- Comment on Something-mology 1 day ago:
I often struggle to know who that fits with epistemology.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 2 days ago:
I like that they mark on metal. And the tip is great for tracing rough edges and rulers.
- Comment on "Meritocracy" 2 days ago:
Not anymore. They fired all the non white dudes. Government probably can’t even flush the toilet on their own anymore.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 3 days ago:
I do that with sharpies so I can get them in and out of my back pocket easily.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 4 days ago:
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 4 days ago:
This kind. I like the metal tip.
- Comment on Asking the important questions. 6 days ago:
My brother used to fart in a tennis ball can and hold me down and make me smell it. I agree, contained farts are awfuler.
- Comment on Are you annoyed by lemmy crossposts? 1 week ago:
The seemingly endless scroll of reposts is absolutely one of the factors preventing the casual passerby from sticking around lemmy. They won’t notice it’s posted to different instances, it just looks like a glitch.
- Comment on Are you annoyed by lemmy crossposts? 1 week ago:
Yes. It’s annoying. I wish all the posts from the same person were in one thread so there weren’t 12 conversations happening in 12 different rooms.
When I see 5 posts in a row by the same person I look at their history and if they do that on the regular without making comments I block them.
- Comment on what are the chances of irreparable damage due to obstructed blood circulation during sleep? 1 week ago:
A friend’s dad had Saturday night palsy he fell asleep with his arm over a chair. He was close to losing it and had physio for a long time.
- Comment on This queue for the new swasticar 2 weeks ago:
Where I am, you can hire off duty officers as security. They’re just security guards in a police uniform. Maybe these guys are the new Stasi idk
- Comment on You Are Witnessing the Death of American Capitalism 2 weeks ago:
talking about how the average person no longer gets to participate in capitalism.
Hasn’t it been determined that that is how capitalism dies?
- Comment on This queue for the new swasticar 2 weeks ago:
I’m in Canada, I don’t know how it works other places. Here’s a police services hiring board if you’re interested.
- Comment on This queue for the new swasticar 2 weeks ago:
As I understand it to be, these guys are off duty and have no guns in their holsters and they’re getting paid by tesla. That’s how it usually works but I bet these cheques are signed by the feds.
- Comment on Musk’s Tweet-Fueled Bubble May Be About to Burst 2 weeks ago:
Here’s to hoping! 🍻 I heard tesla’s earnings report is out in April. Hopefully it tanks.
- Comment on Oh shit, I thought about my life for a second. 4 weeks ago:
Lol, I thought it was a bag of weed with a joint at the bottom.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Why are you mad at the cops and not the person who called them?
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 5 weeks ago:
When it’s a president it’s called Second Term at Ronnie’s.
- Comment on Ye Takes Back Apology and Calls Himself a Nazi in Social Media Rant 1 month ago:
I thought it was Scottish.
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 1 month ago:
After getting old I realized why they’re called ‘trades’. You trade your physical health for money.
- Comment on UK would need forest ‘twice size of London’ to offset new airport expansion. 1 month ago:
- Comment on Firm on the price. I know what I got! 1 month ago:
Only missing the horse cock of a windshield wiper.
- Comment on UK would need forest ‘twice size of London’ to offset new airport expansion. 1 month ago:
Some day I’d like to hear about a forest the size of London getting planted without there being a gigantic airport built.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
The other nice thing is you just block assholes like this and never have to think about them ever again.
- Comment on Wait, I've seen this movie 1 month ago:
- Comment on Halp. 2 months ago:
1 1/2" is 1/8th of a foot
Nice! Never thought of that!
I like how shipwrights used to notate dimensions, feet-inches-eighths+/- so 28 3/4" would be 2-4-6. 28 13/16ths" would be 2-4-6+
- Comment on Halp. 2 months ago:
That’s a tape for the new guy on the crew so he doesn’t look like a dum-dum. Until the crew sees his tape anyway.
- Comment on Halp. 2 months ago:
Like being a polyglot, learning more than one language has its benefits,
That’s what irks me about the “anything other than metric is stupid” crowd. Who needs less tools?
- Comment on Halp. 2 months ago:
I accidentally bought an engineers ruler that’s in 10ths of a foot that’s a real pain in the ass. Or that side of the square that’s in 12ths. But I’d really like a fractional metric ruler. 7/16ths cm.
- Comment on Halp. 2 months ago:
No, they’re fine. It’s the bilingual tapes that are a pain in the ass. You have to guess at half the measurements no matter your preferred scale.