- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 3 days ago:
Is that a crest I see before me?
- Comment on Tried to watch The French Connection... 😠 4 days ago:
Ahoy there matey.
- Comment on Stop touching your stuff! 6 days ago:
I was literally touching my penis when my eyes alit on this post.
My first thought was that this was an incredible coincidence, and worthy of remark, but now I’m starting to wonder if maybe I’m subconsciously handling this thing more than I realize.
- Comment on Hardcore gaming 1 week ago:
Wait wait wait, WINDOWS installed?
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
What are your qualifications for media literacy?
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
From what now?
- Comment on aww man here we goo... 2 weeks ago:
We prefer Speed tape. It’s a little stronger but just as ubiquitous.
- Comment on aww man here we goo... 2 weeks ago:
I’ve worked in commercial aviation for 20+ years. In that time I have flown on hundreds of trips, on aircraft of all sizes, ages and manufacturers. I have visited crash sites mid-cleanup and had the odd sensation of smelling familiar airplane smells perverted by burned Jet-A. I have provided logistical support to families grieving the loss of their loved ones due to the actions of the airline I worked for. In other words, I have spent a lot of time highly aware of how catastrophic a crash can be, but I never felt unsafe flying in all that time because the system itself still felt safe.
Last week my kid flew to Florida, and I have never been so nervous. I almost told them to cancel but that would have freaked them out even more and made me look crazy. But the system doesn’t feel safe now. It is not in safe hands.
- Comment on Okay, this is getting out of hand 2 weeks ago:
One day soon we will look back fondly to when this was a joke.
- Comment on The Man Who Met Kit Duncan 3 weeks ago:
Ken M is a balm on my very sole in these trying times.
- Comment on She would be proud 3 weeks ago:
Say hi to your grandkids
- Comment on "Poetic take" on the state of the US 3 weeks ago:
Now accepting preorders for black t-shirts with simple block letters across the chest:
JAMES 5:1-6
On the back:
- Comment on i wish it was a cheesesteak 3 weeks ago:
I thought that was Anthony fucking Bourdain next to it
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 3 weeks ago:
I just started playing this based on a similar thread I saw earlier this week, and I haven’t put it down. It shows its age but it is an fantastaic and absorbing game. Easy to switch between mission focus and just killing Nazis for fun.
- Comment on I am required to pay taxes to the US government, not elon musk running a fraudulent government agency, why should I pay? 3 weeks ago:
Then maybe don’t tell someone who does live here to keep their head down. Especially if you’re from where I think you’re from. You should be exhorting us to learn from your history and to not let this overtake us - because the fascists will have learned from your history as well.
- Comment on I am required to pay taxes to the US government, not elon musk running a fraudulent government agency, why should I pay? 3 weeks ago:
Push for good change like calling your congress person and complaining? Campaigning for a progressive candidate in the mid-terms?
If you’re going to pretend for youself like it’s 2016, then just spare us. Your silence would be better than lumping all direct action into throwing molotovs.
When you dismiss the option set rather than productively try to add to the option set, any rational person would rightfully question your actual intentions.
- Comment on I am required to pay taxes to the US government, not elon musk running a fraudulent government agency, why should I pay? 3 weeks ago:
Your vote for the status quo has been registered, but please note the status quo has been a decade-long continuous slide into fascism, so that is what you will be cosigning by keeping your head down.
- Comment on My migraine says 5 4 weeks ago:
7 resonates in a way I can’t fully articulate.
- Comment on Delicious 1 month ago:
Hugs the well out of my bife.
- Comment on Delicious 1 month ago:
I love spoonerisms and I have an almost nervous habit of making them up on the spot at random times. Bugs the hell out of my wife.
- Comment on Plot twist 1 month ago:
Just thank goodness it’s illegal to kill yourself in a car without a drivers license. That simple law has saved untold lifes.
- Comment on american culture 2 months ago:
As an American, I am going to dine on this single example as if it disproves the idea that we are insular and provincial hicks for the next decade.
- Comment on Saint Luigi 2 months ago:
No one is really talking about AI as inherently bad. It’s current implementation is impossible to separate from consolidated ownership by big tech and environmental rape in the name of delivering a technology that has no clear use case to the end consumer yet.
Just because people don’t want unpack all of that nuance for pedants like you doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
Until AI means something different than the transgressive genAI integration and resource hoarding of big Tech - indeed until AI is no longer synonymous with Big Tech, then all of this wretched handwringing you’re engaging in over the distinction between the two will continue to be useless, meaningless, and fucking annoying.
Spend your time on something useful. Would you like a new prompt?
- Comment on Saint Luigi 2 months ago:
If you think it has nothing to do with the working class struggle you need to go back to square one and begin again. There isn’t much that isn’t impacted by the rise of AI.
- Comment on Christmas message from Batman 2 months ago:
Well you’re missing out on a rich subculture with a very supportive community that is always very welcoming of newcomers.
- Comment on I will not disappoint my ancestors 2 months ago:
My ancestors can get fucked. It’s time to start living for your descendants.
- Comment on This show is wild 2 months ago:
Yaoi wowie
- Comment on Subscribe now for more clicks! 2 months ago:
One man’s meme is another monster’s inspiration
- Comment on What games have you put the most hours into? 2 months ago:
Easily Fallout 4 or No Man’s Sky
- Comment on My Favorite YouTubers You Should Watch, If You Want 3 months ago:
That’s a new name for me. I dedicate this evening’s rabbit trail expedition to you.