- Comment on The fact that this is a real image is infuriating 1 week ago:
you’re the ones with the supposedly most powerful military of the world.
- Comment on The fact that this is a real image is infuriating 1 week ago:
look, i’m autistic and used to regularly behave violently against Nazis. on purpose and completely aware of what that meant.
- Comment on The fact that this is a real image is infuriating 1 week ago:
i think haters make their cases regardless the facts and logic whatsoever.
- Comment on Is it wrong to not have a disabled child solely to avoid forcing the child to suffer their whole life? 2 weeks ago:
And the average case for an example like Down’s Syndrome is pretty bad.
with my experience as care-taker i cannot agree. is there scientific knowledge that you can cite that’d explain me how divergent my experiences are from the averaged realities.
- Comment on Is it wrong to not have a disabled child solely to avoid forcing the child to suffer their whole life? 2 weeks ago:
plenty of severe mental disabilities seem much less horrible for the people themselves than for their caretakers
in germany we consider this as an original national-socialist thought and expressing such would disqualify you in public discourse.
- Comment on rarted 3 weeks ago:
thank you.
- Comment on Anon creates a business plan 2 months ago:
i you mean it, tip 10-15% of the bill! (often the “living wage” is still precarious.)