- Comment on Good morning. 4 days ago:
That’s actually hilarious, apart from idiotic censorship of “pussy”.
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 4 days ago:
Tip is a recognition of an excellent service, not a right. I would pay without any tip and leave some cash on the table if the service was good (few pounds usually).
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 days ago:
Was your comment supposed to be ironic? Perhaps you should read the definition of “irony”.
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 days ago:
There is a “ignore” button, sweetie.
- Comment on Le wrong generation 5 days ago:
If you work from home that’s perfect.
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 days ago:
Have you considered breast feeding?
- Comment on Is this a sign of mental illness or just asshole behavior? 5 days ago:
Try to not be so cryptic next time. Just put words you don’t like in the quotation marks so it is clear these are not your words.
- Comment on Is this a sign of mental illness or just asshole behavior? 6 days ago:
A what?
- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
Being into women has nothing to do with penetration.
And I wasn’t referring to the first part of your sentence.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
I’m into women but I’d hang out with him
Small dick is less painful?
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 6 days ago:
I buy a pack of black shirts like once a year
Johnny Cash is alive and well.
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 6 days ago:
because other women care
… and it is somehow men’s fault anyway.
- Comment on There are certain jobs that you never want a man to do 1 week ago:
Very true 😂
- Comment on How did people end-up agreeing on the name of rivers/mountains and seas ? 1 week ago:
Major Major Major springs to mind.
- Comment on What's the tallest pyramid we'd be able to build? Can we reach space? 1 week ago:
Egyptians objectively are Africans - that doesn’t mean they are identical to Zulu, the same as Greeks and Finnish are both European, but with different cultures.
- Comment on Is there an implemented system of automated trucks anywhere that is fully operational? 1 week ago:
Turns out they didn’t have any deviation logic so the trucks were following the same path as the GPS track instead of offsetting the driving like a human would do
This is interesting, can you expand on that?
- Comment on What job do you need this hard hat for? 1 week ago:
White fedora? It’s for when you recall a faulty android.
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 1 week ago:
What country? 🙄
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
You never spoke to a USian?
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
I never ever heard anyone in Europe doing that when they are abroad. I heard multiple USians answering in two letters (some state’s acronym apparently) when they are asked where they are from.
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
Yes sweetie. Have a cookie.
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
You are not butt hurt at all, that’s why you replied to three of my different comments. You are so funny, USians 😂
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
No sweetie. It is yourself who has no argument whatsoever apart from Trumpers argument that they can call anything the way they want and it will make it so 😂
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
the people from the United States have been rewriting geography and even history saying there are two continents, that there isn’t a continent named America, etc. Sorry, but many countries and thousands of historical documents tell us that America was and is the name of the continent, and that it is not okay to take it for one country alone
Yup, precisely that.
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
Ad hominem? I just called you “sweetie”, sweetie 😂
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
when I could damn well be a European etymologist for all you know
Of course you are, sweetie.
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
Keep dreaming, USian.
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
Definitions come from how people use words, not the other way around.
That’s how Trump can get away with his lies in the USA.
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
Some of them were definitely butt hurt about my comment! 😂
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
Found a butt hurt USian 😂😂😂