Wow, this really says a lot about S O C I E T Y
I'm am myself and myself is bad at fitting in
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
Truly we do live in one 9 months ago
Bottom text 9 months ago 9 months ago
What is the real context of this pic ? 9 months ago
Kingons from Star Trek have combat as a major part of their society/culture. They always seek honor and glory (in combat)
And jussssst in case anyone doesn’t get it, we call that a “glory hole” and… Yeah… Look it up, but only if you’re not at work and are over 18 lol 9 months ago
He’s gonna get poked in the eye. 9 months ago
Just be yourself by changing everything about yourself until society approves or you will be ejected. 9 months ago
I recently made a comment bitching about how I didn’t have time to enjoy my life because of the 9-5 grind and one of the replies I got basically amounted to this and “get screened for depression”. No shit I’m depressed, I’m not compatible with the world I live in. 9 months ago
In the UK if you need an anti depressant, they will be prescribed after a ten minute conversation. On the other hand if you want to treat the underlying condition that is causing the depression you have a very steep hill to climb. For example, it is estimated that around 30% of male prisoners have ADHD. Lately I have stopped thinking of the UK as an ethical society. 9 months ago
Best I could do is a home made Ai therapist. I’m not rich enough to buy emotional and psycological support. 9 months ago
That’s right, it goes in the square hole. 9 months ago
😟 9 months ago
That’s a great vid lol 9 months ago
Wait until you learn about the job market 9 months ago
The difference is that jobs and places to work are extremely diverse. It’s not always easy but you can find something that at least is a tolerable way to make a living. For most folks there are lots of options. With the education system… if you don’t fit into that cookie-cutter hole, there are no alternatives except don’t go, which is straight up illegal in a lot of places until your 18. 9 months ago
This is such a bullshit moral for stories, and it’s so overused that it boggles my brain. It’s just an outright lie - accepting oneself will NOT magically solve all of one’s problems, that’s not how reality works. 9 months ago
I think that there’s a comfy middle ground between giving into every horrible trait you have to the detriment of everyone around you, and molding yourself into a character just to please everyone around you. 9 months ago
This is definitely true. My litmus test is simply empathy. If I were them, would I want to have a stranger (me) do this thing I’m about to do? If the answer is no, then I don’t do it. 9 months ago
I think it’s simpler than that. If you need to pretend to be a different person so others will accept you, then you’ll spend your life pretending to be something you’re not. If you just be yourself, then anyone who accepts you is accepting the real you rather than a false front you put on.
Note that there’s a difference between pretending to be what you’re not vs changing yourself into something different. 9 months ago
It will not solve all your problems, but it might solve some.
Pretending to be someone you’re really not, unless there’s a very good reason for it, usually leads to more harm than good 9 months ago
What if you need to hide the fact that you’re secretly a vigilante? 9 months ago
Yeah and if you’re someone like me you shouldn’t accept yourself.
I’m actual human garbage. 9 months ago
My point is that coming to terms with who you are isn’t the destination, but the first step in a road of self improvement.
You’re only garbage if you stop there. Do better, one little bit at a time. 9 months ago
Recently I saw someone complaining that he’ll always be a virgin and will never get laid. In my advice I recommended making changes to improve himself, like being kind and generous, learning to be better socially, and taking up hobbies that involve being around people.
He said I was telling him to “fake himself.”
All of the “just be yourself” and “you’re perfect just the way you are” platitudes are meant to improve confidence, but unfortunately it means some people genuinely don’t think they need to fix things. That they are just, like, owed success from society or something.
Obviously there are aspects that you don’t need to change, like you don’t have to pretend to like things you don’t, and you don’t have to try to change your orientation or identity, but if you’re an asshole you should try to not be an asshole. If you smell bad you should shower. If you suffer from social anxiety there are both medical and practical ways to address that.
No one is perfect. We can all stand to improve things about ourselves and thus progress towards whatever goals we may have. And the more we lie about not needing to change, or indeed not being able to change, the more we let people wallow in self-pity. I don’t have data to back this up, but I suspect this sort of thinking leads in part to the wave of loneliness and incel-ness we see in our society today. 9 months ago
“Be yourself” + “Give yourself time to grow” + “You can be anything you set your mind to” are not contradictory and indeed need to all be taken together. I suppose a less kind to put it is “Authentically and gradually shape yourself into a person of your own choosing. We are all going to presume you’ll pick well in either a prosocial or profitable sense. If you don’t shape yourself well then it will be unpleasant for everyone especially you.” 9 months ago
I think most education systems actually work the other way around, the hole’s there, but the teachers will hammer students into the “right” shape 9 months ago
Why do you think that hole has so many cracks around it? 9 months ago
Pretty sure the triangle can fit through that hole. 9 months ago 9 months ago
I still love this clip. Her reactions are so visceral. 9 months ago
Add the square as well, since it doesn’t appear to be a cube. 9 months ago
So... which education system would that be?
I acknowledge that online the assumption is whenever you see memes like these it's always about the US, but maybe having that assumption is me internalizing that weirdness? 9 months ago
What education system is completely fair and equal in means for children? 9 months ago
Are you American? Because "if it's not perfect it's just as bad as ours" is something I hear a lot from Americans and don't think that's how this works. 9 months ago
One where profit motive doesn’t exist and the exams are only a minor fraction of the passing rubrics. 9 months ago
All of them. 9 months ago
Oh, ok. So no problem, then.
I mean, if all of them are like that then it's a fundamental, intrinsic problem of growing up and learning things and there's nothing to be done. No point complaining.
But I don't think you mean that, to be perfectly honest. 9 months ago
“Your true self is a circle. You only think you’re a triangle.” 9 months ago
Why are you am? Did you try not to be am? I was am myself but myself being am wasn’t fitting well. Well fuck it there’s nothing wrong with being am and well. I am am and proud. 9 months ago
Okay thanks for the tip 9 months ago
I kind of regret you remove your happy mistake my friend, but I respect your decision.
As you see I’m bad at everything else as well
Don’t say that. You’re perfect just the way you are. 9 months ago
I’ve been on the internet since the before before times, I do not recognize this one. I must have been distracted at the time it happened.
Still made sense to me though… So IDK. Maybe the internet has warped my mind. I’ve seen a lot. 9 months ago
OP made a little typo in the title of its post. It made sense then. 9 months ago
Thats why it feels like youre being chiseled out by the education system 9 months ago
Teachers are on the other side with hammers trying to force everyone through. 9 months ago
It’s not just education, lol 9 months ago 9 months ago
To be fair, the first panel is entirely unnecessary. 9 months ago
Thank you, mate, I’ll add to the body as credits 9 months ago
There are several hole shapes but not infinite and no guarantee that an individual person will be suited to a hole at all. 9 months ago
successpictures energy 9 months ago
Why homeschool education is best education.
Teehee, come at me with the downvotes, drones. 9 months ago
In some specific cases it might be, but a lot of parents are doing it for the wrong reasons, and I’m not sure I’ve ever met a homeschooled kid that didn’t seem a bit off socially. 9 months ago
Well keep in mind that homeschooling doesn’t exclude extracurriculars. In my town, almost on a daily basis there’s some sort of child learning activities, museums, planetariums, gardening, nature exploring etc… These activities are done with other homeschooled children and children going on field trips. 9 months ago
I’ve been thinking about it long and hard, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a lousy teacher, and on the other hand, I’ve faced a rather limited pool of tutors 😓
Actually, hiring is hell, almost like the “dating” market. Only this time, it’s not even your own life at stake. 9 months ago
My wife isn’t a certified teacher, she just goes online and finds educational resources and prints them out. My daughter is learning at the 4th grade level. She’s only 5 years old.
Before my wife and I had kids we had this discussion about public education, private institutions, and home schooling. If private institutions were affordable, we will go that route, if not, then home schooling. I told her public education is not on the table, ever. It is an institution that keeps the minds of children dull, lethargic, and incapable of advancing because the curriculum provided is static, all children work at the same pace.
When I was a child, my teacher in 2nd grade told my mother I had ADHD. That at first, I was an excellent student, I did all my work, then all of a sudden I had a change in behavior. Come to find out, I was bored. The pace of learning was too slow in the classroom. And thank fk my mom didn’t put me on any meds. My wife was the same way in high school… she was skipping school so much she was about to get expelled but she explained to the dean that all her homework was completed, all got good grades and she always came to school to take quizzes and tests and those scores were never below a B+. And that anytime she got anything less than an A she would do extra credit work to make up for it. They allowed her to continue her high school education and she graduated as one of the valedictorians, meaning a perfect 4.0 GPA.
All I’m saying is, public education gives you the bare minimum to become a wage slave. The institution is outdated, plain and simple. 9 months ago
Homeschooling helps kids acquire social skills and learn how to interact with others, like not calling people you’ve never met “drones” 9 months ago
I went to public school, I explained that public school for me was too slow, as too with my wife. Why would I limit my children? And homeschooling doesn’t interfere with social skills. 9 months ago
Square peg, Round hole. Story of my life. 9 months ago
If only they made the hole square… 9 months ago
that’s right! the square hole 9 months ago
[mental breakdown intensifies] 9 months ago
Can you guess which whole these shapes go through? 9 months ago
That’s optimization for you. Just a 27% increase in size would allow a whole lot of more shapes, but think of the economy! 9 months ago
We don’t want squares in society. Your free to make your own hole as long as you don’t modify the walls or use the hole.