- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 7 hours ago:
Or! Your last dinner is five guys.
Pork sausage!
- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 12 hours ago:
Alternatively you can just have your last dinner with five guys
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 12 hours ago:
I think we need to agree to disagree because I feel like we both said what we had to say. I still think you are missing the point and you still think I’m over analyzing.
- Comment on Anon critiques humanity 1 day ago:
Idk, just a good example since the mold can be thought of as mutations that are not wanted but don’t interfere with the survival of the species.
- Comment on Anon critiques humanity 1 day ago:
Once you see that evolution is like the laziest worker ever that wants to do nothing all day but needs the money, and natural selection as the boss that doesn’t give a shit and just gives him tasks and only cares if they are done. You will understand why things are the way they are.
“Why is the mop so moldy and disgusting?” Well because natural selection told evolution to mop the floors every day but never said to clean the mop, and the cleaning products are good enough to clean even when the mop is moldy, so there is no need to care about the moldiness of the mop.
- Comment on Please dont feed the creatures 🪱 1 day ago:
Yeah but that’s just semantics. I wouldn’t phrase it that way but in the context of the comment I don’t think this is an attempt at reducing the issue
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 1 day ago:
If you are white, go call a black person a removed in a friendly way (like black people do to eachother sometimes) and see how well that goes. History matters, the origin of a word matters. Sure, maybe in a 100 years the meaning will change, but currently it is still widely recognized as a homophobic slur.
And even if you were gay, that does not make you immune to internelized homophobia. Just like there are plenty of black people who disagree with the usage of the word removed even if spoken by a black person, because it is still rooted in racism.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 1 day ago:
Just learn a bit before bothering others with educating you. History matters, the way that this slur has been used historically and presently, is mostly homophobic.
Sorry for the short temper, this thread has been too long and I already explained this on another comment.
- Comment on Luxury bones? In *this* economy. 1 day ago:
To be fair, teeth are fucking expensive. Like almost as bad as buying a house.
My grandma had to spend 100K on her teeth of the last few years of her life, and she had insurance. Insurance companies just don’t really cover teeth because it is expensive and our bodies guarantee that they will start going bad after young adulthood and then really shit the bed towards the last few decades of life.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
You are not wrong that AI is a whole new level of misinformation. But trusting the science never was a “trust any published paper” it is about trusting scientific consensus. And yeah, if there is a scientific consensus based on multiple papers and peer reviews, it is almost certainly going to be more trustworthy than your opinion/online search/intuition
Trust the science is still true, even in the face of AI, you just need to differentiate between trust scientists and trust scientific consensus.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
I think you are missing the point, which is that “cocksucker” should not be used as an insult because it’s homophobic. Even if you personally identify it as a power dynamic insult, it does not change the fact that it is rooted in homophobia and that the OOP most likely used it without any thought as to its meaning and history but rather it just came to him as a viable insult (internalized homophobia)
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
Too lazy to write two separate responses? I’ll try!
“Don’t be a bigot” = dystopian future
Sound logic.
Oh shit, that’s the same message, guess you will have to read it twice, maybe that way it will get through to you.
Tap for spoiler
You can be better, reflect on your bigotry and grow as a person.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
“Don’t be a bigot” = dystopian future
Sound logic
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
Being submissive in sex can be expressed in a blowjob, but so can being dominant. Most sexual acts can be both dominant and submissive under the right context. For example a person can forcibly (consensually) throw the other person down, pin them to the floor and start going down on them while not letting them orgasm. Is the person being overpowered and forced to be frustrate by not orgasming the one in power?
Your understanding of mutual respect and love is unhealthy if you compare going down on someone to bootlicking.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
He could have also said “vaginalicker” but he didn’t, he used a well known homophobic slur. Also, if he wanted to say submissive he could have used well known submissive insults.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
It implies that for a man, sucking cock (a legitimate sexual act for any gender) is an insult because that would make him gay. So Homophobic.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
Ah yes, “cocksucker” as the first insult to come to mind, the sign of a good person
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 2 days ago:
0 I don’t hand write
- Comment on I've done it again... 5 days ago:
I feel less alone now
- Comment on I've done it again... 6 days ago:
But it’s not that I love pasta in a special way, it’s okay-ish
- Comment on Be honest and tell us what you see 6 days ago:
A picture
- Comment on I've done it again... 6 days ago:
That’s the weird thing. It’s not about the nutrient type because other types of carbs do make me feel full. It’s just specifically pasta. I don’t know why. I could easily eat a bowl of rice and feel full but I could eat three bowls of pasta and just know that I’m full but not feel it.
- Comment on I've done it again... 1 week ago:
Anyone else have a weird thing where pasta does not make them feel full?
I could probably eat 3 times as much pasta by weight as I could, let’s say, rice. And I would only have to stop because I physically feel that there is no more room in my stomach. It’s like my brain does not register pasta as food and so I don’t mentally feel full or get any less hungry.
And it’s just with pasta! Not bread, not rice, not pizza, not lasagna, nada. It is very weird and I never heard of anyone with the same issue.
Ps, because of this, I just cannot make too much pasta, no such thing.
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 1 week ago:
Idk, even good prep can end up with some smell, it is what it is. But let’s be real, all sexual acts can have smells, we are smelly creatures.
Oral can definitely be a bit stinky, but that is just human nature.
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 1 week ago:
This is logical and healthy imo. To be straight does not have to mean absolutely hating any sort of gay sex, just not being into it. I think that society makes as believe that straight means the absolute opposite of gay, when really all sexual preferences are one big spectrum and you can be a straight man who is willing to try gay things but not enjoying them.
- Comment on Remember the good old days? 1 week ago:
This is reductive and deflective. We do, one does not come at the price of the other. But most people, and science, agree that kids are worse off in that situation.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Firstly, you have an opportunity of a life time. Build a toilet with no cover, you get to shit like a modern person but with the calmness and stress-freeness of a cave person.
- Comment on Nicole endgame 1 week ago:
Or just someone with access to her webcam
- Comment on Nicole endgame 1 week ago:
Well, I have some good news!
P. S This is actually a charity that accepts btc
- Comment on Nicole endgame 1 week ago:
I feel bad for the real “nicole” who is probably some innocent woman who got her pics stolen