- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
Didn’t sample all of the shitty halo players that are too afraid to talk to a women.
- Comment on Mother 2 days ago:
Meanwhile there are animals that so rarely can find a mate that when they do they mate with the first mate they can find and then just fucking die.
- Comment on ^_^ I just think skibidibi sounds neat :3 2 days ago:
- Comment on Win win 4 days ago:
Yeah. That’s pretty garbage arrest numbers. Not gonna lie.
- Comment on Win win 4 days ago:
Google says 3 people from the same incident. I can’t find any other cases of people being caught.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
What is this word vomit?
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
Yes. That’s why ever single person that has set fire to a Tesla has been caught. /s
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
It’s a step in the right direction. It won’t stop the countries we exploit from being exploited. But if Tesla goes bankrupt it is one less large company exploiting the global south. And arguably the worst when it comes to Cobalt.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
Good. That means the burn a Tesla campaign is working. The goal is no one buying any new ones.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
Yeah that’s why they’ve caught every single person that’s set fire to a Tesla. /s
Do people think Teslas are equipped with cameras that can see through masks?
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
Have you seen the stock price? I wouldn’t say it’s wasteful at all. I’d say it’s achieving exactly what it’s set out to do.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
Of a random guy in a hoodie and a mask setting fire to my Tesla?
- Comment on unleash your humanities 6 days ago:
I see this comment a lot on Lemmy and it’s disturbing. I too was banned for telling a Nazi to “go to hell”. 10 year old account with no prior bans.
- Comment on Anon appreciates Chris Sawyer 1 week ago:
For those unaware. Assembly language is not something you would ever really program a game in. Which is why it’s so impressive that it was programmed this way. It’s also a reason why the game ran so well on the hardware of the time.
In programming we talk about “high level” and “low level” programming languages. The level does not mean difficulty, in laymen’s terms you can think about it about how “close” you are to programing by typing in 1s and 0s. If you’re “low” you are very close to the ground level (the hardware). Obviously, no one programs in 1s and 0s because we created languages that convert human typed code into what a computer wants which is 1s and 0s.
Assembly is a very “low level” programming language. It’s essentially as “close” to programing in 1s and 0s as you would ever get. It is still an important language today but no one in their right mind would ever program a game in it unless you were running with extremely strict hardware restrictions where every single bit of memory needed to be dealt with perfectly. Which is basically what Chris did.
- Comment on Anon appreciates Chris Sawyer 1 week ago:
It’s also an example of when someone with passion is not alienated from the fruits of their labor.
You’ll never be able to get an engineer to care about a product as much when at the end of the day the only thing they have to show for it is a paycheck.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
No. You’re just an idiot because I already answered your question. Maybe start with “Green eggs and Ham” or some other kids book and work your way up to Harry Potter or something. Good luck mate!
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
You should probably work on your reading comprehension. It’s probably why people keep calling you an idiot and you don’t even know why. Maybe read some kids books and then take a quiz on what happened in the story. It will help you a lot. It’s ok, some kids fall behind in school. You don’t have to keep being this stupid as an adult though. You can still work on it at any age. Good luck.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
I’m not here to debate it either. There’s no debate. You’re not pro life. You’re just anti women and use it as a shield for your bigotry.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
I hope so but some people are really this stupid too.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
The right over his own body. Name me one law that restricts mens bodily autonomy. I’ll wait.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
If all the professors had left already who would they be advertising to? Don’t hurt your brain thinking too much about that.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
Excuse me. They have a women. This is clearly a DEI group of fascist.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
The problems of poverty might be easier to deal with. Not discounting that. But a salary increase under capitalism does not solve the fundamental depression you feel from alienation.
Not to say I don’t have it better. I do. But the emptiness is not solved by a higher wage. It only has allowed me to have the time to become more reflective and depressed by the alienation of my labor.
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
I feel like the 4 year delay is gonna hit it’s threshold and start surpassing the US. Maybe I’m wrong but I feel like Germany has the populous to shift very quickly. Now that the US is full Fascism I feel like Germany just got the acceleration card equipped.
- Comment on Science has not gone far enough 2 weeks ago:
Sounds like a good subscription plan service.
- Comment on Anon is deeply disturbed 2 weeks ago:
No problem. But I basically just used Marx’s explanation of Alienation (and commodity fetishism) and applied it to the post.
- Comment on Anon is deeply disturbed 2 weeks ago:
The problem here is that the relationship is alienated from the person actually being an asshole. Under wage labor the customer and the employee are both a part of the same class. They both work wage jobs and both have to deal with the frustrations of those jobs.
The one sense of “freedom” that the wage laborers feel is how they spend their money. They are alienated from the actual material impacts of their work. They are offered only a wage and given no incentive to form a relationship with their place of work beyond the paycheck.
So their entire expression of their labor is based upon their consumption and how they spend their earned wages. This is why we have a disconnect between two wage owners. They are both frustrated with the “laws” that govern their consumption and their labor.
The Domino’s employee is frustrated because the customer is making his labor more difficult. He just wants to do the least amount of labor for his pay and ensure his employment is secure.
The Domino’s customer is frustrated because the employee has no control over the means of production. He cannot verbally tell the “owner” of the business his frustrations.
They are both alienated from the beneficiary of the labor and the consumption. It frustrates both of them.
I would say it is one of the most “human” feelings we can have. It is one of the most conflicting parts of capitalism that contridicts human nature.
We want to share the products of our labor, see the beneficiaries of it, and gain praise for it. Our current economic systems are in direct contradiction of this.
Which is why you’ll find people in this thread siding with both the employee and the customer.
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
Yeah it doesn’t have the remnants of being compressed to .jpg over 1000 times over. Just doesn’t have the same feeling with it though.
- Comment on David Bowie Criticizes MTV for Not Playing Videos by Black Artists | MTV News 2 weeks ago:
I don’t need to know where you grew up. Youre alive right now. So you grew up in a world that was heavily influenced by black artists that you’ve never even heard the name of. I was trying to give you an “out” for your absolute stupidity and ignorance. But you just decided to doubled down. You clearly have a child’s understanding of history. I can’t help you with that. You have to seek it out on your own. Otherwise you can keep sounding like the really ignorant but confident uncle at the Thanksgiving table.
- Comment on David Bowie Criticizes MTV for Not Playing Videos by Black Artists | MTV News 2 weeks ago:
My dude. Please learn a little bit about the history of music. It’s ok to be ignorant of it. You grew up in a country that has appropriated and stolen the art forms of black artist since before jazz music even existed.
But some of us use this massive source of information called “The Internet” to actually learn. Seriously, there is so much interesting shit out there. You don’t even need to be “woke”. You can literally just be interested in where music genres came from and their influence. If you do even a little bit of listening you’ll learn about how heavily every form of “pop” culture is heavily heavily influenced by black culture and in turn monetized by capitalist for profit.
Today they “face” of which is exploited black artist. But in the past was often a “white face” that was used to monetize black culture.