- Comment on Eaten’ on the roof 2 weeks ago:
I usually try a new restaurant alone before taking people there. Lean into it!
- Comment on What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? 2 months ago:
I had no background and nearly shat myself at a moment you can probably guess lol
- Comment on This world is cruel… 3 months ago:
1,2,4,6,7,8,10,12,15 I’d say of any of them that cooking is the one that I think really makes a difference.
- Comment on M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable 5 months ago:
Yes, it has never been the best in terms of relevance or depth of index. But lately when I do searches for something like “cherry shrimp aquarium water quality requirements” I’ve been overwhelmed by AI-written SEO blogs. Where google still pulls up results from forums, reddit, other relevant actual humans talking.
- Comment on M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable 5 months ago:
Yes, and DDG has really been degrading over the last few months in quality of results imo.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Yep, it lives up to the best of what immersive sims set out to be. You have point A, point B, and a million ways that you can go about getting from A to B
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
To me, Ctrl Alt Ego is not well known enough. It is an immersive sim in the style of Prey. You play as a robot roaming a station, where your Ego (like a spirit) can pass into and control all sorts of objects to solve puzzles, evade or kill enemise. The graphics aren’t impressive (it was made by a 2-person team) but the gameplay is so interesting and the story is surprisingly compelling and funny!
- Comment on Think about it 6 months ago:
this is shitpost 5d chess.
- Comment on The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter 6 months ago:
20,000 people are playing it at a time. Not exactly a secret. The way they’re testing this game is radical and newsworthy in itself. I’m glad Verge reported on it, and they don’t seem mad they they were banned
- Comment on The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter 6 months ago:
LTT posted a do-over video with Stefan. He seems like a decent guy. Have followed him since then. youtu.be/QKzmYsySGFQ?si=AlEpsycL5ifF3RxD
- Comment on Why do we put up with this crap? 6 months ago:
Also the safety was statistically worse for the most part
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
Haven’t had to email a file to myself since I set up syncthing
- Comment on Lay them on me 11 months ago:
The thing is that the mainstream aspect will burn out, like most fads do, but the people who really love it will keep loving it, and some (usually small) amount of the new influx will also stick around permanently and enrich the community. It’s just about surviving through the fad part that is hard.
- Comment on cancel culture has gone too far 11 months ago:
Same with leaded gas: it is a wonderful fuel additive; very effective and engines ran so well as they covered the world with lead microparticles. And CFCs: a really great refrigerant but it just also loves reacting with stratospheric ozone! Oddly enough, both commercialized by the same very evil man en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Midgley_Jr.
- Comment on me too 11 months ago:
The backstory is that he wrote it in a letter to Charles Lyell, and also used the opportunity to rant about how much he hates orchids
- Comment on Fucking finally! 11 months ago:
I know time is relative but that’s going a bit too far
- Comment on I tried so hard. 11 months ago:
And poor drainage, the wrong light, lack of nutrients, and build up of minerals or being pot-bound.
- Comment on That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! 1 year ago:
claps valves sagely
- Comment on That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! 1 year ago:
Hard to say without knowing its composition. If rich in ammonium, the nitrification (oxidation to nitrate) might lead to lower alkalinity. If rich in nitrate, it might help alkalinity, but only if there’s some lower oxygen area of the tank like a bank of sediment, where denitrification can happen
- Comment on That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! 1 year ago:
You might find it hard in a closed system to maintain the alkalinity needed for them to thrive long-term! Source: I study bivalves
- Comment on That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! 1 year ago:
Yes, it can. It can clog their gills, making their feeding less efficient, or interfere with their reproduction through chemicals that leach from the plastic particles. Source: I study bivalves
- Comment on That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! 1 year ago:
They are confirmed to be able to gather nano-plastics as larvae, and microplastic as adults, though no studies have looked at nanoscale particles in adult oysters from what I could find. They may ingest the plastic or package it up in mucus to expel as “pseudofeces”, trapping the plastic particles in the sediment. Source: I study bivalves
- Comment on That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! 1 year ago:
It’s generally seen as pretty hard to maintain filter-feeding bivalves long-term in an aquarium tank, in terms of diet (diverse phytoplankton), pH/alkalinity, and substrate (many are pretty specific in terms of conditions in which they burrow). You might have better luck with Corbicula sp. (“Asian clams”) which are quite generalist in their food, even being able to deposit feed by scraping the substrate. They are however quite invasive, so please don’t release them into the wild! Oysters on the other hand are usually found in mostly brackish or fully marine conditions, and would likely not be able to thrive long-term in fully fresh water. Usually they can only survive short bouts of freshening. Source: I study clams
- Comment on Large. Because they Just Can't Get Enough. 1 year ago:
Just saw them live and it was an incredible concert. Highly recommended if you can attend their present tour
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
Turbotax has entered the chat. Turbotax has DMed your senator a couple hundred thousand to make sure you will never be able to use this
- Comment on "Sponsored recommendations": I pay for Spotify Premium, and yet somehow I'm still the product? 1 year ago:
It’s funny because the radio industry used to have this pay-to-play model. It began to be called “payola” and triggered a huge controversy including congressional investigations and an FCC crackdown. Yet here we are, with the same shit happening again in digital format. This is honestly worse than payola since radio was free and this is not. I don’t like paying to be advertised to. Considering leaving Spotify; there seem to be more and more shenanigans like this popping up, AND their subscription price just increased!