- Comment on Admin team update 3 months ago:
Sorry to hear how bad it’s been affecting you. Thank you for everything you do and hope this change helps you.
- Comment on TikTok’s annual carbon footprint is likely bigger than Greece’s, study finds 3 months ago:
This seems to he based on a lot of hypothetical and not actual data.
The study examined the carbon footprint associated with each user per minute by incorporating the emissions associated with data centers, which made up about 99% of the footprint, and the emissions associated with charging devices after using the platforms.
TikTok’s emissions are the most opaque of the social media platforms. Tech giants such as Meta and Google release detailed reports to the Carbon Disclosure Project every year, even posting their findings to their respective websites. TikTok has no publicly available emissions data.
It’s just the theoretical output of emissions needed to run a Data Centre based off viewers and average time spent. While these are all rough numbers it could also very well be that the Data Centre’s are powered at least in part by renewables.
So it would make sense that Tiktok would use up a lot of electricity for its platform. We just can’t be sure how much of it actually translates into more emissions.
- Comment on where's my damn plume 3 months ago:
We just comment it out in case we ever need it again.
- Comment on Amazon starts selling Hyundai cars, more brands next year 3 months ago:
Fear not—there’s no one-click option, so no one should be in any danger of absent-mindedly buying a brand-new Palisade.
Well that’s reassuring. I was getting worried. I honestly hate when that happens.
- Comment on please help... 3 months ago:
Too late. You’re stuck here.
- Comment on The 10 Highest Grossing Film Directors of All Time, as of Nov. 2024 3 months ago:
Surprised Christopher Nolan is not higher.
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
You never cared about them. Don’t talk to me about evil. You’re pathetic.
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
And yet zero discussions on how to improve the quality of life of those 50,000 babies. How to make sure they are healthy and grow up to be functioning adults.
You don’t care about the babies. You care about control. You’re disgusting.
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
Completely ignoring the infant mortality rates going up have you? What’s the matter? Doesn’t fit your narrative?
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
Oh look another disgusting take on reducing women to bargaining chips while also neglecting to acknowledge that infant mortality is on the rise.
- Comment on The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election 3 months ago:
Unfortunately, regulatory gaps still remain, even in this case. The TCPA does not apply to nonprofit organizations, religious institutions, or calls to landlines. Harper said the FCC is transparent about, and pushing to close, such “loopholes.”
That’s a pretty big loophole given how big the alt-right Christian movement is.
- Comment on Who wants a stretchable screen? 3 months ago:
Just squint at the screen the way your ancestors did.
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months ago:
Because the rich control an overwhelming amount of the media we consume. They are capable of shaping the narrative to their benefit.
- Comment on it's raining hot death in Minnesota 4 months ago:
Damn, remind me again why you live in Minnesota?
- Comment on it's raining hot death in Minnesota 4 months ago:
Oof. Is that rain at 10? What’s the humidity like?
- Comment on Valve must address swastikas and other hate on Steam, writes US senator in a letter to Gabe Newell 4 months ago:
No other gaming platform has the userbase Steam does. I see this more of a numbers thing than anything else. If 2% of the gaming population is far right then it’s going to be much more noticeable when one company has a userbase of ~100million. I’d be very surprised if the other companies like Ubisoft and EA have this kind of content moderation.
- Comment on Valve must address swastikas and other hate on Steam, writes US senator in a letter to Gabe Newell 4 months ago:
What industry standards is he talking about here? Steam code of conduct only says you must engage in lawful behaviour. There’s no American law banning far-right symbols. There’s no doubt Steam has a content moderation issue and I would love to see those things go as well. But unless there’s some kind of law then Valve is just going to ignore this problem like they’ve done in the past.
- Comment on who is part of my family and who isn't?? 4 months ago:
Whoever you want to be part of your family.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
They are shunned by a lot of people. Where do you think all the online hate comes from? Americans have just been so radicalized that a good chunk of them don’t care anymore. It’s not a majority, but enough to make a difference in politics. As seen by the elections that just took place.
- Comment on What are the next steps for Americans to help prevent the worsening of genocide in Palestine? 4 months ago:
The West Bank is not off limits, it’s had incursions regularly. And Israel has tried to annex it in the past and was stopped by Trump, funnily enough. I guess we’ll find out if they can convince him this time. Don’t think for a second that the West Bank is some sort of off-limits zone. They’ll annex it when they can. Just like they will with the Golan Heights and all their other occupied territories. It’s how colonies function.
PLO, Hamas and any Palestinian are not in any way expected to respect Israel’s sovereignty or current borders. A 2 state solution will lead to nothing but more divisiveness and create more tensions. It’s ironic how we in the western nations like to preach about how we are all equal and things like religion and race don’t matter. How this is one nation and we are all equal. And then we turn around and preach about some kind of ham-fisted 2 state solution for another country halfway across the world to resolve a conflict that we enforced on them.
Those 2-3 million Palestinians are being killed and starving to death because of Biden’s spineless inaction. Not Trumps. Biden has paid for 70% of this conflict so far. Biden has allowed Israel to ban UN envoys and agencies such as the UNWRA. And all the other stupid bloodthirst crap that I’m too lazy and tired to write down that we both know happened. Don’t pretend that Biden or America had any intention of saving them.
I’d like to remind you that this 44K number is confirmed deaths only. Actual deaths are expected to be much higher, in the hundreds of thousands. Israel’s onslaught has not slowed down. Only the ability to report it has. All infrastructure including healthcare and their ability to dig through the rubble has been destroyed and journalists are not able to actually go in and report anything because Israel is killing them all in targeted assassinations. Don’t delude yourself into thinking they’ve slowed down.
Harris didn’t have to override Biden. She just had to take a firmer stance. Biden dropped out last minute due to his unpopularity. This should have been a massive sign that Harris needed to diverge from his path and make her own. But she didn’t, and Biden’s unpopularity weighed her down. On this topic and others.
A lot of Americans could have demanded that Biden and Harris to do more. You wanting to do more is irrelevant when you just accept it. You were too afraid of demanding more from your leaders when you had the most bargaining power out of fear of promoting Trump and in the end you handed Trump the white house, the senate, and congress. Because Democrats settled for mediocracy.
I’ll say it one last time. Harris had no intention of saving the Palestinians. That entire demographic was written off as an acceptable casualty in the name of international politics and foreign lobbying. She couldn’t even admit to say there was a genocide, but only that Israel has a right to defend itself. And then her VP nominee openly says that Israel has a right to expand it’s borders. She would have been better than Trump on virtually every other topic, but this one there is very little difference.
We’ve been going around in circles for some time so I’ll refrain myself from responding to you if you choose to. It’s clear neither of us are going to convince the other of anything. Just a note for the future, it’ll help if you didn’t reduce someone’s viewpoints as being childish or that they know only the basics when they’ve actually just pointed the series of events that led them to the conclusion they’ve articulated. I know you mean well but you just come across as condescending and dismissive.
- Comment on Black Panther 3 is happening and Denzel Washington is in it, Denzel says 4 months ago:
Re-make Training Day with a Wakandan setting lol.
- Comment on What are the next steps for Americans to help prevent the worsening of genocide in Palestine? 4 months ago:
There’s a lot I don’t know true. But there’s a lot I know as well. For example, I know that in Israel Netanyahu is ridiculously unpopular at the moment and is under criminal investigation. I know the only reason he’s still in power is because of a group of hard-right fanatics in the Knesset like Ben Gvir. I know this group has been pushing for the complete eradication of the Palestinians for some time now, including annexing the West Bank, and they are finally seizing on the moment. I also know that they are the ones pushing for a regional war with Iran. I know that the only one in Netanyahu’s war council who vocally said this war shouldn’t continue was the recently fired Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and was replaced with someone who wanted to continue the war. I know that lobbying groups such as AIPAC have spent a ridiculous amount of money lobbying the American Senate and Congress to let Israel do what they want. I know that Biden has received more money from these groups than any other senator in history. I know that Harris has repeatedly said that “Israel has a right to defend itself” even as they slaughter their way through innocents. I know that Tim Walz has said that he supports Israels right to expand it’s borders as they escalate the conflict with Lebanon and Israel. I know that Harris chose to campaign with war hawks like Liz Cheney in an effort to win Republican voters while ignoring a lot of Democrat voters.
You started this thread by implying that voting for Harris would have saved the Palestinians. I’m telling you that everything points to her not doing a dam thing. You want to sit there and talk about how maybe she would have talked them down from creating a regional war with Iran? Sure, go for it buddy. Maybe she would have. But don’t sit there and pretend like she, or the majority of Democrats, actually cared enough to stop Israel from performing their little genocide. Or the invasion of Lebanon for that matter. If they did, they would have done so by now. They chose to stick their head in the sand and pretend it wasn’t an issue. Meanwhile they literally lost all 7 of the swing states because of this attitude. The Arabs definitely made her lose Michigan, and there’s a strong case to be made that they could have helped her win Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
- Comment on Why do I fart all the time when I'm trying to sleep?! 4 months ago:
How long before bed do you eat? And what kind of foods do you eat? Have you tried using the washroom before bed?
- Comment on What are the next steps for Americans to help prevent the worsening of genocide in Palestine? 4 months ago:
Buddy what part of the genocide of the Palestinians is already happening do you not understand? You want to sit there and say that Trump will genocide them even harder? The delusion of saying “Trust me, Harris will save the Palestinians” when she vocalized nothing but staunch support of Israel is what led the Democrats to lose all the Arab voters. The genocide of the Palestinians is already underway and Harris has made jt clear she doesn’t intend on stopping it.
- Comment on At least he was a nurse on the walking dead lol 4 months ago:
Mutliverse confirmed.
- Comment on What are the next steps for Americans to help prevent the worsening of genocide in Palestine? 4 months ago:
It’s privilege to say “Trust me it can get worse even as an extermination campaign is underway and other countries are being invaded”.
The escalations that are coming in the next few months would have happened with Harris as well. Both political parties have made it abundantly clear that Israel can do whatever it wants. There are no red lines for them.
- Comment on Did something about mass produced ice cream change like 10 years ago? 4 months ago:
It means you’re getting the lesser quality ones. The ones that don’t have as much cream in them and are filled with other stuff. There’s some higher quality brands to look out for, like Kawartha. Also, you can get something like the ninja creamii and make some ice cream at home. The difference in taste is actually quite noticeable compared to store bought.
- Comment on What are the next steps for Americans to help prevent the worsening of genocide in Palestine? 4 months ago:
The claim that Isrsel is currently performing a genocide on the Palestinians is not debatable. They have cut off the entirety of Northern Gaza and started executing everyone they see on site. They besieged the only remaining hospital there several times and imprisoned all but a couple of the staff. They are deliberately trying to starve the population and even went so far as banning the UNRWA, which is the only agency capable of keeping the Palestinians alive. And do you think that once they finish there they’ll stop? They will continue with the rest of Gaza once they are done. They’ve even started attacking and demolishing homes in the West Bank as well. And they’re trying to invade Lebanon as well like they have tried to in the past.
Saying things will get worse under Trump is pointless. The genocide is underway, and it’s been blessed by the Biden administration as well as the Democratic party. Harris has made it clear she doesn’t plan on deviating from this course. So I stand by previous statement, Harris would not have saved them. Either one as president, the Palestinians die.
- Comment on What are the next steps for Americans to help prevent the worsening of genocide in Palestine? 4 months ago:
I’m not a kid and I’m not wrong in saying the genocide is currently underway with full support of the Biden administration and the overall Democratic party.
- Comment on What are the next steps for Americans to help prevent the worsening of genocide in Palestine? 4 months ago:
Israel’s extermination campaign is already underway with full support from the Denocrats. Harris wouldn’t have saved the Palestinians.