- Comment on That explains a lot 4 days ago:
Pretty sure the whole point of this article is we have confirmed tiny black holes do rapidly evaporate. We’ve theoretically known that any black hole just about our sun’s mass or smaller will spew more Hawking Radiation than it can consume mass and will shrink. And this process should accelerate as the mass shrinks. This seems to be the first expiremental evidence to support the well established theory.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 2 weeks ago:
Not the glass, the metal frame was being slowly destroyed though.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 2 weeks ago:
The planet broke before the guard!
- Comment on Time travel is easy, it's just lame 1 month ago:
Even more specifically, if we are talking a temporal teleport, then this shouldn’t be a surprise. Most mainstream fiction uses teleports for time travel, pop out of one time and into another without experiencing the time between. As opposed to the device Farnsworth made in The Late Philip J. Fry, where they actually just change speed through time instead of skipping through it. In the latter case, you shouldn’t have to worry about this issue at all. But with a teleport, any teleportation device is simultaneously a temporal and spatial teleport, due to causality and the nature of spacetime. So any teleport would need spacetime coordinates, not just spatial or temporal coordinates.
- Comment on Anon is a winner 1 month ago:
It’s been a long time, but I very much remember it being played as the powers that be are simply afraid to acknowledge that V is back. They do attack Harry’s story some to help justify keeping their heads in the sand, but that didn’t seem like the point to me.
- Comment on They just don't write good fantasy like this anymore. 1 month ago:
To be a bit more precise, people did sometimes carry swords on their back, but generally not into battle. It was more comfortable for travel, but impossible to draw, so when they were expecting trouble they would move it to the hip.
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
Theu saw the writing on the walls. They knew the big dogs would want a slice of the streaming game and they needed to pivot before the rug got pulled out from ubder them. Hulu was already being constructed when they were recalling shifting into making their own products IIRC. It wasn’t just VC that got them to their golden era, they also relied on the industry bot taking streaming seriously enough and giving them deals that they never would today.
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
Ahhh, OK, I see it now, thanks very much.
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
I feel dumb, I don’t get the ace bit. Was it just slang, like he’s cool, and then they swerved it? Or was there something that actually made the commentary think they were asexual in the image? Now I feel dumb and old.
- Comment on Halloween Botany 4 months ago:
There is evidence to show that violet does actually weakly activates red cones too. This is because the violet light starts creeping up to double the frequency of the lower end of the red sensitivity, and so it can actually successfully activate it very weakly. There are other factors that can lessen or even fully negate that effect though, it’s all kind of fuzzy.
- Comment on What bug is this? 4 months ago:
That’s not a bug. It’s a feature.
- Comment on Smart 5 months ago:
I think his issues more stemmed from academia and the rat race within it, not so much the ethical issues of mathematics and what they can lead to. Just shitty crabs trying to escape the bucket.
- Comment on Name generator 5 months ago:
Teet Stracos I think. Which might be one of Luke’s buddies on that island…
- Comment on Name generator 5 months ago:
Chackin Meese
Cheef Balupa
Joppie Sloe
- Comment on Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing? 5 months ago:
Using a single sheet towel.
B, A, using one whole side of the towel. Then fold it in half with the dry side out. Shoulders/begin C3, C4, C1, finish C3/C2, D2, D1, E1, E2, F, all with one side of the towel. Then flip it and use the dry outer side to do a quick pass in the same order.
- Comment on Anon starts asking questions 5 months ago:
It has as the sole cause. But when you have a couple big spinny bits, there is going to be some gyroscopic effect, and it does help keep it upright. It just can’t on its own, it provides a small assist.
- Comment on They don’t think it be like it is, but it do! 5 months ago:
But fish don’t exist.
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
This is also true. Poisonous doesn’t specifically mean “dangerous when eaten” when talking about the substance. It is an insanely broad category. It basically just means the substance is harmful.
- Comment on Socialism 5 months ago:
Sapient, not sentient. Sci fi has co-opted the word, but sentient basically means able to feel emotions. There are plenty of sentient species right here at home. Sapient is the word sci-fi usually wants, there are no known sapient species aside from humans. Though some may argue that a couple other animals may qualify, it’s a very fuzzy concept that is hard to identify with a being unable to communicate abstract concepts.
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
Ah, but we can go even further beyond in pedantry. This distinction is only wxclusive when we’re talking about a living thing. When talking about the substances themselves, one is a subcategory of the other. A venomous snake is not poisonous, but a venomous venom is a poisonous poison.
- Comment on Mand got big hands! 5 months ago:
If it slowed down it would get closer, not further. The truth is, any orbit is only stable given a specific timeframe. The longer that timeframe, the less likely any given orbit is to remain. The moon has just a little bit more speed than the Earth can hold onto, so it is in an extremely slow escape, and always has been.
- Comment on Anon faces his greatest challenge 7 months ago:
Fairly common in lots of places to shower every other day. So ling as you aren’t doing manual labor or working out and making yourself gross, showering every day can actually be detrimental for stripping away too many oils, especially for your hair, but can also cause dry skin. I’m with OP on this one, gotta shower every day in summer, but in cooler months I’m an every other day guy.
- Comment on fruit 8 months ago:
- Comment on fruit 8 months ago:
Pineapple is so metal, fucking fruit that tries to eat you back.
- Comment on Halo: Combat Evolved remaster reportedly in the works, being considered for PlayStation release 8 months ago:
Remake it from the ground up instead of using the busted Gearbox port, and I may be interested.
- Comment on Hails 9 months ago:
Not to mention it wasn’t really “the church” as much as one egotistical asshat in the church that had beef with Galileo and more or less made up a reason to persecute him. And when more level headed parts of the church told Galileo to chill and he’d be fine he just doubled down and thumbed his nose at the pope. It was never really about the science at all, he was being funded by the church to do his research in the first place.
- Comment on Two chemists walk into a bar 9 months ago:
The setup is the same as another joke, where the second person asks for H2O too, and get served poison.
- Comment on Stop right there 9 months ago:
I never got that. Surely, it’s nearly as likely to divert an asteroid that would miss us to a course that would hit us as it is to do the opposite, right? The number that are actually trapped/impacted is a tiny percentage, and then the percentage of those that would have hit us must be a small percentage of that, is it really enough to be statistically significant?
- Comment on we must go back and fix this 9 months ago:
Assassination > WWI > Hitler’s rise/WWII > US reconstruction of Japan and merging cultures > Anime. Tracks.
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
Just started my Kagi trial, and it has been such a breath of fresh air. Will almost certainly subscribe as soon as the trial is up. Remember, if the service is free, you’re the product.