- Comment on Everyone needs a hobby 4 days ago:
Collaborative world building often falls apart. It needs a full time coordinator, or it’s like herding cats.
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 2 weeks ago:
By a worm no less.
- Comment on Wow, ok. 3 weeks ago:
Not everything shot for a film gets used. The director might say, “let’s reshoot the scene with wardrobe B” and then you have a new take with a different outfit.
Simple scenes like that often take a few days of work to dial in just right. Or sometimes it’s done with a single take and everyone feels vaguely off about it until they see the edit.
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 5 weeks ago:
Israel has a complex relationship with Nazis.
During WW2, the Lehi terrorist organization actually tried to join in the war on the side of the Nazis.
One of the men behind this initiative went onto become prime minister of Israel in the early 1980s.
The Lehi terrorist organization folded into the IDF in 1949.
Now, there was a philosopher who was a member of Lehi, he took Nazi ideology and sort of swapped master race and the undesirable race. God’s chosen people had to be the master race, and the Arabs who lived in on the land were declared to be undesirable.
As a note, the Lehi prime minister was Netanyahu’s political mentor.
- Comment on rarted 1 month ago:
I seriously believe that wealth factors into weather or not you’re considered low or high functioning.
Take someone who is low functioning and make them stupidily rich and suddenly they’re treated like they aren’t on the spectrum at all.
- Comment on Lower Decks Eulogizing 2 months ago:
Engage the core.
- Comment on Interesting analogy 2 months ago:
Spouses can move to the village, it’s just that the children never leave.
At least one parent was born in the village.
- Comment on oh man 2 months ago:
Luigi was never the prototypical right-winger.
He was more of a tech bro libertarian.and even that seems to have been blunted by his pain and experience with US health insurance.
- Comment on Depressing awful town 2 months ago:
Kraft singles are still cheese. They’ve just been pasteurized and adulterated with sodium citrate.
That actually makes them super useful in making a cheese sauce.
Add a few slices to a queso and it will not break.
You fat. Smooth cheesey sauce that comes out perfect every time.
You can make sodium citrate with lemon juice and baking soda. Lime juice also works. Really any citric acid.
Anyway, you don’t need much to make cheese melt smoothly.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
The thing is, Left vs Right is already a measure of authoritarian vs Democratic.
The original use of the terms comes from the French Revolution. There was a vote on if the King should have an absolute veto over laws passed by the assembly. Those who said no sat to the left of the Speakers podium. Those who said yes sat on the right.
The reason why left and right were applied to economic policy was because Marx described Communism as a form of extreme Democracy. Whereas Capitalism concentrates power into the hands of a select few.
It’s still a measure of where the power rests. In the hands of the people or the hands of the state/leader.
You can break it down to dozens of categories, but it’s all authoritarian vs Democratic in the end.
As a note, Lenin style single party “communism” is about as far from Marx’s ideal as you can get.
Dictators and Kings are all the enemies of the people.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
Ah yes, the Noem Chomsky. Famously when he was defending Pol Pot’s regime.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
Ah, Cato the Elder. He had a good cheesecake recipe, but was otherwise a complete jackass.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 2 months ago:
There’s a news article linked in another comment.
It was real, and 100 people were fired.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 2 months ago:
Nope. This is real and the company straight up fired over 100 people.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
Yeah. No one cares if you’re rambling in a comment. Just be interesting enough that someone can pause their doom scrolling to read it.
I personally have about 5 subjects where I can chime in with fun (to me) little facts.
Or essays on the subject…
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 2 months ago:
I’m not sure where they got those numbers.
All nuclear waste produced to date isn’t 500-1500 cubic meters.
As to storage. Just bury it again. We dug it up, we can bury it. There are a few places that are currently doing just that.
Or, here a wild idea. Just burn the waste. It’s something like 90% unburned fuel, just reprocess it and burn it.
- Comment on 8 yr old me after my parents did my woodworking assignment 2 months ago:
It’s quite a bit less functional. There have been dozens of high profile outages and service interruptions.
- Comment on Habits of Insects 3 months ago:
More of a global depression after these yahoos purposefully crash the economy.
- Comment on Habits of Insects 3 months ago:
The plan is to repeal it first, and then figure out what to do from there.
Probably whatever makes the most money for insurance companies.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Except, even then, an average coal plant will release more radioactive material over its lifetime than Fukushima did.
It’s just Chernobyl that you have to top. And even then there are coal plants that come close.
Now, it’s not apples to apples. Coal plants release uranium and thorium. Not ceasium and strontium.
But yeah, never go swimming in a coal plant ash pit. For more than the obvious reasons.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Adding more radiation to tobacco. Sure.
But slightly serious here. The actual mechanism of about 75% of tobacco related cancer, is the fact that tobacco leaves bioaccumulate natural radioactive elements from the soil.
If you smoke, you have radioactive lead and polonium in your lungs.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Molten salt?
We can then use compressed CO2 in the place of steam to drive the turbine.
- Comment on Withdrawal is going to make people go mad 3 months ago:
Ethanol is incredibly inefficient as a fuel source.
If not for the massive subsidies it would not exist.
Still, ethanol is a better fuel additive than lead. (Both reduce knocking)
Still, the far better use is to grow food.
- Comment on The grand prize 3 months ago:
A tungsten cube that size would weigh a fuckload.
To just deliver it would be an undertaking. There will be roads between you and the where ever this came from that are not rated for that weight.
You may need a specialized truck just to move it, and a crane to get it on and off said truck…
- Comment on Temperatures 4 months ago:
Fun fact, -40C and -40F are the same temperature.
Then 575K and 575F are the same.
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
Why are people just repeating the same thing over and over?
- Comment on Disney lost nearly a third of a billion dollars on two Marvel movies 4 months ago:
It also doesn’t take into account how Disney actually uses these movies.
Disney makes the bulk of their pure profit in the theme parks.
They just announced that they were dropping $50billion to upgrade the parks, with an expectation of making that back completely within 2-3 years.
The movies, are seen as giant commercials for new merch and Disney parks.
As long as the movie is seen favorably by the target age group (children who will want to go to Disney world) then it’s seen as a success.
Then scenes from the movie can be used in the theme parks.
As a note, the scenes used in the park, may have been made years before the movie was filmed.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
What’s worse is the links to white supremacy in all this shit.
The origin of many of these ancient alien slash ancient apocalypse “theories” are 1900s Germany.
People who were looking for a “scientific” reason why Germans were the superior race.
The core thrust of every “ancient” whatever theory is that ancient people were idiots and had to be shown how to pile rocks into a pyramid shape or shit.
The imaginary people who “showed” ancient brown people how to do shit are always depicted as white.
- Comment on You probably shouldn't trust the info anyway. 5 months ago:
You may not, but the company that packaged the rice did. The cooking instructions on the side of the bag are straight from the FDA. Follow that recipe and you will have rice that is perfectly safe to eat, if slightly over cooked.
- Comment on Oxygen 5 months ago:
Over on reddit there’s an entire genre of this sort of fiction in /r/hfy