- Comment on Never send a text message when drunk 2 days ago:
Yup, other person is just an idiot and can’t take a simple compliment… Or more likely, staged fake text.
- Comment on Idioms 6 days ago:
Are you sure? Because to me this means someone has finished spewing bullshit. Or something annoying has finally come to an end.
Due to the respect for the elder, you let them finish, but you know it’s nonsense.
- Comment on Idioms 6 days ago:
Basically “they’re finally done spewing crap” as in talking nonsense etc.
- Comment on Remember the good old days? 1 week ago:
Sorry, couldn’t tell…
- Comment on 🐸 time 3 weeks ago:
The test was around brain dead frogs to see if they’d jump out or boil to death… Not about functional frogs.
- Comment on UK’s first use of city-wide facial recognition in Cardiff 4 weeks ago:
It’s shit and absolutely full of cameras! I don’t speed and it still makes me uncomfortable.
- Comment on UK’s first use of city-wide facial recognition in Cardiff 4 weeks ago:
Guess I’m not going there ever again. I live in rural ass area, so hopefully I have few years left before it reaches me… I’m surprised it’s not Nothingam first.
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 1 month ago:
I know ladies here are very rare… But. Maybe some gay bros can hear this too or anyone dating masc presenting person.
Buy them a nice shirt. They will treasure it forever. My wife bought me (girlfriend at the time, like first year of our relationship or so) sweatpants. I wore them today, 18 years later.
Things like that stay with us forever.
Now for those who are fashion blind like me, try to observe what they dress like, suggest something long the lines of “this could look good on you”. Apparently I pick good clothes, but in reality, it’s good because I complemented her in it. It doesn’t take much, but will mean a lot to your partner.
- Comment on Driver caught doing 122mph on 30mph road as UK’s shocking speed records revealed 1 month ago:
I wonder what were they driving? There’s likely some I teresting data there!
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
Jaded by years of people undervaluing my best Dev and just blatant discrimination. Some times there’s place for crumbling.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
I’m really tired of this self imposed bullshit.
I’m sure the same people who post this are also top contributors in anti work. Just miserable people being miserable. Worst part, they’ll call on self identified autism or neurodivergence making it slap to the face for those actually affected by it.
I’ll forever fight for those on the spectrum and I’ve got no patience for pretend victims.
- Comment on 小红书 2 months ago:
So, company cannot buy your data. A company also needs a valid reason to hold your data. Also, company needs to have your consent to have this data, ie, you need to interact with them.
So if someone messages you out of the blue, someone you never dealt with… How did they get your info? How do they have a valid reason to contact you if you never dealt with them before? And why would they have your permission to contact you if you never gave it to them?
Answer is, they’re using your info illegally. The copy pasta is basically giving them notice to remote all your records and if they don’t comply you’ll be reporting them.
- Comment on 小红书 2 months ago:
And hence EU and UK regulations are so fucking needed. GDPR and legal requirements for companies to follow is a god sent.
Got a cold email? &hit them with that sweet chat gbt copy pasta!
- Comment on Elon Musk wants the U.S. to “Liberate the people Britain from their tyrannical government” 2 months ago:
Publicly owned railway? Hold on there Thatcher!
- Comment on 2025 trailer be wild 2 months ago:
There are more sane comments here than on the “serious” news Lemmy.
- Comment on Do you see what I see? 2 months ago:
Front or rear or both?
Because this doesn’t blind as much as other laser lights do. The trend was quite set by polestar and Volvo… Then everyone started to copy.
- Comment on ohh ... 3 months ago:
No, they don’t want people who don’t “contribute” to benefit off THEIR money!
What if… GASP, an ILLEGAL would benefit off their money??? Because you know, those illegals are just on all the gov files and they can strode into places and say “giv me moneyz” and we can’t do anything about it!
It’s purely down to not wanting to help others below them. Irony is not part of their vocabulary.
- Comment on Vegan drink Oatly can’t call itself ‘milk’, judges rule 3 months ago:
I like coconut milk as although milk, it makes for great mixers!
- Comment on Subway lovers posted 3 months ago:
Subway is the only gluten free option fast food in UK. It’s the only place I can reliably eat at and I’ve yet to have a bad experience, staff goes above and beyond to not cross contaminate their food.
- Comment on No need to boil the ocean 3 months ago:
There’s more to it than just lactose, they have very high fat. You’d want to at least filter it through a cloth.
- Comment on No need to boil the ocean 3 months ago:
As someone that grew up on a farm.
Yeah, “raw” cow milk isn’t to be consumed. You’d be shitting your guts out for hours.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
Just don’t be poor. I haven’t lowered my temp… Ever. If I can’t wear shorts in my own house, I’m not interested.
- Comment on Drink the climate change away 3 months ago:
Sorry, but he deaded.
Opp is kil.
- Comment on Premium Ads 4 months ago:
Get rid of the apple TV next if that doesn’t let you.
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 4 months ago:
Ah the poor soul! Having to hear about the Ukraine war!!! He’s just too precious, how dare we inconvenience him by keep this in the news???
- Comment on Haters will say it’s fake 4 months ago:
I disagree. There’s a level where you cannot claim blind ignorance. As the saying goes, fool me once…
They’re not incapable of thinking. They might be less educated if you really wanna go down that road (because many would jump to that excuse next) and it still doesn’t excuse this.
They will be on the chopping block very quickly and will cry about it. At that stage? They deserve what’s coming to them. If what you say is true, which I disagree, they voted due to greed, but they had benefit of 2016, you don’t get to claim “they were desperate” solely because Harris didn’t give them perfect solution on silver platter and focused solely on them.
There simply is no excuse and immigrants can be more racist than locals, being one myself, I hate my own “kin” speaking their own language being protected from no one else understanding them. The usual left bullshit, purity tests being the be all and end all has fucked the US yet again.
People will die because of this, be it from starvation, cold, being deported whatever and they will have themselves to blame. I feel sorry for those that saw through it and voted… But 14 million less votes vs 2020? No excuse.
This is very emotional time, sugar coating doesn’t help anyone.
- Comment on Haters will say it’s fake 4 months ago:
Fair enough. You get to watch the show like me.
- Comment on Haters will say it’s fake 4 months ago:
Trump got same amount of votes as last time, but Harris got 14m less. So congrats, Democrats have fucked themselves over, yet again! Or you hate women or you hate PoC.
Sad truth. But numbers don’t lie.
On one hand, I feel sorry for you Americans, but majority of you have chose this… What a joke.
- Comment on Haters will say it’s fake 4 months ago:
Is that why Biden had 14 million more votes?
You lot (Americans) are fucking racist and hate women. Numbers back it up.
Now we in the civilised world will have shitshow on news for years to come.
- Comment on How to improve your Lemmy experience 4 months ago:
So Nazis are fine???