- Comment on Every base is base 10 9 months ago:
I made it to 27 on my first attempt, so def messed up somewhere. Also, my fingers don’t want to work that way.
- Comment on Every base is base 10 9 months ago:
50 years? We can’t even switch to metric.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
It’d a meme bro, chill.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Sorry. Would it help if I diversify my account and make it look like they come from unique sources?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Is there a limit on creativity now?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I mean my posts were topical, relevant, and halirous. I spent about 10 seconds of hard work putting them together and they were really just repraising the hits. Where did I go wrong?
- Comment on Fossils 9 months ago:
Omg the pedentry needs to stop. Specific to what ever fossil is being refer too.
- Comment on What if as I get older, like a Mandela effect, everyone's understanding of what the average life span is increases? 9 months ago:
- Comment on What if as I get older, like a Mandela effect, everyone's understanding of what the average life span is increases? 9 months ago:
Sorry, it’s very difficult to explain. I don’t think many people will get it in retrospect. I apologize.
- Submitted 9 months ago to [deleted] | 8 comments
- Comment on Solve a puzzle for me 9 months ago:
Damn, this one doesn’t even know about the cabbage
- Comment on Anon seeks enlightenment 9 months ago:
Who plays the monkey?
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Who dude, just answer the question. If answering or asking doesn’t appeal to you just move on.
I thoroughly enjoy all the answers I’ve received and the discussion around it. Sorry I don’t live up to your “no stupid questions” question standard.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
So how do reconcile the top answer knowing what you know? Money is needed to enhance the exchange of goods and services but also is used a tool for controlling prople.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
So money is used to control people?
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
This is the crux of it. Currency is essential because it allows people to exchange goods and services in a timely manner. What it is used for today is not essential to individuals.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Even if I were "putting pressure on myself your inclination that I’m the one who has deemed money the mist essential thus providing you with your sought out evidence. Now kind sir, I say good day.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
People… deem money… you kddn me?
- Comment on Picasso Moth 9 months ago:
To think that moth didn’t have a name until Picasso came around
- Comment on What a clown 9 months ago:
Would watch. Get to work.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Extropolating, want, or greed, is what gives money its value?
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
It’s a hard question to ask. I’d rather pin down why it’s essential then ask why it’s deemed the only thing that is essential.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Just money?
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
No, I need this salt for lima beans.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
To pay for more goods and services that extract value.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Food, people make food in excess.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Time, agree, time is what is essential to everyone here on this planet.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
I being obtuse, for sure, but why does your land lord need you to provide him goods and services?