Video playing, ad that scrolls, two lines of a story, the bottom popping up with notifications every few minutes over the top of more scrolling ads.
Yay internet.
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Video playing, ad that scrolls, two lines of a story, the bottom popping up with notifications every few minutes over the top of more scrolling ads.
Yay internet.
I think all the people who are recommending things like Firefox plus uBlock are missing the point. Mobile internet shouldn’t require that to be readable. It’s bad design and it should be discouraged. If you want advertising on your site, fine, but don’t make it so obtrusive that it makes the site literally unreadable.
Mobile internet shouldn’t require that to be readable.
You’re right, but we can’t realistically affect web designers directly. We can only control our devices, so we should focus our energy there first.
To be fair, it’s not the web developers doing this… It’s the people they work for.
No, they’re not missing the point. We all agree that mobile should have readability, it’s just that the reality is we have no way to enforce it. Also, Firefox extensions like “Automatic Reader View” allow you to whitelist websites and force Firefox Reader view by default, as an attempt to create a plage more like what you are looking for without needing top down force that it would require to fix the issue (we all know chrome won’t do it)
Even the “story” is a fucking ad.
Has a human race, we have developed such amazing technologies over the last 30 years. It’s staggering. My political ideologies don’t really skew much near communism, but holy shit. This is the closest I’ve come in a long time to cracking open my copy of The Marx-Engels Reader in long time
You know what makes me sad? Knowing that the most talented and creative minds on our time are probably working on the advertising industry.
Ladbible gamingbible is a site with no original content it is all copy pasted or stolen packed with ads.
Firefox + uBlock Origin
How do so many people still not do this?
IPhone users can’t do this. It’s actually only available on Android. I was surprised to find this out earlier this year.
I have some friends who think they are superior because they can use ichat… It’s pretty sad. Like… Oh no, I’m a green chat box. I guess I’ll cry into Revanced and Firefox for mobile. Plus, even if I had an iPhone, I’d still be using Signal.
I have a DNS ad blocker on my network so no need.
Firefox Mobile has uBlock Origin that works on every site, even in incognito mode. Give it a try if this post pains you!
Even iOS and Samsung fucking browser gave ad blockers.
Chrome mobile is shit and purposefully so.
You can also use Fennec (Firefox) or Kiwi Browser (Chrome) forks for Android. Both support uBlock Origin.
The Internet is unusable without an ad blocker
Fandom wikis are so fucking shit at this
this site helps looking up stuff on fandom wikis without going insane.
You’re an amazing beautiful being and I love you forever! 🫀🫀🫀
They really are the worst. You’d think a wiki site could place their ads tastefully, but clearly not with Fandom.
I’m reminded of that Futurama episode where the gang logs onto year-3000 VR internet and is immediately assaulted by a vicious swarm of flying viagra ads.
I’m actually surprised this hasn’t happened to streaming services yet.
Firefox+Ublock origin rules
So when shifting to firefox with ublock origin?
Bro is using chrome 💀💀💀
I remember the internet before popups. It was so nice…
When was that? I only really got into computers around the time of windows 98 and back then everything was a pop-up on the internet. You would actually go to war against the popups, trying to close more that were opening.
Maybe that was on XP tho because I don’t really remember it that well. I certainly remember looking up what the word incest meant for a school assignment and having to rush to close popup ads at the public library. It was the first time I used the internet and it was not a great first impression.
Around the time of Windows 95. You missed it by -->| |<– that much.
Firefox + ublock with popups disabled + duckduckgo
What’s duckduckgo for in this combo? VPN? Search?
the DDG browser can setup a “fake vpn” tracking blocker for your entire phone. Last I checked certain apps were excluded by default as the tech is quite new and some apps don’t work right with it. It’ll then give you an overview of how many tracking attempts it blocks for each app.
This is the Way.
people would blame javascript, but i am no dev :/
I mean it’s technically true that it’s javascript allows for this. But it’s also true that your OS kernel allows this to happen too.
I think it’s best to keep it simple and just blame whoever owns the site that decides it would be a good idea to do these things. Because they could just decide not to add some JS code to display shit like this.
phones used to be fun to use, now they’re just miserable because advertisers have weaponized the limitations of the format
There’s like an ad every paragraph or two on sites like these. Then apparently that’s not enough so they have auto-playing video ads and pop-up ads too. Do they seriously think people will tolerate this and not go off the website?
The sad thing is that there are enough people who don’t care to keep their revenue up.
I really wish the entire world would just take one week off the internet, would be interesting.
And the cherry on top is that the article is probably AI generated garbage anyways
Using an ad blocker is essentially a requirement these days
Firefox; load the page and then view it in Reader Mode.
Or add ublock origin to firefox, to remove ads.
LMAO man i swear that i’ve seen something similar in some futuristic dystopian movie.
This looks normal by today’s standards
We estimate we can sell up to 80% of an individuals visual field before inducing seizures.
I have adhd. When I can internet on my laptop, I read fast, massive info processing, able to rapidly research vast amounts of data, mind can work high speed.
Right now, I have no internet. Trying to accomplish anything on my tiny phone, brain can’t compute, carving on stone tablets slow.
I’m completely with you, on my computer I’m very productive but on my phone I can’t do anything work-related.
Ublock origin is your friend or use brave browser
or use brave browser
Maybe not...
Brave under fire for violating users’ trust
Brave browser CEO apologizes for automatically adding affiliate links to cryptocurrency URLs
True, i used brave and frankly i didn’t feel safe with it. Not just the browser, but the company in general.
If you want or need something chromium based, a good alternative IMHO is Vivaldi, although partially open source.
Clever people recommending browsers, DNSes, extentions… But is it how this suppose to work?
Normalize pure HTML websites.
I think I might put that on a T-shirt. Ferchrissakes. The propensity for everyone to want to build a GD React SPA with gobs of unnecessary Javascript is so very rampant right now.
Let the backlash begin. Someone has got push back on the hegemony of Javascript frameworks as the Golden Hammer of the Internet has just got to end.
I remember when Spring came along and effectively put the end to baroque J2EE stuff; it seems that the frontend is long overdue for this type of revolution. Or at least stop inflicting this awful experience on the users…why do I need to keep upgrading my computers every few years, just to browse the freaking Internet? Why is Javascript necessary to read text? It’s ridiculous.
The front end ecosystem is a bit out of control, but the issue isn’t JavaScript. Nearly every site uses it and people don’t notice.
Business are making intentional design decisions that lead to what we see here.
Can’t believe some websites think this is ok somehow… Today I’ve been trying to find some recipes and so many websites have endless popups and annoyances as you scroll through the page. It’s seriously awful. I don’t know how people cope without adblocker!
Go there, paste the URL to the recipe, and it’ll extract it from the bullshit for you.
Thank you - bookmarked!
To address the biggest one to use Firefox I actually have it on my phone it’s just remembering to break the habit.
Set FF as default then hide the icon for chrome in a folder.
I went from 100% chrome fanboy to Brave, and finally Firefox because I couldn’t look past the way Brave sold out it’s users for a very small amount of money.
FF is probably where I’ll stay. FOSS forever!
Next step is Mull (hardened Firefox).
Uhm, get FireFox with uBlock Origin???
In iOs, how do you get Firefox to open in Private Browsing as default? Going back and forth is a nightmare.
Oh no in iOS you’re prettyy much stuck with Safari, as every browser is basically a safari reskin.
I’d recommend Safari and AdGuard, the free version of AdGuard works well enough. Brave browser on iOS also works well.
Actually it’s your fault for not using ad-block.
Technically you can blame a website, but this is the case with almost all of them. The whole internet is like this and you cannot do anything about it. At least not by yourself.
Instead, you should fix this for yourself:
Cries in iphone…
(But you can install pihole on a raspberry pi, install it on your home LAN, set up a VPN on your home LAN, and connect to that VPN and enjoy a lot less ads!)
No crying required, you can use something like NextDNS for DNS level ad blocking on iOS, and there are plenty of Safari extensions to help with this stuff.
I use 1Blocker for ads, Hush to block cookie notices, and Unobstruct to remove persistent overlays as needed. While we’re at it, Noir adds dark mode support to every webpage, StopTheMadness prevents websites doing hostile things (such as preventing copy and paste), and PiPifier for making every web video support picture in picture mode.
Wait hold on, I’m just now learning how to operate my raspberry pi, what is pi-hole?
I installed Rvnc on it last week, is pi-hole similar?
The afs make it impossible to even read articles any more. It’s parasitic. The purpose of going to a site gets thwarted by extreme ads creating so much visual clutter I just nope right the fuck out of there. 1 year ago
Firefox is available for Android. You can install add-ons, like UBlock, just as you would on desktop 1 year ago
Also Firefox gives you reading mode which gives you well formatted text without distracting images or ads.
Sometimes help you to circumvent site registration and read the article.
Also supports dark mode. 1 year ago
That this is needed, is sad. Not because of ads but feature creep in the web. 1 year ago
Chromium browsers offer ‘simplified view for web pages’. In the accessibility settings . It does not work on all page though.
But yeah, just use Firefox or one of it’s forks like Mull 1 year ago
Safari also has reader mode. 1 year ago
By default? I had to install an addon called “Dark reader”. 1 year ago
The last Firefox on android that really worked for me with the about:reader?url=http://… Ability to force pages into it was 68, which I keep around for that reason.
Can 117 do it on all pages? 1 year ago
Never “UBlock” always use “UBlock Origin”.“UBlock origin” is way better(filters) than UBlock. It’s available for Firefox android. 1 year ago
1000011214 11 months ago
Firefox mobile is slow AF. 1 year ago
Ublock origin.
not Ublock.
Ublock is scam software.