- Comment on Games can no longer use virtual currencies to disguise the price of in-game purchases in the European Union 3 days ago:
This is one of those radical ideas that people are terrified of, because it would kill the business models of a lot of massive corporations. It’s easy to spin that as the death of the game industry, rather than what it is: the death of a business practice.
Like the laws against underage smoking probably wiped out billions in shareholder value, but that was objectively a good thing. Banning (or heavily regulating) in-game purchases would also be a good thing, no matter how much it affects existing players. If it leads to the death of name brands like EA, Ubisoft, etc. then who cares? The market will readjust and new players who were able to adapt to the changed environment will take their place.
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
“real time raytracing” as is advertised by hardware vendors and implemented in games today is primarily faked by AI de-noising. Even the most powerful cards can’t fire anywhere near enough rays to fully raytrace a scene in realtime, so instead they just fire a very low number of rays, and use denoising to clean up the noisy result. That’s why, if you look closely, you’ll notice that reflections can look weird, and blurry/smeary (especially on weaker cards). It’s because the majority of those pixels are predicted by machine learning, not actually sampled from the real scene data.
Blender/Maya’s and other film raytracers have always used some form of denoising (before machine learning denoising, there were other algorithms used), but in films they’re applied after casting thousands of rays per pixel. In a game today, scenes are rendering around 1 ray per pixel, and with DLSS it’s probably even less since the internal render resolution is 2-4x smaller than the final image.
As a technologist, I’ll readily admit these are cool applications of machine learning, but as a #gamer4lyfe, I hate how they look in actual games. Until gpus can hit thousands (or maybe just hundreds) of rays per pixel in real time, I’ll continue to call it “fake AI bullshit” rather than “real time raytracing”
also, here’s an informative video for anyone curious:
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
The cost of DoF rendering far outweighs the memory savings of using reduced texture sizes, especially on older hardware where memory would be at a premium
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
I’m on a 4090 an ray tracing increases the temperature in my room by a degree or three
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
I always hated bloom, probably because it was overused. As a light touch it can work, but that is rarely how devs used it.
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
I like DoF as it actually has a purpose in framing a subject. The rest are just lazy attempts at making the game “look better” by just slopping on more and more effects.
Current ray tracing sucks because its all fake AI bullshit.
- Comment on From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014) 2 weeks ago:
In heat of battle, anyone can form a brand new relationship sooner than that.
Explains why all the incels are backing Trump. They hope to find their boyfriend-free virgin girlfriend on the battlefield of the civil war.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 56 comments
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 weeks ago:
FFXIV released in 2013. That’s ~12 years ago, which is about 105,120 hours of human existence.
105,120/28,625 = 3.6723144104
Meaning you’ve played an average of 3 hours and 40 minutes per day, every day, for the past 12 years (and that’s a slight under count because the game hasn’t hit its 12th anniversary yet)
That’s 5585 hours MORE than a full time 40hr/week job; nearly 3 whole years of pure labor.
All I have to say is congratulations, you beat the hardest game there is: capitalism. Enjoy your furry weeb paradise, friend.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
I think that’s just a common typo. The difference between '. ’ and ', ’ is hard to spot unless you have good eyesight, and they’re close together on the keyboard
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
While it’s true we’re a very litigious country, it’s also a meme that blows the reality out of proportion. In my circle of friends and family, the only lawsuits have been insurance related (car accidents, etc), or financial stuff (sued by a corporation for not paying a debt, suing employer for unpaid wages, etc). All of that is pretty standard stuff.
I’ve never met or heard of anyone near my circle who has sued another person over some personal issue/grievance. If you run over someone’s foot with a shopping cart at the supermarket, you’re more likely to get into a fist fight (or a shoot out) than a lawsuit.
waste of time and money
Well, the legal system here is relatively efficient, and if you do decide to take someone to court and win, there’s a good chance it’ll be worth it. If anything, the large number of lawsuits is a testament to how well the legal system works. If it didn’t, people wouldn’t use it so often.
You can bring a stupid frivolous lawsuit intended to waste everyone’s time and money, but those can get dismissed quickly.
- Comment on The Sims re-release shows what’s wrong with big publishers and single-player games 1 month ago:
EA should split itself up or sell off some franchises. The current situation makes nobody happy: investors don’t like the profitability of single player games, players don’t like the live serviceification of single player games, and I’m sure devs don’t like that they can’t work on projects that likely inspired them to become game devs in the first place.
The Sims franchise could support a medium sized studio on its own.
I played the Sims 1&2 as a kid, and love the fuck out of them. As an adult with disposable income, I would have gladly dropped even $100 on a proper modernized rerelease of these games I love. Instead, I saved my money and downloaded them for free. Because why the hell wouldn’t I? The pirate versions are literally better. EA is squandering the potential of this and many other IPs
- Comment on The Sims re-release shows what’s wrong with big publishers and single-player games 1 month ago:
BaCk iN mY DaY wE SaVeD To FlOpPy DiSkS!!
- Comment on I'm suppose to believe I now live in a world where a Democrats can become president agoant and put George Soros at the head of DOGE? 1 month ago:
Man, Trump really flooded your zone, huh? Seriously, stop following the news for like a day or two. I don’t even understand what point you’re trying to make here, but the passive aggressive seething is palpable.
Most of what DOGE is doing is probably illegal, most of Trump’s executive orders are going to get blocked by courts, and many have already been rescinded. The point is to demoralize people so they don’t bother voting or fighting back. I’m getting the impression that the strategy worked on you.
Stop it. Play video games, draw pictures, watch porn. Whatever you do, disconnect from the fire-hose of outrage coming from the whitehouse. It’s all bait, and you’re gobbling it up.
- Comment on I'm suppose to believe I now live in a world where a Democrats can become president agoant and put George Soros at the head of DOGE? 1 month ago:
I get what you’re saying, but gatekeeping bullying tactics is weird ngl
- Comment on I'm suppose to believe I now live in a world where a Democrats can become president agoant and put George Soros at the head of DOGE? 1 month ago:
Relevant username? Go touch grass, bro. Doom scrolling and posting on lemmy won’t make you a happy person.
- Comment on I'm suppose to believe I now live in a world where a Democrats can become president agoant and put George Soros at the head of DOGE? 1 month ago:
I remember my 6th grade civics teacher (a black man) was angry and depressed when Obama won, saying that republicans will never win another election again.
- Comment on Does it matter if I skip sponsored ad segments in YouTube videos? 1 year ago:
Don’t worry about channel creators losing money. It may seem like a dick move, but it’s the right thing to do. When channels see that they aren’t making money on Youtube ad revenue, they’ll be forced to either find another source of income (merch, patreon, alternate site, etc), or quit.
That’s better for you, them, and society as a whole since it reduces the power of a monopoly owned by an evil company.
- Comment on I hate using mobile to read articles 1 year ago:
And the cherry on top is that the article is probably AI generated garbage anyways
- Comment on New Nintendo patent suggests Switch 2 may solve joycon drift 1 year ago:
I’ll believe it when I see it. Nintendo are cheap bastards, and if they fix the drift issue then they’ll likely cause it to fail prematurely somewhere else. Maybe the rubber will be cheaper so that it wears down and has to be replaced anyways? Or the plastic will be thinner so it cracks sooner, etc.
- Comment on Upvoting a factually incorrect comment because it sounds nice, and downvoting a factually correct comment because it sounds bad. 1 year ago:
This seems very unhealthy. Maybe go take a stroll around the block?
- Comment on Tim Sweeney says Epic Games Store is open to devs using generative AI 1 year ago:
If you train on AI generated art, you get bad results.
- Comment on [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! 1 year ago:
You’re right, just checked my emails and saw that the code is for “Overwatch 2 Invasion Ultimate Bundle”, which I guess is DLC or something. It was bundled with a Zotac 4090 on Amazon.
- Comment on [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! 1 year ago:
I’d disown you if you were family and I found out you were hosting my email on a VM in a 5 years-out-of-date windows PC. Some things are simply unforgivable.
- Comment on [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! 1 year ago:
I got the premium edition when I bought a new CPU and it came bundled, so I still have my Hardcore Gamer Badge.
…I also got Overwatch 2, but I’m not even going to bother redeeming that one.
- Comment on [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! 1 year ago:
I was having the same problem until I switched to the preview branch and installed the latest system update, and I also switched it proton experimental. My current Steam OS version is 3.4.9, although I see there’s another update available.
- Comment on [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! 1 year ago:
I played a few more hours today in handheld (yesterday was on power and connected to an HDMI display).
I did notice worse performance, but that could also be because the content was different. The game is still fully playable, and I had fun murdering a bunch of pirates in an abandoned fracking station. New Atlantis (the first big hub city) ran like dogshit though. It struggled to maintain 30 and was blurry as hell, but yesterday it ran better. Idk, this isn’t scientific at all.
Just adding this extra info in case someone sees my first comment and thinks the game will run perfectly. Playable? Very much so. Recommended? Only if you can’t play on something more powerful.
- Comment on [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! 1 year ago:
I only played a few hours on my Steam Deck (because it would freeze on my PC), but what I saw was slightly disappointing. The game looks great, even on the Steam Deck with FSR blurring everything, the gun mechanics are fun, the character animations are the best I’ve ever seen from this studio. The performance is also very good on the Deck, with stable 60FPS in indoor scenes and playable sub-60 in large outdoor areas.
…but the exploration. Man, Bethesda is known for their exploration, yet the spaceship is a gimmick at best. To be fair, I haven’t played enough to get familiar with everything yet, but I don’t expect that part to get much better. The game feels like Fallout, except instead of having a giant seamless open world to explore, you have a giant open world with tedious transitions between different areas. Maybe it’ll grow on me, but it’s not at all what I was expecting.
- Comment on just sayin' 1 year ago:
I have never in my (nearly) 20 years of being a software developer and general tech geek and (nearly) 10 years of exclusive linux desktop use, ever distinguished between the terms “folder” and “directory”, nor encountered anyone who did either.
OP is just being weird.
- Comment on higher wages for the servers... by the customers. Fnbs 1 year ago:
I know it feels gross, but asking is how you get people to do things. This is true for pretty much everything. That’s why mobile apps have a popup asking people to leave a rating, and Apple even has a standardized API for showing that popup since it’s so common.
So you should try something similar for you projects. Come up with an (ideally non-intrusive) ask that feels like a personal request rather than just a link dumped somewhere in a readme.
And if you feel bad about it, just remember that getting people to pay for OSS is a win for the whole ecosystem!