I make shitty joke and say dumb shit.
- Comment on Players still don't feel "comfortable" with game subscription services, says Ubisoft+ boss 11 months ago:
Why won’t these idiots pay a subscription for my shitty game!
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 11 months ago:
Have you hear about our Lord and saviour Mickey Mouse?
- Comment on That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! 11 months ago:
Ohh for sure, we can do that, you want just “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRHRHRHRHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” type of basic scream or you want it to go into specific details on where and how it hurts, both at the right decibel to not cause pain to the human listener, but loud enough to be heard at a distance.
- Comment on That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! 11 months ago:
Don’t think so, but we can make it painful if that’s what you want?
- Comment on Yep, makes sense 11 months ago:
Free Egg And Rice.
- Comment on please no 11 months ago:
I just used OPs picture as a visualisation of of way of sbowballing, but yeah, this is just a good old fashioned spit swap.
- Comment on please no 11 months ago:
Well when two people really like each other, one will finish in the others mouth, then the other will come share their treat with the other, sometimes like the picture sometimes more intimately.
- Comment on Workplace 11 months ago:
Yeah, they work from home.
- Comment on Workplace 11 months ago:
When life gives you lemons, make an insanely unsafe van home with an open wood fire and plenty of cheap exposed wood.
- Comment on Yeah, I'm gonna take a second opinion on that... 11 months ago:
Unless your building or infrastructure was built after they became a thing, everything else, air bubble.
- Comment on Yeah, I'm gonna take a second opinion on that... 11 months ago:
It still makes me laugh all our building’s paths and stuff like that are judged by a floating air bubble in a coloured liquid.
- Comment on There are no accidents 11 months ago:
And that’s why you need a secure and tight plug.
- Comment on Fuck the balloon police 11 months ago:
My country town is really into ballooning, so there’s always a bunch of balloons flying around here and there, so no one would even notice an extra one floating around, unless you were a dick and flying low.
- Comment on 11 months ago:
Both, there’s actually a Cloning facility in north Hollywood, they have the original Barney locked away, it’s kinda sad seeing him laying there in the fetal position crying whilst singing " I love you, you love me, were a happy family".
The left over Robin Williams clones make up for it tho.
- Comment on I can't argue with his point. 11 months ago:
Ok, so we can never ever change the name.
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 11 months ago:
I’m not gonna lie, that choked me up really good, I really needed that at the time.
- Comment on Languages - writing vs speaking 11 months ago:
Don’t forget those silent letters who completely fuck everything up when you’re trying to learn the word.
- Comment on Why does holding a key fob to your head increase its range? 11 months ago:
Fob have small antenna, as fob to head, body becomes big antenna, boost signal with body.
- Comment on So, we gotta trick the rich into letting us eat them. 11 months ago:
Yeah I fucked up, had a shitty day and didn’t pay attention, but .eh, still funny tho, just I’m an idiot.
- Comment on So, we gotta trick the rich into letting us eat them. 11 months ago:
I want to see this done like an episode of Judge Judy, but it’s some bored king as judge.
- Comment on So, we gotta trick the rich into letting us eat them. 11 months ago:
- Submitted 11 months ago to [deleted] | 45 comments
- Comment on Creamy centres 11 months ago:
It’s supposed to say ElBarto, but I’m guessing some of the characters won’t show for you.
- Comment on Creamy centres 11 months ago:
Isn’t it obvious?
- Comment on Creamy centres 11 months ago:
Ahhhk, cool, good to know, so I have some time to work with.
- Comment on Creamy centres 11 months ago:
Does it come pre armed with a knife or do I have to provide one of my own for it to use?
- Comment on The future of AI in Personalized Medicine Breakthroughs 11 months ago:
- Comment on Disney backs down from 'Steamboat Willie' YouTube copyright claim 11 months ago:
Well yeah, because if someone can claim a copyright on their public domain work, gen disney might be in a bit of trouble, considering they built their movie business on using public domain stories.
- Comment on Don't want any nerd mussels 11 months ago:
- Comment on Weather app asking for permission to manage calls 11 months ago:
That’s because it automatically allows camera permission obviously!