They also encourage you to provide info on yourself (create an account, provide birthday) to even use the screen on the seat back…
Plane WiFi is a modern technological marvel and you’re lucky to be able to have it at all.
Not so long ago sat phones were the domain of the super rich, because they were paying several dollars per minute. Then it was down to 10 dollars for two hours of multiplexed satellite access. And now apparently it’s down to where advertising will work. That’s amazing. 6 months ago
Isn’t the WiFi free? It’s free for a reason. You aren’t forced to use it. 6 months ago
I mean they paid for the flight 6 months ago
And they’re getting a flight. 6 months ago
Not all flights include Wi-Fi, even if the plane is equipped with it 6 months ago
I understood the mildly infuriating aspect to be how airlines find a way to extract value from you at every step of your trip. 6 months ago
For real. I’d rather watch an ad than have to pay $10+ for a couple hours of wifi. 6 months ago
I still open Plex and sync a bunch of shit to my phone or tablet before I take any flights. Old-school is still the way.