- Comment on I hate when this happens 2 months ago:
Technician Proximity Syndrome
I’ve seen that happen to techs from tons of different industries, and always giggle when they tell me that they now know how their customers feel because it wasn’t working until you showed up
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Unfortunately, it completely tracks. If Dad was born in 85, has kid at 20, that kid is now 20. I’m pretty sure I have classmates whose kids are around that old now that I think about it.
- Comment on I like the determinism of Murphy’s Razor 2 months ago:
Total horror movie vibes
- Comment on Maybe we should have this conversation in person so it can be a fist fight. 2 months ago:
Your work is not more important than what’s already on my plate, and if you do this frequently, it’s going to be intentionally deprioritized.
It’s amazing how busy I am when the squeaky wheel screams for the 6th time this week.
- Comment on Anti-Masturbation Cross 2 months ago:
To the 2nd and 3rd points, I think the mentality is ‘bitch be crazy, but maybe she’s not stupid enough to do it again’. I’ve heard of parents doing really fucking stupid shit with seemingly good intentions, and most of them will realize how fucking stupid they are once you metaphorically hit them with a clue by four.
The first is due to archaic rules that allow the confessional booth to be outside of the reporting under the thought that this is just supposed to be between the sinner and god('s representative). It’s fucking stupid, but most of Christianity/Catholicism is in my experience.
- Comment on Looks like Horizon's unannounced MMO has been quietly cancelled 2 months ago:
Nah, my gaming group talked the same shit about 4e. We went back to 3.5 a bit and a ton of GURPS before the group disbanded.
- Comment on Anti-Masturbation Cross 2 months ago:
Kellogg: The Great American Cum Doctor | BEHIND THE BASTARDS YouTube link
Those corn flakes weren’t made to be a good breakfast time meal, friends.
- Comment on Anti-Masturbation Cross 2 months ago:
Priests are technically mandatory reporters for any abuse found out about outside of the confessionals.
- Comment on It's okay if you let me down brain. I let people down all the time. 2 months ago:
Me irl
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Multiple accidents in a row. Accidentally doing the same thing multiple times with a smile on your face. Enthusiastically making a mistake, repeating it, and not commenting about the mistake.
These are all examples of how people act when they make mistakes.
- Comment on Marvel Snap is banned, just like TikTok 2 months ago:
Yeah, oligarchs are controlling the media they own, and consuming their media supports billionaires.
What part of what they said was backwards?
- Comment on Typical from my so called imaginary friend 2 months ago:
It’s not my place to invalidate the way you feel about yourself. Plus, my grasp on sanity is tenuous enough as it is, I’m in no place to judge another lol.
- Comment on Good morning I choose redneck air conditioner. 2 months ago:
Yeah, who doesn’t want hot and humid air blowing in their face on a hot and humid day?
- Comment on **It hasn't even started!?** 2 months ago:
You’re about 2 days early to start moonposting
- Comment on Potash 2 months ago:
I’ve used potash within the last week! Potash is here already mwahahahaha
- Comment on Are there any games like Starfield? 2 months ago:
Feel free to stop by the store and purchase a thought out response for only $420.69
- Comment on Are there any games like Starfield? 2 months ago:
Store Citizen has a lot of promise
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 2 months ago:
You absolutely could pay for a lower rating if you chose to also pay for the equipment to step down the supply to your intake values. That what a transformer substation is for, and why the factory and residential lines can share the same upstream but get different local outputs. It’s just going to be so much more expensive that you’re never going to go that route unless you’ve got a lot of people that want to do the same.
It is more reasonable to charge you for the generation and distribution of 2A than for your 2A service to be charged the same “connection fee” as your cryptobro neighbor.
Is that not what your consumption fee is for? You’re paying for generation/distribution for the power you use, and the power company also tacks on a base fee to account for other maintenance costs that had been bundled but were being lost due to net metering.
From a collective perspective, it makes sense to pay to connect, and also pay per usage when you have the potential to have distributes generation, but centralized maintenance of the shared infrastructure.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 2 months ago:
… because consumption and service connectivity aren’t the same? Consumption and connectivity are two different line items on the bill representing different costs associated with the service.
From your hypothetical, no one is noted as having a different service hookup, so they’re paying for the same service hookup. What part of that, other than the core concept, are you struggling to grok?
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 2 months ago:
I propose a new term: feather man. For when even a straw man looks like a steel man compared to your argument.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 2 months ago:
Why are the industrial factory and normal residences using the same electrical hookup? Seems fair if they use the same hookup.
Oh, they’re not? So then the factory likely pays one rate for their industrial connection that needs to pull more power than standard residential usage, and normal consumers pay a lower rate for their lower connection provided.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 2 months ago:
Is the person’s connection to the grid using less energy a smaller connection, or is it the same? If they’re the same, why should someone using less be charges less of a connection fee? Why would usage impact a fixed on off fee?
- Comment on The lost days 2 months ago:
- Comment on rarted 2 months ago:
Being intellectually disabled doesn’t preclude you from being an asshole, and to imply as much is kinda insulting to their humanity.
I’ve known many (and am related to one) many intellectually disabled people, and while most of them were nice, I’ve met a few who were raging assholes (one of which was given an assigned seat on public transportation because he constantly bothered high school kids and the driver was sick of it). The intellectually disabled are human and aren’t necessarily good people just because of their diagnosis; they’re just people who have personality flaws just like the rest of us.
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
- Comment on Making America great! 2 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Your brother was half your dad? Man, that’s crazy.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
Yeah, I don’t disagree with that so long as the particular context is included when being passed off as normal in specific conditions. It was not mentioned that the professor stated this was for mass production and the comment was provided in a context that invalidated what they said. In context, without the edit, the professor’s advice is immaterial to the discussion and only serves to spread misinformation on proper hygienic practices.
But to the overall point, this is why you don’t listen to random people on the Internet! Sometimes you get told facts that are only true for very specific edge cases that are bandied about as general advice with the weight of ‘i have a degree’ as confidence even though the advice is objectively wrong in the provided context.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
And here I am, just properly cooking my chicken like some kind of savage…
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
I had told my mom to go sit down and get out of my kitchen for less.