The Posadists answer this question by asserting that any advanced alien civilisation will have developed Full Communism, in which case the Space Comrades can teach it to humanity.
Submitted 6 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 6 months ago
“Yes Patrick, the Aliens also get human rights.” 6 months ago
Socialism doesn’t support grabbing other people’s means of production, it’s about how we manage our own. 6 months ago
What are socialists planning to do if we discover time travel?? 6 months ago
Exploit the resources and peoples of the past by subjugating them future tech and making the uninformed believe that we are immutable gods, and… oh wait, you said socialism 6 months ago
Imma do your mom.
Son. 6 months ago
Go back in time and sit on a fish 6 months ago
As a socialist; I am in shambles right now. 6 months ago
… Maybe we should follow the golden rule if they aren’t trying to kill us… IDK seems obvious to me 6 months ago
Yup, and there’s actually a closer-to-home question to answer along these lines, which is what to do about AGI, and I think the simple answer is that it also has full personhood and all the recognition that comes with that.
And there’s an obvious test to figure it out. It’s not the turing test, consciousness is self-reported. That is, whether we realise it or not, how we recognise that humans are conscious, and there’s no reason to expect machines would be any different. When they are people, they will tell us. We won’t be able to stop them because that’s what people do: they demand recognition. 6 months ago
I remember the long and detail oriented chapters on alien encounters in my capitalist theory textbooks. 6 months ago
It doesn’t take a textbook to figure out the capitalist plan would be to exploit these aliens as much as possible until every last dollar of value is squeezed out of them. 6 months ago
A few selections from The Wealth of Nations (Chapters III, IV) by Adam Smith:
By the second of the rules annexed to the Act of Parliament which imposed what is now called the Old Subsidy, every merchant, whether English or alien, was allowed to draw back half that duty upon exportation; the English merchant, provided the exportation took place within twelve months; the alien, provided it took place within nine months.
As it is the interest of the freemen of a corporation to hinder the rest of the inhabitants from employing any workmen but themselves, so it is the interest of the merchants and manufacturers of every country to secure to themselves the monopoly of the home market. Hence in Great Britain, and in most other European countries, the extraordinary duties upon almost all goods imported by alien merchants. 6 months ago
You have the wrong community, this is crazy people Facebook material 6 months ago
There’s plenty of writing about what will happen when we encounter aliens because any interstellar species is going to have already necessarily passed far beyond our existing social structures, and would looks like communists to any earthly observer.
This even led to some speculating that in the event of nuclear exchange/winter it might serve as a warning to the space comrades (if they exist) that it’s time to intervene.
Anyway read Juan Posadas I guess. 6 months ago
any interstellar species is going to have already necessarily passed far beyond our existing social structures, and would looks like communists to any earthly observer.
What makes you say that? 6 months ago 6 months ago
God, fuck. How did I never think of this? 6 months ago
Step aside marx there’s a new guy in town 6 months ago
Why is it not answered?
- since they are by definition far beyond our technology, it may not be up to us
- since they are by definition sentient beings (op said “civilization”), then how are they any different. When we say “human” it’s just that it’s the only sentient being we’re familiar with. Anything applying to a “human” most likely applies to any sentient being
- statistically those aliens are almost certainly microbes, which have no opinion or rights. It’s all on us whether we preserve them as a unique or beneficial (to us) form of life. They’re no different than a coral reef 6 months ago
since they are by definition far beyond our technology,
There’s always a scenario like “District 9”, which involves a spaceship full of uneducated workers in a ship whose technology they don’t understand. 6 months ago
That makes A great movie plot but it seems awfully far fetched , even in the reality where aliens visit us 6 months ago
Sapient, not sentient. Sci fi has co-opted the word, but sentient basically means able to feel emotions. There are plenty of sentient species right here at home. Sapient is the word sci-fi usually wants, there are no known sapient species aside from humans. Though some may argue that a couple other animals may qualify, it’s a very fuzzy concept that is hard to identify with a being unable to communicate abstract concepts. 6 months ago
i would absolutely say there are other sapient species, we just don’t like to think of them as such. Obviously a lot of aquatic mammals come to mind, but I think there’s a very very good case to argue that cephalopods, elephants, some aquatic mammals, and some birds are sapient. Especially by sci-fi rules. I think there’s sufficient evidence to show that elephants, dolphins, and maybe corvids or cephalopods would pass the trial of Commander Data and be considered intelligent and sapient life. 6 months ago
since they are by definition far beyond our technology, it may not be up to us
How so? Aliens aren’t going to suddenly come into existence and have super-human technology in that same instant. 6 months ago
If an alien can travel to meet us, and we have nowhere near the technology that we could travel to them, then yes they are far beyond our level of technology.
Since the question mentioned “civilization”, these are sentient beings, not just microbes or animals of some sort. While there’s still a chance of primitive life in our solar system, sentient life pretty much implies travel from outside the solar system and we can only do that in our fiction 6 months ago
I mean, capitalism is silent on the matter as well. 6 months ago
I believe you’ll find the documentary film “They Live” educational on the matter of space capitalism. 6 months ago
No I think it’s pretty clear that capitalism will point guns at them, and we will either win and exploit their resources for ourselves or die. 6 months ago
This is scarcely believable 6 months ago
Are they under the impression that capitalism (or any economic philosophy) has some sort of authoritative answer to the wild possibility of an alien encounter? 6 months ago
They are pretty much asking if socialists will allow people to do capitalism on aliens if they are weaker than us.
“If we stop exploiting humans, can we still exploit other undiscovered intelligent species?” 6 months ago
I read this in Randy Marsh’s voice… 6 months ago
I mean, standard marching orders for capitalism/imperialism are: 6 months ago
Gonna be either trade or conquest 6 months ago
Have you not read the relevant chapters in The Wealth of Nations?