Like, the nutrition facts table says it contains nothing other than some sodium. No sugars or fats or calories at all
Yet it clearly is edible, so what is it? Some concoction made mostly from indigestible minerals?
Submitted 5 months ago by to [deleted]
Like, the nutrition facts table says it contains nothing other than some sodium. No sugars or fats or calories at all
Yet it clearly is edible, so what is it? Some concoction made mostly from indigestible minerals?
Aspartame has about the same amount of calories as sugar (4kcal per gram). But it’s much more sweet so you need very little of it. So there is a very tiny amount of sweetener which does contain calories but it’s rounded down to 0.
The difference is also big enough that cans of diet coke float and regular sink.
You son of a bitch…now I gotta buy a can of diet coke, and a can of coke.
I don’t even LIKE diet coke! But I gotta know if you’re full of shit…
Well, this will be my next party trick somehow.
If memory serves a 12oz can is just a little under 1/2 calorie.
If tens of thousands of commercials in the 80s were right…
“Less than a calorie, Diet Coke!”
egg white is 90% water. it doesn’t take much to drastically alter water
The person that typed this comment is about 60% water.
Extreme dehydration, kindly drink 10% more water
You ugly bag of mostly water……
In Australia they give (from largest to smallest):
- Carbonated Water
- Colour (150d)
- Food Acids (338, 330)
- Sweeteners (951, 950)
- Flavour
- Caffeine
With the numbers corresponding to:
I believe its mostly soda water and caramel coloring (no duh)
The sweetness is from aspartame, a very common artificial zero-calorie sweetener.
Aside from that it’s gonna be a (trade secret, they’ll never tell us) mixture of artificial and natural flavorings. All virtually zero calorie, and probably in very small amounts.
The nutrition panel only captures a subset of important bioavailable nutrients.
For example, water is obviously a digestible nutrient, but is not represented there on.
It’s a cola with an artificial sweetener. There’s lots of misinformation out there about diet soda. It mostly passes through you, unlike regular soda which has lots of sugar that your body stores as fat. Not to say either one is healthy because it most certainly is not. However, phosphoric acid in cola (both regular and diet) can lead to an increased risk of kidney stones. In case anyone is wondering I do not work for big soda, I’ve just read way too much about this topic.
Ok so cite the study thats not bought from the big drink factories that proves you don’t get cancer from diet soda. Let’s see your proof.
I wasn’t even under the illusion that it would be good for me, lol.
Even IF Diet Coke is a sometimes drink for me, that ‘sometimes’ means ‘once every saturday’ – It’ll probably give me diabetes long-term but y’know. Some people ruin their livers with alcohol, some people fuck their lungs with cigs, I’m screwing up my pancreas with diet soda. 🤷
As I understand diet coke uses sucralose, not aspartame as sweetener.
Sucralose has a different sweetness profile, much closer to real sugar and is not bitter. Compared to aspartame in zero/light that needs 0.2g salt/liter to cover up the bitterness.
This is not correct.
Diet Coke definitely still uses aspartame and not sucralose.
Okay not all Diet Coke uses sucralose, but you can still buy Diet Coke with Splenda…/diet-coke-with-splenda.html
For that, look at the ingredients list, not the “nutrition facts”.
I think of it as a flavored seltzer.
Aspartame is the sweet flavor and unspecified “natural flavors” do the rest.
I don’t drink it often anymore, but it’s great for a no calorie treat. No it won’t give you diabetes but you shouldn’t drink it instead of water. It isn’t water.
It’s all about how they sweeten the drink. Regular coke uses corn syrup while diet coke uses aspartame. This allows the diet coke to have no calories.
Yeah but Coke isn’t JUST sweeteners (it’s real sugar over here u-u) and water. At least according to the ingredients list, there’s like, the extract of a weird nut (the Cola nut!), you’d think that would have some sugars and ~organic bits~ (proteins? Idk) of its own
Kinda like how juices with “no added sugar” still have some calories, idk
It’s so little per serving they’re permitted to not list it.
It’s like 0 calories - they’re permitted to say that when it’s below a certain level, per serving that (I think) it’s in the error range of measurement.
I seem to recall that if the total calories are below a certain point they’re still allowed to call it “zero calorie”. Diet Coke is mostly water which has no calories and all the other ingredients probably amount to like 2 or 3 calories total. Since that’s considered a negligible amount they just list it as zero
Yes there are more differences and there’s likely different recipes based on where you live. But the main one, from my understanding, is what I said in my original comment.
Kinda like how juices with “no added sugar” still have some calories
That’s because fruits naturally have sugar in them.
Asparthame = Cancer
Bro aspartame is one of the most studied substances on earth and they all point to your claim being bullshit.…/timeline-selected-fda-activities-and-si…
Well then drink up my friend— and wash it down with a cigarette!
Yeah, this comment is the real cancer.
This comment is DogPeePoo.
Drinking a can of diet coke a day has the same cancer risk factor as going on a daily walk.
I’d be surprised if it’s even that high. Just going outside would spike your chance of skin cancer.
Aspartame is, by far, the most tested food additive ever made. There have been no causal links to cancer ever proven. Not ever.
Not saying people should start chugging it down en masse, but your own quote there makes it sound pretty far from equalling cancer.
Which part of risk factor is confusing?
Aspartame is very mildly carcinogenic. An equivalent amount of sugar is much more carcinogenic, and is harmful in other ways, too. If you have to have a can of cola, diet is the healthier choice.
That last part isn’t true.
You can’t ignore the effects of artificial sweeteners on insulin levels and the fallout from that.
Truth is that drinking over sweetened water is just not healthy at all, it’s a matter of picking what problems you want to get from them
It’s worse than that. AFAIK, the WHO doesn’t have a list of “does not cause cancer”. Aspartame is on the least problematic category even when you disregard the effect size.
Others have cited sources about how wrong you are. It’s also just common sense. With the sheer amount of diet soda that the world drinks, it would be fairly obvious by now if aspartame was significantly carcinogenic.
Even the text you quoted (but didn’t cite, not helpful) only says that prolonged exposure may be a risk factor. Quite a leap to then say that “aspartame = cancer”
It’s mostly molasses and baby shite. 5 months ago
water, acids for the sour taste, coloring, caffeine and sweetener that is more effective than sugar and just activates the sweet taste buds, but has no significant nutritiinal value. 5 months ago
you also forgot the coke-leaves extracts. (“natural flavors”) 5 months ago
How is this the top comment… Sodas are flavor extracts at their core. The amount of other things are just there to balance or optimize those core flavors. Sweet, salty, acidic, viscosity, color, fizz… All choices on top of the flavor extracts. 5 months ago
they add a little nuance, but their quantity is not relevant for nutritional value, which is what OP asked about