This is what they want for me, you, and our children and wouldn’t hesitate a second to do it again provided the line goes up
This is why I get so fucking mad at the tradwife Tiktok people, who go “Oh feminists are forcing you to go to work, I miss the good old days!”
Like no you fucking don’t, in the “good old days” since the industrial revolution anyone who wasn’t rich had to work their ass off in shit conditions, including women and children. These people never read The Jungle (that shit was horrifying in middle school, and I only read an excerpt), or saw the pictures of coal kids, or the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire back in 1911 that killed 100+ women and girls.
You get to pose for the camera with a full face of makeup and hold your soccer team of kids because your husband is rich and thinks you’re hot. Full stop. 1 week ago
Most of human history was like this. The 50 year period after WWII is the aberration. If we don’t fight the oligarchs this is what they will reduce us to. 1 week ago
Most of human history…hmm checks notes… since the invention of capitalism about 400 years ago, yes.
Even serfs under feudal lords had significantly more free time and while basic child labor was common, it was mostly in family run farms. 1 week ago
Instructions unclear, reverted to feudalism, defended literal, inherited pile of manure with violence 1 week ago
Pre-industrial societies still expected children to work from young ages. And they would often switch to adult labour in their early teens.