as someone who’s worked in food service (fuck this guy for “wagies”) I don’t care if papa domino loses 50 cents but I do care about losing my job bc my manager saw me give it away to some asshole who thinks he’s above the workers that make his food.
my job isn’t worth you saving 50 cents 3 days ago
I agree with both sides of the argument, but lean more toward the dude who posted. 3 days ago
When I worked in a restaurant we were supposed to charge for stuff like that, but I knew it would tick people off and take away from my tip so I never did. I don’t care if some multi-millionaire loses a couple fractions of a penny so I can gain several dollars in tips. 3 days ago
Problem is those multi-millionares are the type of assholes who would fire someone for not charging 50¢ for a stupid packet of sauce. 3 days ago
Companies make absolute fucking bank over “small insignificant” things like this.
Yes it’s only 50¢ but how many people every day think to themselves “oh it’s just 50 cents”
Then add that up over the whole year, for every location.
It quickly becomes much more than the “insignificant” 50¢.
And they know you are more likely to pay it and keep quiet than argue or simply not buy the item.
Sure it’s “just 50 cents” for you, but for the company, by the end of the day it’s more than most make in a year.
Note: actual dollar amounts company-wide for garlic cups is not something I happen to know, but based on how much I’ve seen them slinging cups into the boxes while I wait for my pizza, it’s gotta be a lot. 3 days ago
I feel like these have been rising in price too.