- Comment on work related: is this something only an autistic would ask? 1 day ago:
It allows you to plan out what happens during/around it. For example, should my leisure time the day before be something more fun but cognitively demanding or more chill and relaxing?
It also allows you to get in the right state of mind for the work. In my experience (is this also an autistic thing? I don’t know), if you’re mentally prepared for something very difficult and unpleasant, it greatly cuts down on how unpleasant it is, sometimes even turning that difficult thing into a fun challenge. If you mentally prepare for something that’s worse than what’s actually ahead, you end up with way too much excess energy and the need to look for problems to solve even when no problems exist.
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 3 days ago:
I don’t know why everyone’s going on about weather. 1 mile is a 20 minute walk. A bus can do it in 5. That’s huge time savings regardless of the weather.
- Comment on nets 3 days ago:
That would be ideal, but each person has limited time and attention. Advocate for both, but put your efforts into figuring out how to change the thing with the larger impact.
- Comment on I have an entire cabinet currently storing empty jars... 6 days ago:
Anything you buy that comes in a bag can be moved into a jar. It saves a lot of space because jars tesselate nicer and can use up vertical space more efficiently. It also encourages you to actually use the things you buy because you’ve now removed the friction of digging through piles of bags and hoping that the bag you pull out isn’t load bearing for the rest of the pile. Opening a jar is also much easier than opening/resealing bags.
We never have enough jars in this household.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 6 days ago:
Fascinating thread. Is there some genetic component that makes broccoli stinky to some people and not others? Is this why some people are averse to broccoli? I’m surprised to see everyone just accepting the premise of the question. I love boiling broccoli precisely because it smells amazing.
- Comment on 1987 6 days ago:
I don’t know why you say “points” plural. I made one point and it’s that came to a very logical conclusion as a kid. No mention of any other kids, let alone all kids. But no matter. If you believe that you know more about shortrounddev’s life than shortrounddev, then we’re starting from a completely different basis of contradictory facts. You are correct if your bases are correct, and likewise for mine. Maybe you do know more about their life for all I know. I’m just an Internet stranger. I don’t know you. I don’t know shortrounddev.
- Comment on 1987 1 week ago:
Who said anything about relating to others? You criticized a kid for doing what any reasonable kid would do. That’s the part I’m responding to.
- Comment on 1987 1 week ago:
You would first have to believe that better tasting vegetables was a possibility before you start looking for it.
- Comment on If political agendas were released, or summarized, like patch notes would people better understand what they are signup for? for? 1 week ago:
If we have this data for each election, someone could also compile statistics on how well each party follows through with their promises. Ideally weighted by how much voters care about each promise.
- Comment on If political agendas were released, or summarized, like patch notes would people better understand what they are signup for? for? 1 week ago:
tldr but I am outraged by the existence of this comment.
- Comment on A daunting realization 2 weeks ago:
Nowhere does it say that plants decompose bodies. It says they consume us after we’ve been decomposed.
- Comment on If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose? 3 weeks ago:
No more worries about UPS. If your base grows too big and UPS drops, so will your brain’s processing speed and you’ll never notice a thing.
- Comment on If I’m mostly attracted to men, is it «wrong» to consider myself pan? 3 weeks ago:
Asexuality isn’t about sex drive. It’s a question of where you direct sexual desires. If it’s not directed at anyone (whether it’s because it’s non-existent, because it’s undirected, or it’s directed at fictional characters or objects), then that’s asexual. Apparently, non-asexual people experience this thing where they see someone attractive and get a “I want to have sex with this specific person” feeling.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 4 weeks ago:
Yes? I get the impression that you mean to disagree with me, but I can’t tell how.
I don’t know if my explanation of the phenomenon is correct or not. I don’t know much about the science of traffic dynamics. All I know is that when you’re on the road, pretty much everyone ends up at approximately the same speed. That speed can differ relative to the speed limit depending on time of day, road and weather conditions, which road you’re on, etc. and there’s no one to tell me what speed to aim for. I just look at the flow of traffic and follow it. That’s all.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 4 weeks ago:
No negotiation is needed. As long as everyone agrees to follow everyone else (i.e. no one tries to overtake and you keep a constant gap with the car in front of you), then everything will naturally fall into place.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 4 weeks ago:
It’s not just a matter of others getting butthurt. It’s actively dangerous to be driving at a different speed from the rest of traffic, regardless of whether you’re going faster or slower.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 5 weeks ago:
You get a play/pause and even the ability to seek. Lucky you.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 5 weeks ago:
Not once have I had a usable voice mail UI. Forced to go through 10 seconds of menu between each message to delete and select the next one, and 90% of them are people just hanging up after realizing they hit voice mail. Then the few times I do get an important message, I have to replay the full message multiple times to transcribe the number I need to call. No seeking, no ending the playback after I’ve passed the bit I needed, often terrible audio. Why do you do this when you have my email?
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
The Q anon vibes probably come from the claims that a small group of powerful people taking advantage of their position to direct the world in an undesirable way.
I’d say that the main difference between the two is that the video you posted says “person X says they want to do Y”, whereas QAnon is more like “person X secretly wants to do Y”.
- Comment on Costco union representing 18,000 workers authorizes nationwide strike 1 month ago:
Stop scanning your card for a few visits and report back.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Or throw the can of soup into a blender
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I’m pretty sure those were given as examples and not an exhaustive list.
- Comment on Anon tries to learn Japanese 1 month ago:
That would be a fair assessment if someone presents you with the two choices and you choose to ghost. But often what happens is that you just completely forget that the app existed. The question of cost never even comes into play.
- Comment on Is it ok to clean my humidifier with H2O2? 1 month ago:
I don’t know if the H2O2 is going to cause any problems, but if you have one of those ultrasonic type humidifiers and you do manage to dissolve the black goop, turning it on will just toss that goop onto all the surrounding surfaces.
- Comment on iykyk 1 month ago:
It basically comes down to finding the longest chain of carbons, then you number each of the carbons on that chain and list off things that are attached to that carbon. For example, 1 carbon = methyl, 2 carbons = ethyl, etc.
- Comment on Look Ma, No Batteries! Hands On With Lenovo's Self-Charging Keyboard 1 month ago:
Unlike conventional batteries, supercapacitors have an exceptionally long lifespan, lasting hundreds of thousands of charge-discharge cycles, whereas lithium batteries typically last only five years or less.
So, what’s the conversation rate between charge-discharge cycles and years?
- Comment on This is the life I dream of from my cubicle 1 month ago:
Writing with this thing sounds difficult because most of us write with our fingers. Proper writing technique is all arms since that allows you to write much more without fatigue. So as long as your elbows and shoulders are intact, you can just duct tape a pen to your stump and write just as well as you can with a hand. Think of writing on a chalkboard, but scale it down to a piece of paper.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
Yes, you’ve already said this but it doesn’t answer the question. Repeating yourself won’t change that. What I asked when I originally responded to you was why the simpler alternative of renting at cost isn’t acceptable. So far, you’ve told me
A tenant never gains anything once the terms of the lease expire […] as long as the price of rent is a positive number.
[…] Paying a non-zero amount of rent is always parasitic.
Which can mean any of the following:
- There are no costs associated with renting so at-cost is 0
- You are not aware of what there is to gain from renting over owning
- You do not need those benefits yourself and therefore no one else does either
- You disagree with the concept of money being an abstraction for physical goods and human labour (There’s something special about owning home equity that is different from having the money to buy that same equity and that can’t be translated to a monetary value?)
I’ll rule out #1 because you also said
Then landlords should send me an itemized invoice that details each of the expenses incurred while I’ve been a tenant, a breakdown detailing how any rent payments cover the cost of those expenses, and a payment plan that we can negotiate to ensure both parties are getting fair deals.
Which means you do acknowledge the existence of a cost to rental units.
So what is it that you don’t agree with? Is it one of the things I’ve listed, or did I miss something?
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
Can we keep the context of what we’ve previously discussed instead of rewinding the conversation and repeating ourselves? I thought we agreed earlier that it’s fair for tenants to pay for expenses related to usage of the home and it makes sense to distribute that over time across all tenants.
[…] Imagine being the tenant that moves in just as the roof needs replacing and getting hit with a bill in the tens of thousands for a roof that you’re only going to be using for a year or two.
Then landlords should send me an itemized invoice that details each of the expenses incurred while I’ve been a tenant, a breakdown detailing how any rent payments cover the cost of those expenses, and a payment plan that we can negotiate to ensure both parties are getting fair deals. […]
It sounds like you understand now how that number comes about and why it isn’t zero, right?
[…] I’ve already told you I don’t agree. Paying a non-zero amount of rent is always parasitic.
[…] What’s this business about itemized bills to make them fair if the bills are zero?
Landlords don’t do that. Until they do, they’re parasites. […]
Did I misunderstand what you’re saying here? I understood it as meaning that an itemized bill for your rent with the ability to negotiate in order to come to a fair deal for both parties is sufficient condition to qualify as non-parasitic.
You can’t convince me that a landlord can provide potentially multiple properties worth of value over the span of a lease
Nor would I ever try to because I don’t believe they do either.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
We’re not talking about what they currently do though. The question is what they should do in order to be fair and non-parasitic. Where the threshold lies between parasitic and non-parasitic.
So far, I understand that you’re convinced ownership is necessary if any payment is involved. What I don’t understand is why*. We agreed that people should be paid for their labour. What makes home rentals special in that regard?
- Mainly to understand how a system with such a rule can make sense.