Reddit’s buildup was smart. The transition to profitability not so much. Although we’ll see.
Man, remember all those who kept arguing against it? I would say “Reddit is dying”, and these new accounts that had never visited my sub before we decided it should go dark suddenly appeared and started talking crap about anyone who criticized Reddit. That should have been a smoking gun alone for people to realize what was going on. But instead, people just said “yup, that’s Reddit for you”. Which extremely unfortunately… they were right, bc that is what it had become by that time.
i.e., spez didn’t kill Reddit by denying the usage of third-party apps - that was merely the final nail in the coffin for many of us, topping off a process that had begun several years earlier.
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 4 months ago:
Speak for yourself! I want it known that *I* for one, am *very* immature!:-P
Ah, that part “without rational grounds to do so” makes such a huge difference doesn’t it? :-D
Like e.g.:
Ignoring all the genocide done by Russia, and China, and North Korea, but hyper-focusing on the not even direct but mere indirect aid to the actual genocide-doing people, and even then painting with an extremely broad brush and saying that nobody who thinks otherwise exists within the group on that “other side”.
I disagree though that it is directed at “random” people. Hexbears yes (it’s kinda their whole thing!:-P), perhaps too (whose content definitely appears on your instance) - though importantly, Lemmy.World (which this community is based in) defederates from both of those, and has ~80% of the monthly active users btw (thus the userbase “here” only partially but mostly may not be thought of to include those 2 instances, depending on how you look at it?) - and yes also that mod of who told the person to kill themselves seemed fairly random as well (yet all the more troublesome since is federated by nearly every instance, the only exceptions being tiny single-admin ones). But the above image, note from the URL that it is from, seems not entirely “random” to me - it is instead very much “directed”, at a particular group. As that style of propaganda tends very much to be… not “random” at all!
Although conservative Alt-Right sources appeared on Reddit as well, so both sites have a hefty amount of “alternative fact” sources. Moderation efforts are a more limiting resource on Lemmy so it makes sense that there is more of it here, overall. So long as we allow the lure of communities such as ! to sway us as we retain federation with those instances that not only allow but propagate that content, from the very site instance admins themselves, the situation will remain - the only recourse being for people to either leave their instances and go somewhere that allows defederation (either instance-wide such as the tiny or; or switch to Mbin or PieFed that allows full content blocking of any instance that any user specifies, without needing admin approval).
- Comment on Reddit is profitable for the first time ever, with nearly 100 million daily users 4 months ago:
This sounds familiar, almost as if history could perhaps, maybe, just possibly… repeat itself? Nah! (says spez)
People will follow the content creators indeed. Right now I’m not sure where they went though. The last I looked, it was basically nowhere, though to the extent that it was anything I thought it was X (even if via a temporary Mastodon intermediate). Musk fed Huffman bad info, which the Musk himself was not doing (or rather, the circumstances were entirely opposite - a public company going private rather than one attempting to make the polar opposition transition), and Huffman was dumb enough to fall for it, then Musk rakes in the rewards for his dirty deed.
Nowadays - or perhaps soon - as you said it might be Bluesky. So trading one corporate landlord for another, but it makes sense - the content creators will go wherever their audience is, and then the latter will in turn mindlessly follow the hoarde, but with an enormous delay measured in high number of months to even years. Plus, content creators need revenue to survive, e.g. how many videos is Ian Danskin (of Innuendo Studios) putting out these days? Then again, how many people especially younger ones even watch 20-30 minute long “video essays”, rather than TikTok(-style) short-form clips?
All the rest: yup.
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 4 months ago:
Here’s a whole playlist from that same author that is amazing:…. The first one there will probably fuck you up though - it did me - as paradigm shattering is supposed to do, but hey, I did want to warn you in advance (to be absolutely clear: yes it is SOOO worth it!).
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 4 months ago:
more mature and can actually discuss complex topics
I mean… well okay, more than Reddit yeah, for sure, in the sense that here at least it is possible at all.
Witch hunting is becoming a worse problem here than in Reddit.
How so? Genuinely I’m wondering lately if I’m causing issues. Generally that phrase presumes that the “witches” do not exist (I … thought?), but e.g. tankies (literally: those who deny that the Tiananmen Square massacre ever took place, like with actual fatalities rather than being staged or some such) actually do exist. Anyway, I wonder if it’s a natural reaction to the contentious atmosphere that has developed. Like all it takes is one person to walk into Chapotraphouse unawares, and bam, now you have radicalized someone against the bullies on the Fediverse.
Oh, or you might mean the overzealous modding of certain instances? Though I think that predates the Rexodus, so it’s not “becoming a problem” so much as it was here long before most of us that are now here came over. e.g. here’s a post from 3 years ago with a very familiar tone: But I would argue that it is as true now as it was then: people don’t enjoy being on the receiving end of intolerance, hence tend to be intolerant right back, and yet that is as it should be.
Anyway, the Fediverse has a lot more technical work to get done before it can be more palatable to most people, without HEAVY blocking - as that 3-year-old post shows, the issue isn’t going away anytime soon, hence the friction between mutually opposing ideological constructs (e.g. “people in the USA should just die”, vs… not that) is only going to spark more conflicts. We’d best settle in and get used to it.
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 4 months ago:
Not on Lemmy proper but both Mbin and PieFed have that already. e.g. visit, click 3 horizontal bars -> Topics.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 4 months ago:
Both Mbin and PieFed have “categories”, so that you don’t need to search for and find communities at all - you can simply join like “memes”, underneath “Chillin”, and it’ll show all of them. You can fine-tune further, but hunting through All can be a thing of the past. So… it’s happening, not in Lemmy per se (yet) but in the wider Fediverse it’s already here. See it yourself in action at e.g.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 4 months ago:
For real, there are people who will volunteer to do that, to help a community get off the ground. See !
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 4 months ago:
On PieFed, although I’m not sure what I think about it, posts with more than one user-defined threshold will get auto-collapsed, and then a second such threshold allows it to be hidden entirely.
So two people with opposing preferences could browse the same community but see it differently. The one wanting to see everything being allowed to do so - rather than that being the arbitrary decision of a mod (team), and the content hidden away in a mod log somewhere else, mostly inaccessible. Whereas the one who didn’t want to “waste” their time, and rather trusting the feedback of the community, could have those collapsed or hidden if they so choose.
This allows democratization of the modding process: every voter is equally a mod as the next. Or maybe some trusted members more so than others? (But if so, it can’t be TOO much higher than the others, or it could become overwhelming)
The major pitfall I see is if votes are allowed outside of the community, then it’s vulnerable to being brigaded easily by a larger outside force.
Still, it’s fascinating to see these experiments actually happen in that software that is available right now! e.g. on