- Comment on how tf do you warm up plates? 1 day ago:
Put some water on the plate before putting them into the microwave.
Microwave heats water, water heats plate.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
I told them to actually solve the equations and think about the results.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
Don’t insult me with the e-word!
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
At university, I faked a paper on economics (not actually my branch of study, but easily to fake) and put it on the shelf in their library. It was filled with nonsense formulas that, if one took the time and actually solved the equations properly, would all produce the same number as a result: 19920401 (year of publication, April Fools Day). I actually got two requests from people who wanted to use my paper as a basis for their thesis.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
It is always a question of perspective.
Like trying to get two people sitting opposite agree on whether the number is a 6 or a 9.
- Comment on Newest Shennigans from YouTube 3 days ago:
I’ve seen short upheavels caused by youtubes greed these days when they complained that they did not like adblockers, but at least the video restarted after a short hiccup. This seems different. No, this is different, I just checked.
- Comment on sussvival instinct 4 days ago:
And plants. And funghi.
- Comment on Newest Shennigans from YouTube 4 days ago:
Installed it, tried it, got an error message that was gone quickly. I’m now searching for an error log, but so far no success.
- Comment on Newest Shennigans from YouTube 4 days ago:
- Comment on Newest Shennigans from YouTube 4 days ago:
That would be for Android. No, I prefer watching videos on a screen. This happened on Firefox on Linux.
- Submitted 4 days ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on Has modern technology made espionage easier or more difficult? 6 days ago:
The GDR was known as a first-class surveillance state. But if you look at the amount of data they actually collected, the modern agencies are in a complete different league. There was a thorough calculation some years ago showing that the NSA collects the same amount, that the GDRs StaSi secret service amassed in the 40 years of existence, several times a day.
- Comment on What are some slow acting poisons? 6 days ago:
Mushroom poisons usually are slow actors. They take a few days while they kill your liver, and then you’ll follow suit.
- Comment on Will We See Restrucutred UN in Near Future? 6 days ago:
Hopefully, yes. One without stupid veto rights.
- Comment on Why do news articles and such call the governments of countries/groups of countries after the capital? 6 days ago:
In general, I have seen mentioning the country after a city name quite often in American publications, and not only with capitals. Maybe this is because of the famous geographical knowledge of Americans?
- Comment on Remember the good old days? 6 days ago:
Let me wax in: I picked cherries as a kid. Not for poetry, though, but to make some money for myself.
- Comment on Meta: “We're Still Investing Massively In VR Gaming And Don't Plan To Stop” 1 week ago:
Well, it is their money they ate burning. Good luck with that.
- Comment on How do the Republicans feel about Project 2025 now? 1 week ago:
I don’t expect them, either, but normal people might come in and share their experiences with Republicans.
- Comment on Multilingual people all must have experienced YouTube's f**kery with auto translation. Still no workaround? 1 week ago:
I regularly got a request to rate the translation after switching back to original English. I always rated it as very bad, and it seems they don’t offer their monotonous syntho-voice audiotracks anymore.
Titles are still fucked up, though.
- Comment on Remember the good old days? 1 week ago:
If the parents are made poor enough, this will come back. Just in case you don’t know why they kill social security.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 1 week ago:
They may happening, but they don’t really make the news. You are still far below the MLK threshold.
- Comment on Holup 1 week ago:
I was looking and looking to find the issue with that picture, but your hint finally helped. Thanks.
- Comment on What's this thing? 1 week ago:
So having a group of smokers regularly convening around it would lead to interesting results.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
OK, so it is similar to our system. And would probably in the range of cents or a few dollars then.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
For someone outside the American tax system, can anyone put the difference in approximate numbers?
- Comment on Maureen Dowd Ate an Asinine Amount of Edibles Once 1 week ago:
Hand her a “Darmol” chocolate next. This was famous here in the 50s/60s (I think) as a laxative. Yes, those times were crazy.
- Comment on Imagine 2 weeks ago:
Well, she didn’t. …
- Comment on Imagine 2 weeks ago:
I was worse. When I borrowed my sisters car for my first unsupervised drive, I went to the scrapyard and bought a steering wheel matching the one in the car. I parked around the block, went home on foot with the steering wheel, and handed it to her without a word…
- Comment on How come in most school in the USA (at least mine) they teach Spain Spanish instead of Mexico Spanish? Would not Mexico Spanish be an obvious choice to teach? 2 weeks ago:
If they would only do the same with their “English”.
- Comment on I put lots of effort into my attempt at protest art and someone defaced it 2 weeks ago:
Both are illegally damaging another persons property.