Mods and admins can fuck off
- Comment on On May 5, Microsoft’s Skype will shut down for good 3 days ago:
The last time I used skype, it was to monitor my 3d print because I needed to finish a project and my last attempt went all spaghetti.
So as I was at work I’d log into my computer from my phone, call myself with skype, and check to make sure everything was still okay.
Then I discovered octoprint.
- Comment on Trump Just Fired 6,700 I.R.S. Workers in the Middle of Tax Season. That’s a Huge Mistake. 1 week ago:
in service of power.
Same thing, really.
- Comment on Meta approves bonuses of up to 200% of company executives' salaries as it trims stock awards for employees 1 week ago:
They stated they didn’t break piracy laws because they downloaded a shitload of books for their LLM and didn’t seed any.
Torrents are downloaded by “leeches” and put out for download by “seeders”
A proper ratio of what you downloaded to what you allow others to download should be 1:1 if you’re not a dick. (1gb downloaded means you need to upload 1gb to other users for 1:1) but if you don’t seed at ALL or if you only seed bare minimum to keep downloading things, you’re called a Leech, and derogatorily. Because you didn’t seed.
So they’re stating “we didn’t break the law, we’re just leeches!”
- Comment on Anon compares Harry and Ron 1 week ago:
I genuinely think the author just put those two together because they knew everyone was expecting Harr-mione to happen. Tried to subvert expectations.
- Comment on Trump Media Group Sues Brazilian Judge Weighing Arrest of Jair Bolsonaro 1 week ago:
Hey look, a company the literally bears the name of the sitting us president is openly meddling in politics of other nations.
At least his predecessors had the decency to hide it.
I don’t see how anyone can take anything they do or say seriously. And I don’t mean “we shouldn’t think they’re serious” I mean “the whole world should be laughing at them instead of listening to them and nobody should do a single thing they say”
It’s like someone fave toddlers the keys to the kingdom, and nobody is treating them like the toddlers they are.
- Comment on What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS? 2 weeks ago:
Depends on what I’m playing.
I can comfortably play some games down to 12fps ±3ish, if it isn’t something that’s fast paced.
I have yet to play anything where I’m skilled enough for higher than 30fps to matter response-wise, and while I can notice the difference between 60fps and 240fps on my monitor, I gotta say it doesn’t do much for me.
Maybe I just don’t know what to look for, what I’m missing, or how to set up my laptop right, but who knows. My eyes could be stuck on 720p for all I know.
- Comment on ‘Mass theft’: Thousands of artists call for AI art auction to be cancelled 2 weeks ago:
The problem is not the price.
The problem is Ai “art” is inherently stealing the work of other people, and not in a way that a painter can say they were influenced by some other painter.
- Comment on the lights are on, but you're not home... your will, is not your own 3 weeks ago:
“When you are of working age and you have no more days off this week”
No need for pointless generational divides, we’re all exhausted from this
helllife. - Comment on Seasonal depression 3 weeks ago:
I would like that, the structure would not.
For now all I have is a dragon tree that needs extra attention I need advice on, and an aloe plant.
- Comment on Seasonal depression 3 weeks ago:
Saturday was really warm here, like “t-shirt and jeans weather” warm.
I was in the middle of walking between buildings when the clouds broke.
I immediately turned toward the sun and for one, shining moment, I channeled the spirit of Solaire of Astoria. For a brief moment, I was so grossly incandescent.
I decided “fuck this I’m going home and practicing archery.” so I stood out in the sun for an hour and a half until the sun dipped below the trees. Image
I really need to get one of those full spectrum light panels that helps with seasonal affective disorder, or like a vitamin d lamp or something.
- Comment on womp womp 4 weeks ago:
Ah yes, that pursuit and sharing of knowledge known as “paying a shitload of money for the privilege of making a company that ultimately provides nothing of value some extra cash”
I didn’t know ml is cool with ultracapitalism as long as it’s under the veneer of knawlege.
- Comment on BioWare veterans confirm they were laid off by EA, including senior Dragon Age and Mass Effect devs 4 weeks ago:
But the business analysts are the most profitable group, anywhere! If you don’t believe me just hire a business analyst to analyze things and they’ll prove it to you!
- Comment on I guess we are fucked now 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Facebook flags Linux topics as 'cybersecurity threats' — posts and users being blocked 4 weeks ago:
I haven’t logged into Facebook in over a decade, can’t even remember the login email. Can’t be arsed to jump through hoops to ask for it to be deleted.
Can’t imagine why anyone would willingly make a fb page today.
- Comment on Facebook flags Linux topics as 'cybersecurity threats' — posts and users being blocked 4 weeks ago:
"They came first for the distros. But I didn’t speak up, because it was only Facebook and only Linux. "
- Comment on Yes, Some Vaccines Contain Aluminum. That’s a Good Thing. | R.F.K. Jr. and others have blamed the ingredient for allergies and other illnesses. Scientists say it actually bolsters the immune response. 5 weeks ago:
When people start going on about “what they put in vaccines” I grab any processed food item I can find, hand them the box, and ask them to read the ingredients out loud.
Usually they can’t pronounce most of the big words, and most of the time they realize what I’m doing and stop trying to read and get super defensive/offended.
If you get offended by me asking you to read ingredients in your kids pop tarts, I can’t imagine how you react to an actual problem.
- Comment on I need this framed in every room so I don't make that mistake again 5 weeks ago:
My family usually get an “okay I’m gonna go now. I’ll see you later” and that’s about it.
But by then they can tell I’ve had enough of people today and want to leave so they’re never surprised.
And if anyone wants to think I left because they arrived, so be it. I am not the shepherd of my family’s emotions.
I can’t just leave without saying anything though. Not unless they pissed me off.
- Comment on I need this framed in every room so I don't make that mistake again 5 weeks ago:
“It was great seeing you again”
“but… You just got here five minutes ago”
“SO great…”
- Comment on General thread 1 month ago:
- Comment on Starfield's abandoned gore and dismemberment system sure would have made it less grey 1 month ago:
I had put so many hours into trying to sort my bases for NG that I didn’t even want to try and start over for NG+.
If I ever DO decide to pick it up again, assuming the save is still compatible I made a separate save file before finishing the game just to be sure.
Who knows, maybe someone will make mods to make it the game we all wanted it to be and I’ll give it another go.
- Comment on Starfield's abandoned gore and dismemberment system sure would have made it less grey 1 month ago:
Star field couple have been a lot of things if people who haven’t picked up a controller in decades hadn’t decided to try and make it as generic and casual as possible.
And maybe it’s just me, but the second I
finished the portal and restarted the game
, I lost all interest in playing the game itself.
They made the content of individual plays not matter to me, so once I did a few speed runs to the finish line I just deleted the game and haven’t played it since.
Also i could never figure out their base management system. I was hoping for something like “fallout 4 settlements in space” but all I got was “way less complicated Satisfactory”.
I stopped playing about a month after it came out, so there’s a chance they fixed some issues that I didn’t know were issues, but I still haven’t had the desire to try playing it again.
- Comment on Disney sued for $10billion over Moana 2 1 month ago:
Attorneys don’t just file a suit because their client said so: they generally need to be shown there’s an actionable case with a chance if winning
Man, I used to believe that.
The last 8 years have shown me otherwise.
- Comment on iykyk 1 month ago:
As someone who paid enough attention in highschool chemistry to get a B, and occasionally watches Nile(red/blue) and E&I videos… I know some of these words/symbols!
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 1 month ago:
Which is insane, how do you pillage most of the planet looking for spices to sell people and then have the blandest food in the world…
- Comment on Paramount will be releasing "STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS - THE FINAL SEASON" and "STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS - THE COMPLETE SERIES" on Blu-ray on March 25. 1 month ago:
Must… Resist… Urge… To pre-order…
- Comment on There was a time when everyone had common sense 1 month ago:
Any time my father brings up stuff like this, I remind him that he and his brothers drove their car onto a frozen lake and almost broke through the ice, and more than once they bought tennis balls, soaked them in gasoline, and threw them at each other with welding gloves.
I know for a fact that he and his brothers did tons of dumb shit, and I won’t let him forget it even if he finds it convenient when comparing generations.
- Comment on Half-Life 3 rumours are about again after a teaser from G-Man's voice actor 1 month ago:
Oh look, it’s that time of the decade again.
More half life 3 rumors.
Wake me when Gabe holds a copy in his hand to announce it to the world.
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
I say this in nearly complete seriousness:
Always has been
- Comment on Important 1 month ago:
Literally doing so right now.
Sorry I failed my solidarity test, Luigi.
- Comment on Historical Map 2 months ago:
Tiocfaidh ár lá!