- Comment on I miss myspace 2 days ago:
- Comment on Xenon 2 days ago:
I’m reading all these comments in his voice.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 3 days ago:
Carbonating a void underground seems like a bad plan. God help us if Mentos get down there.
And OP was talking about trees.
- Comment on OSHA is woke 1 week ago:
It means in some states, such as California and Oregon, but likely others as well, workers comp is the sole relief for an injured worker. All injuries are considered no-fault and the injured worker has no right to go after their employer unless they can prove that their employer intended to do harm. The injured workers only gets the medical treatment and whatever disability payout workers comp tosses their way.
So, if your supervisor is drinking at work and ignoring warnings about dangerous equipment and then you get hurt by that equipment, you cannot sue. If your supervisor wrote an email about how they didn’t fix some equipment so that it would hurt someone and you get hurt by that equipment, you might be able to sue.
- Comment on OSHA is woke 1 week ago:
Not so fun fact: depending on the state you live in, you may not be able to sue your employer if you are injured due to their negligence. If you work in an unsafe place you should document and report what you see to the relevant authorities and then find a new job
- Comment on ligma 1 week ago:
He doesn’t need to pay Sigma prices for something he’s so good at synthesizing.
- Comment on Americans are weird. 2 weeks ago:
No you fuckin don’t mate.
- Comment on I will take no arguments 3 weeks ago:
I definitely had a translucent tape player and clock radio in 1995.
- Comment on Transmen who have had bottom surgery, have you ever sat on your scrotum by accident? 4 weeks ago:
Wear pouch briefs and this will never be a problem.
- Comment on All the Games Reportedly Set for Release on Nintendo Switch 2 - IGN 5 weeks ago:
Totally agree. It’s silly how much better ToTK is at 60fps.
If you hack your Switch and overclock it up to the stock Nvidia shield speeds most games run a lot better.
- Comment on All the Games Reportedly Set for Release on Nintendo Switch 2 - IGN 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, they’re jerks who happen to produce good games from time to time and build consoles out of parts that are 4 years old at launch.
I believe Nintendo went after Switch emulators because the new Switch shares enough with the original to make it a cake walk to emulate Switch 2 games with better performance.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 month ago:
That works unless your neighbor had unsecured WiFi. The TVs will phone home in any way they can.
- Comment on Doom on a CAPTCHA is the most frustrating though admittedly raddest way to prove your humanity to an algorithm 1 month ago:
They don’t want to admit they never bothered looking at the control options.
- Comment on Doom on a CAPTCHA is the most frustrating though admittedly raddest way to prove your humanity to an algorithm 1 month ago:
How do I press Alt on my phone?
- Comment on Doom on a CAPTCHA is the most frustrating though admittedly raddest way to prove your humanity to an algorithm 1 month ago:
I have distinct memories of my dad teaching me to strafe on his 486-powered laptop with a laggy monochrome screen. Maybe it was a modifier key that changed left/right to strafing? It was definitely a feature in the OG Doom and Wolfenstein 3D before it.
- Comment on Doom on a CAPTCHA is the most frustrating though admittedly raddest way to prove your humanity to an algorithm 1 month ago:
You could assign keys to strafe in 1993.
- Comment on Spermageddon (2025, dir Tommy Wirkola and Rasmus A. Sivertsen) 1 month ago:
If she’s a teen now she didn’t exist in 1994.
- Comment on Need those unit conversions 2 months ago:
$30 a gram?!? I was paying $35 for 1/8ths of top shelf stuff in the rural western US in 2007. Then again, the rural west is where all the good stuff was grown pre-legalization.
- Comment on I choose innovation. 2 months ago:
I hope there’s a light in the shower since blinds are opaque while shower curtains are not.
- Comment on How would you forgive someone that poisoned your dog when they only offer bad faith apology ? 2 months ago:
I heard lead poisoning can help poisoners not relapse.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
For me it’s an investment in freezing my housing costs. I bought 8 years ago and since then the increases in my housing costs have been around 5% as taxes go up. In the same time period, rent for the apartment I was in previously has gone up 65% and is higher than my mortgage payment. Had I not purchased a house there’s a good chance I would have had to either move in with family or move to a much cheaper area.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
Tell that to my mortgage.
For the record I own exactly one house, it’s in terrible condition and I don’t have the funds to renovate. Because of the mortgage.
- Comment on Perfect Christmas Gift for your boyfriend or husband 2 months ago:
I have been blessed with what articles claim women say is the perfect dong. About 1 in 5 women have told me it was too large and uncomfortable while the rest have told me how much better bigger ones like mine are.
Funny thing is guys stare WAY more in nude situations.
- Comment on YEET 2 months ago:
What are the chances it was blasted into the sun?
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 2 months ago:
You know it’s not really competition when you give yourself a massive advantage, right?
You know that you’re a grownup cheating to beat children, right?
You know that’s sadder than playing a fair game and losing, right?
- Comment on Thanks for the warning I guess?? 2 months ago:
If you have high impedance headphones and you’re not using a headphone preamp you’re not getting everything you paid for out of those cans.
- Comment on Mushrooms 3 months ago:
They ARE the ground.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 3 months ago:
Yo straight people are the ones having waaay more kids and they’re still naming plenty of them with non-stupid names. Let’s focus the hate where it belongs: people who try to create personalities for themselves by using their child as a proxy for their unfulfilled hopes and dreams.
- Comment on Urticaria 4 months ago:
The title had me like “What did those tiny carnivorous plants do now?” but no that’s Utricularia.
- Comment on Badgers 4 months ago:
I just wat a seat at the table for one of their feasts.