This is great. It’s like Shitpost-Prime. Half the comments are complaining about how it doesn’t make sense.
No one has even noticed that
- A “mini-burger” already has a name and it isn’t "mini-burger"
- The standard soda can shown is not a big soda
Submitted 7 months ago by to [deleted]
This is great. It’s like Shitpost-Prime. Half the comments are complaining about how it doesn’t make sense.
No one has even noticed that
But thats Washington 😡😤
Washington is on the east coast dummy. It’s by Pennsylvania.
A “mini-burger” already has a name and it isn’t “mini-burger”
I assume you mean sliders. The pic clearly does not show a slider, it shows the exact same burger as on the left but smaller. Way too much going on in that thing to be a slider, mini-burger is perfectly apt.
That’s because sliders was a sci-fi show starring the kid from Stand by Me.
No, a slider is someone who can travel from world to world where it’s the same year, and they’re the same person, but everything else is different.
Enhanced Burger and regular Burger
I mean, Coke sells smaller sodas….🤷
It’s the same burger.
Everyone in here confused, this is a great example of a joke vs a shitpost
I have learned so much about shitposting from this single post.
Alright fellow Oregonians, grab your torches and pitchforks, we meet at OP’s house tomorrow.
What’s that? Are you guys fans of oregano on pizza? I am interested to join in that case.
this is shitpost 5d chess.
Caution, US-exclusive meme ahead!
Even if you’re American it’s still nonsensical
I thinks it’s supposed to be Mini-soda -> Minnesota but the state shown is Oregon
I think that’s the part that makes it a shit post
Yeah I was wondering why Minnesota was suddenly a coastal state (enourmous lakes excluded obviously)
really? you’re supposed to know it’s not Minnesota. SUCH AS AMERICANS.
but I guess you grokked the comment like an average American so there’s that.
don’t worry, we, the rest of the world, have geography lessons. I know it’s California in the picture which is why the joke is so funny.
Listen, I’ve been to Milwaukee…
I’ve drank their “Best”.
In Oregon, the township is Milwaukie
This is new Milwaukee.
It tastes almost as great as it’s name.
This is an 11/10
This is genius but too high effort. You may sit on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of shitost.
This is outrageous and unfair, also a very unusual state of affairs
It’s Minne-pop okay.
Shrinkflation would like a word
I think I don’t get it.
Mini-soda = Minnesota = Oregon
I must be OOtL. I got the mini soda to Minnesota allusion but how does Oregon factor into this?
So obvious, not sure why I didn’t see it before!
Only because half the metro population of Portland are Minnesota ex-state-triats.
Mini soda - Minnesota.
= Oregon?
I’m thinking about it and now my brain hurty
You magnificent motherfucker. You beautiful bastard. You incandescent ignoramus.
Tiny soda?
Small pop
Petite libation
Now I get it
I first read “little soda” like a dunce, and realized “why is it oregon” and then realized I was supposed to read “mini soda”
I dummy’d my way to the solution
I’ve never felt so stupid in my life.
Fun-size tonic 7 months ago
… Oregon? 7 months ago
This meme is 6 steps ahead of all of us.
We’re playing tic-tac-toe and this meme is playing 4-dimensional strategema. 7 months ago
I looked it up and Minnesota is no where near which makes me appreciate this Oregano meme even more 7 months ago
This guy is playing chess with motorcycles. 7 months ago
I take Strategema for my adhd 7 months ago
That’s Minnesota learn geology 7 months ago
What happened to Misterssoda? 7 months ago
After the civil war completes, Emperor Walz declares the entire nation will now be known as Minnesota in a show of unification to the rest of the world. 7 months ago
No, it’s spelled “Oregun” according to big lifted, pavement princess, diesel covered in decals that just rolled coal in front of me. 7 months ago
Oregon is like Minnesota but squished a little. 7 months ago