errol musk also had a child with his own stepdaugther at 76. i don’t really want to know what he says about anything.
Submitted 1 month ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 month ago 1 month ago
Well whatever it is, he’d probably prefer to just keep it in the family. 1 month ago
Family issues stay in the house not Media 1 month ago
But… He knows more about manufacturing than any man alive! /s 1 month ago
[deleted] 1 month ago
I worked for that guy too! 1 month ago
Well, the father had his part in creating this mess we’re all now in. Now we have to watch a sad existence trying to compensate for their childhood traumas by buying governments instead of just going to therapy. 1 month ago
No one succeeds like an apartheid emerald mine failson. 1 month ago
I mean, so was I…
I wouldn’t say I grew out of it, but in comparison I like to think I grew into it 1 month ago
I’m guessing you had to actually grow up and care for your own needs and figure out how to navigate the real world.
This emerald-spoon fed motherfucker has never had to do a thing for himself. The most significant things he learned after preschool was likely reading and writing. 1 month ago
I seriously believe that wealth factors into weather or not you’re considered low or high functioning.
Take someone who is low functioning and make them stupidily rich and suddenly they’re treated like they aren’t on the spectrum at all. 1 month ago
Anyone who has listened to him speak knows he isn’t all there. 1 month ago
Evil Forrest Gump. 1 month ago
There are so many things you can and should make fun of him for (that he has control over). But autism isn’t one of them. 1 month ago
You’re missing the context. This joke is in reference to Musk and the retarded American workers X comment. 1 month ago
Woops didn’t realize he said that. He does have autism and that is likely why he was labeled as a kid (per the meme). 1 month ago
I don’t see the word “autism” anywhere in this post, besides where you said it. 1 month ago
I don’t think the joke is that he has autism, but that he’s retarded. 1 month ago
What the hell does autism has to do with this? 1 month ago
Autism is like being a vegan. Everything is autism. 1 month ago
It’s common for autistic people to be called “retarted”, and that’s probably what this is.
Fuck Musk, but this is a thing that happened and still does. 1 month ago 1 month ago
Sounds about right. 1 month ago
Accurate. 1 month ago
The meaning of the word changed but they were so right. 1 month ago
Eccentric person is eccentric, they would say the same about anyone who isn’t like them anyway, textbook prejudice 1 month ago
In their defense, it was Elon Musk 1 month ago
Dude has to cope by calling everyone else a tard when he’s an actual one. 1 month ago
That tracks. 1 month ago
And now he’s about to become president of the USA. 1 month ago
I get why this is really ironic and funny but it still feels wrong to laugh at 1 month ago
This is an insult to people that would have been given that label in those days. Those folks are some of the happiest, friendliest people I’ve ever met. Until a couple years ago I used to work out a gym and interact with a group of the intellectually disabled who would come in for exercise. They told me they loved me, worked out with me, laughed with me and they were one of the best parts of gym time.
Musk runs propaganda platforms, fights unions, visits Epstein islands, buys elections, and is THE example of the oligarchy that is in a very real way ruining the world and destroying hope. He has no right to be given a label that would historically would place him in the same category as the people I knew for years. 1 month ago
Eh, it’s a spectrum like any other diagnosis (albeit deprecated). I’ve worked with intellectual and developmental disability for much of my career. I do more general outpatient now but the beginning of my career was almost solely ID/DD
I would argue it’s just as harmful to paint ID individuals as the “happy friendly” caricatures to sanitize them. They are dynamic and multifaceted. They have good and bad days, they are sometimes nice and sometimes mean. Some more than others. As a result some are just kind of jerks, frankly. And to be honest this is kind of fucked up but from my time working in inpatient residential I can tell you that it’s not unlikely that the people you encountered in the gym were on the “good temperament” side, or having a good stretch in their lives. Generally the people who were having a rougher time didn’t go out into the community as much, especially to a place as potentially dangerous as a gym
That said I truly don’t think Elon is intellectually disabled. I think he is possibly a sociopath who equates that to Asperger’s because he thinks it’s cool and mysterious since he’s emotionally stunted and stuck in his 14 year old edgelord phase for life, apparently. But I don’t know, never met the guy 1 month ago
That’s an interesting addition and I have no reason to doubt you. It’s quite possible the people I saw regularly were there exactly because they were inclined to be friendly and happy. It probably also helps that they were closely accompanied by professionals. I can only comment on my experience with them, and what I wrote accurately describes my time with them at the gym.
I honestly don’t know if I agree that it’s harmful to relay my couple of years interacting with the intellectually disabled as I did. It’s definitely the truth of my experience, and I would like people to see the same value I discovered. At the same time I can completely believe it’s not the whole truth, and varies by individual. I’d definitely insist on my point that even the nasty folks aren’t doing anywhere near as much damage to global society as Elon Musk.
Do you think I should change my post? And if so how, given what I’ve written in this reply? 1 month ago
thank you. 1 month ago
Being intellectually disabled doesn’t preclude you from being an asshole, and to imply as much is kinda insulting to their humanity.
I’ve known many (and am related to one) many intellectually disabled people, and while most of them were nice, I’ve met a few who were raging assholes (one of which was given an assigned seat on public transportation because he constantly bothered high school kids and the driver was sick of it). The intellectually disabled are human and aren’t necessarily good people just because of their diagnosis; they’re just people who have personality flaws just like the rest of us. 1 month ago
People can be nice or assholes regardless of intellect. Growing up with a disability does tend to make people more understanding and empathic of others, though. 1 month ago
There’s a reflexive instinct among Americans to denigrate people by attacking their intelligence while lauding them for their wealth-hording obsessions and their elitist social theories.
A lot of the uglier eugenics theories that Elon has latched onto come out of this cultural affect. Kindness and cheerfulness are luxuries you only get to express when you’ve “succeeded”. Everyone else needs to be as clever as they are cut-throat in their mission to climb over the tops of their neighbors. 1 month ago
Some are stunted enough to just be happy. Often times it’s the ones between 75 and 90 who are the worst. Some because they’re smart enough to know they’re not smart and it makes them angry. Some are dumb but think they aren’t.