- Comment on Spent half an hour on it. Felt good. 5 days ago:
What do you mean? That’s a surname.
- Comment on Spent half an hour on it. Felt good. 5 days ago:
Is your caps lock broken? What the heck is that second select?
- Comment on tig ol bitties 6 days ago:
May I suggest reading Carl Sagan’s Cosmos? Or watch one of the TV shows.
While your average human is about as smart as a brick, there are so many minds throughout history that were able to pull humanity out of our dark caves and into space.
What we need, to survive as a species, is to nurture people, give them (proper) education, and more will come up.
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 2 weeks ago:
I was alone…
I was all by myself…
No one was lookiiiiing…
- Comment on 6/10 2 weeks ago:
Let’s stop beating around the bush, shall we?
- Comment on She was thrilled at all the people running to confirm that she is still HOT 3 weeks ago:
Probably yelling her phone number to someone who blew her a kiss.
- Comment on Bumper crop 3 weeks ago:
The one use of roundup that’s universally approved.
- Comment on Little know fact 3 weeks ago:
I’ll add this along with “gargling beast balls” to the list of sentences I wasn’t expecting to read today.
- Comment on Schrödinger's Cat 3 weeks ago:
You’re not alone brother, Einstein himself had beef with quantum mechanics (as did most of the guys who developed the whole field, AFAIK).
His famous quote “god doesn’t play dice” isnt about destiny or religion or something. It’s specifically about this, about how the universe is mostly deterministic (the tree DOES make a sound, the cat IS alive OR dead) except in quantum physics where things supposedly are random and based on probability? Hogwash.
Proving that it is hogwash, however, is a Nobel prize and a ticket to immortality…
- Comment on Schrödinger's Cat 3 weeks ago:
In the reflection, the box appears to have a cat in it. There is no cat in the original (right side) box.
This is a joke on the famous “Schrödinger’s cat”, a thought experiment about quantum superposition where a cat inside a box is both alive and dead at the same time, up until the moment someone looks into the box.
To me as a layman, this sounds like utter hogwash, so it’s funny because it “proves” the experiment as best as it can be proven (which is not at all).
I suspect many theoretical physicists think the same way, but they’ve learned these equations that tell them they need to believe this hogwash. Let’s spare a thought for their troubled souls…
- Comment on The Human Condition 3 weeks ago:
Haha jokes on you, I make so little that I don’t have to pay taxes!
Shit I’m gonna go live in the woods. Awooooo
- Comment on Career day 3 weeks ago:
I honestly don’t know what a rage-bait cooking mom is, and I’m feeling kinda blessed right now…
- Comment on Anon watches her boyfriend play videogames 3 weeks ago:
Only neckbeards on 4chan, it’s obviously a troll post, newf…
- Comment on Kryptonite 4 weeks ago:
Uranium fever has done and got me down
- Comment on Eaten’ on the roof 4 weeks ago:
I looked up what dingus means, and got this:
nouninformal•North American used to refer to something one cannot or does not wish to name specifically.
So it’s like Voldemort… takes notes
- Comment on Eaten’ on the roof 4 weeks ago:
Of course not, how could you miss the oversized stuffed mascot sitting across from him??
- Comment on The USA was always broken 4 weeks ago:
And it’s hard to overstate that the post WW2 golden age came as a result as the rest of the entire world being devastated by war, while the US industry was absolutely untouched and immediately ready to pivot from war time demand to supplying the world.
That ain’t gonna happen again.
- Comment on Anon removes a fence 4 weeks ago:
You nailed it huh
- Comment on son, happy birthday 4 weeks ago:
Definitely not, a bacteriophage is like 500 nanometres. A tardigrade is 0.5 mm, or 500 000 nanometres, literally 1000x the size.
- Comment on It's just a Planck bro 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 5 weeks ago:
There’s nobody out there writing “commercial” code in notepad. It’s the concepts that matter, not the spelling, so if OP got a solid grasp on those from using GPT, he’ll probably make it just fine
- Comment on Europeans watching US/CA relations implode 5 weeks ago:
Come join us! We have wine and baguettes, I’m sure we can make it work.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 5 weeks ago:
That’s an interesting point. I’m sure you’re right, it would not trigger anger fits on so many people, by a long shot.
It still irks me tough, because all planes fly (or they wouldn’t be a plane), that’s a defining characteristic. But planes in general don’t crash, and conflating the two just adds to the fear of planes and does very little for our overall safety.
I’m not arguing they’re not dangerous, because they certainly are. But I think the important discussion is why they can crash, and how we can prevent that.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 5 weeks ago:
I don’t think anyone could disagree with you, if they’re being honest, men are dangerous. I was hoping for a discussion on why, or if, we can live as a society without one half being afraid of the other, but I’ll take the plague I suppose.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 5 weeks ago:
Thank you for your helpful insight.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 5 weeks ago:
My problem with this post is exactly the same I have with any broad assumptions over a poorly defined group: taken as fact, they’re false.
Of course it’s meant to make a point, and a very valid one. But I’ll point out that there are many places in the world where a young woman can go out for a walk at night without fear of never being seen again, and it’s not because there’s fewer men, so perhaps we should focus on the conditions to achieve this?
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 1 month ago:
This is the way.
I always wait for the prices to drop before buying any game, and never ever pre-buy them. The only exception is early access from indie devs, I’ll help them along if they show promise.
My jolly roger has been stuffed in a trunk somewhere for years, but looks like it might be coming out…
- Comment on If AI spits out stuff it's been trained on 1 month ago:
End stage capitalism of the brain, all your ideas are ours and you owe us money for thinking them.
What a great idea there bud
- Comment on I'm old 1 month ago:
To be fair, we’re halfway through this decade and it’s been harder than 90’s, 00’s and 10’s combined.
- Comment on Same 1 month ago:
Thanks for the corrections, looks like I got in late on BG3 and if we’re nitpicking about Shadow of the Erd Tree being a DLC, we need to talk about horse armour.
In any case, the guy I was replying to was crying about no good AAA games in the last few years, so it still applies, but going by overall reviews you can just as easily sub in stuff like Metaphor ReFantazio or Tekken or Like a Dragon and I’m sure there’s others in genres I don’t care about