It’s so nice having decent weather.
Discussion Thread: Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Submitted 1 day ago by to
Comments 1 hour ago 55 minutes ago
That cool change was brilliant, after accidentally spending an hour walking in the heat. 4 hours ago 1 hour ago
is it just me or does that cloud have lovely kissy lips and eyes? 3 hours ago
Feeling sad as… I wish I had the space and physical ability to be making a big garden and building shit
I would drag pallets home and build Melbcat a palace 1 hour ago
It’s hard when you have the ideas but not the health to do things. I’ve been there, and it can be so frustrating. Hugs. But also, a small example of why it doesn’t matter. I’m lucky enough to have outdoor garden space. But sometimes life gets in the way, or the weather, or tiredness; and weeds go crazy and plants need pruning and it’s an unkempt jungle. But my few indoor pot plants? I water them weekly, pull off any dead leaves, and take care of them. I enjoy them just as much as the outdoor space, enjoy them more often, because I see them every single day and it brightens up my space. Bigger isn’t necessarily better. Small things can make life nicer just the same. 2 hours ago
Do what you can to the fullest. In a small garden I would be doing something I know I can do and that is pretty much guaranteed. Otherwise it’s just heartbreak. 4 hours ago
My dinner was outstanding 5 hours ago
sky pretty 4 hours ago
It looks incredible 5 hours ago
Raaaaaain 7 hours ago
Kind of surprising how often I reach for my phone to check on reddit when I’ve got a spare moment. I deleted the shortcuts so I’m not following through with the habit, but dam is the urge still there to go waste time. Only been a week so far but I feel it’s had more of an impact than quitting booze or weed. 6 hours ago
Booze and weed are just plants and chemicals. Social media had been designed to get you addicted 6 hours ago
It’s so hard especially when rl is boring or not going well. Just be persistent and gentle on yourself because social media is hard to cut down on or quit 6 hours ago
Development out the back. They built a fence (a few of them) Looks like good work and this doesn’t really impact me as it’s the neighbours’ place but…
Far right post. Neighbours’ fence is falling over and the blokes that built the new one for the development put the last post at the angle of the fence that’s in the middle of collapse. lol. 6 hours ago
Keeps the rabbits out 6 hours ago
Anything to avoid doing a little extra work lol 5 hours ago
Lol 😂 our side fence is on such a lean that when the neighbours got a side gate put across the end of the driveway they had a triangle shaped piece put against the fence 😆 6 hours ago 2 hours ago
trying to sort out my accounts is like 5 hours ago
I need to find some wood to create a shelter for the cats so they can get dinner. 4 hours ago
Kennels come up pretty often on gumtree/marketplace freebies. Even just a sheet of something like ply or corrugated against a fence as a lean-to is better than nothing. 4 hours ago
Good idea. There should be something in the shed I can use.
Cheers :) 3 hours ago 5 hours ago
DUNDAAAAAAA 5 hours ago
My skylight is highly tympanic 4 hours ago
Thankyou for teaching me a new word 4 hours ago
🥁🛢️🥁🛢️ 6 hours ago
Cool change seems to have arrived early here in Fitz. 22degrees and as long as the sun stays hidden I’ll be happy. 5 hours ago
Apparently the gods of weather hate me as I’m in gym gear and it’s starting to spit 5 hours ago
Now that the temp has dropped, I think every dog in Thornbury is out pounding the pavement with their owners. And the sky is rapidly blackening. Rain, please rain. 5 hours ago
It’s decided to rain where I am with some thunder strikes. Doesn’t sound too heavy though. 8 hours ago
I have just come to the realisation that the personal challenges brought on by climate change makes it harder to cope with the enshittification of politics and massive corporatisation
who’s got the energy to fight fascism and google when we have heat waves , cyclones , flooding, etc
I’ll still do it but i’m tired already 7 hours ago
I’m incredibly moody and I hate it.
The cool change couldn’t come fast enough. 7 hours ago
I have gymed, in THIS. Kill me 6 hours ago
I drank a beer, in THIS. Kiss me 6 hours ago
That’s impressive. Good work! 7 hours ago
If that didn’t kill you, nothing will
I walked to the corner and back (4 houses along) and that was enough for me 9 hours ago
I really wish the BOM hadn’t taken its radar offline for the next few days. 9 hours ago
Hrmm says it’s off but still working here. 9 hours ago
Thunder in Springvale just now. 6 hours ago
Is anyone else’s Fluffball having a hard time with the weather? 6 hours ago
the giant fluffiness that is Ted is sleeping and lying around more than usual 6 hours ago
Ah OK. I was worried about Gibson (I’m taking her to the vet for a check up tomorrow anyway), but she has been very lethargic. 5 hours ago
Mine was lying in her bed in a sunbeam but has now moved near the cooling. Hopefully she’s just temporarily melted 6 hours ago
The zucchini don’t look in good shape. One or two plants might be almost dead, another is trying to rally with male flowers but they might be on their way out.
The pumpkins are really responding to being given liquid fertiliser more frequently so I’ll have to keep that up. They’re getting hit by powdery mildew and whiteflies though so I’ll spray and have ordered sticky traps. I might try the homemade ones while those arrive.
I think I hurt my back lifting a full watering can weirdly :( 12 hours ago
Using up the last of my leave today.
Yeeha! 8 hours ago
Just a tease of rain while being sound bombed by thunder at school pickup.
Desperate for a cool change. 11 hours ago
2nd last week of work…my engagement is nearly negative
Managers still ask me for stuff but it’s all along the lines ‘If you can be bothered it’d be great’
Still leaving on a high note! 6 hours ago
Pallbearer are playing Maxx Watts tonight if anyone can brave the heat. I’m too sick on top of everything else to even think of heading out 6 hours ago
Oh hey I know of that band! The sorrow and extinction album! I cant doom anymore though unfortunately. 11 hours ago
I ended up in a major fight with my overlocker this morning, but I am one step closer to finishing my project to shorten the sleeves on my work jacket. I was so agravated by the process of rethreading a broken lower looper I had to take a break in order to maintain my sanity.
Once that is out of the way I get to start on the cushions. Hopefully Miss Meow won’t try to help too much. 7 hours ago
After many years of being frustrated at both mine and my mother’s overlocker I have discovered that if you need to rethread one thread, you need to do them all at the same time. Don’t ask why, it makes no sense to me! 9 hours ago
seriously, I would love an overlocker, I reckon me and miss seagoon would get so much use out of it even if to just mend clothes 6 hours ago
I’ve got a Singer tiny serger eBay years ago. It doesn’t have the built in cutter - you have to trim things first. But it was more affordable and takes less space than a full sized overlocker. 9 hours ago
They can be great, but you can do pretty much everything with a normal sewing machine too. 9 hours ago
Aldi have them occasionally and they’re not bad. 10 hours ago
I reckon an overlocker could get nasty in a fight. I’m glad you didn’t get your face overlocked. 10 hours ago
the big danger is getting one’s fingernail sewn
it’s surprising how deep that needle can get 8 hours ago
Had to pull the pin an hour earlier than I normally would at work because with two consecutive nights of very bad sleep and all the heat and exhaustion I just couldn’t do it any more (and we’d come to a natural point to stop for the day and not start a new section).
Please for the love of all that is holy I hope I get a good night’s sleep tonight. I also found out my thesis/presentation are due a lot earlier than I thought and although I’m applying for special consideration I’m a bit anxious that I won’t get it all done in time after all. Or I’ll have to take more time off work I guess
Not gonna stress about it right now. Right now, is cold shower and brain blackout time. 8 hours ago
Nice little storm over work, that was fun! 13 hours ago
Thanks to all the people who replied to my wall of overwhelm yesterday. I listened to a podcast about intuition vs anxiety, and I realised that a lot of it is just anxiety. My intuition hasn’t really been strong on this. I am going to appraise this as a challenge and am excited to get out of my comfort zone :) if this doesn’t work out, that’s when I’ll worry. 11 hours ago
Vent away. And trust yourself. You got this. It’s very easy for others to give advice on things they don’t have to live through. 14 hours ago 1 hour ago
I watched The Substance. Whaaaaaat did I just subject my eyeballs to. 56 minutes ago
I had no idea what the movie was about or even the genre going into it, thought it was a thriller, it was not. Made me squirm in parts but it’s a good movie and Demi was awesome in it. 1 hour ago
That was my reaction. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. 59 minutes ago
That movie gave me nightmares. It was pretty disturbing.