- Comment on Hey, Mother Nature, it's September. Chill out already. 6 months ago:
Meanwhile in Miami it’s a low of 82 and a high of 89, with a feels like of 100 everyday until the end of October. My apartment is in a newer building and is well insulated. I forgot to turn on my AC two nights ago before I passed out for the night. When I woke up around 10 AM it was 71% humidity in my apartment 🥵 I walked around outside for about 10-15 minutes yesterday in basketball shorts and a light T-shirt and was dripping in sweat.
- Comment on Explosions in the Sky 6 months ago:
I love the line “when an explosion explodes hard enough, dust wakes up and thinks about itself”
- Comment on More than 80% of recruiters admit to posting ‘ghost jobs’ to juice their talent pool and business reputation 7 months ago:
Clearly you haven’t been looking for a job lately…
- Comment on More than 80% of recruiters admit to posting ‘ghost jobs’ to juice their talent pool and business reputation 7 months ago:
No wonder I’ve only had 4 interviews in 9 months. The job application process is fucking ridiculous right now.
- Comment on No Joke: The Onion Thinks Print Is the Future of Media | The satirical site is hoping a newspaper with fake stories and fake ads will lead to real money. 7 months ago:
Now at least Trump can say it’s “fake news!” 🤦♂️
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
Hahaha unlike my Reddit account which easily links back to me (I made it 11 years ago and didn’t heavily start using it until about 6 years ago), this has zero link to me so I have no shame.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
Ah, yes, good old blood magic. As a teen (I’m a dude) I was interested in witchcraft/Wicca and watched Charmed and The Craft a lot. That makes sense once you said that. Thanks :)
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
Stop, I can only get so hard…
- Comment on How are you? 7 months ago:
I’d say lay off the gaba dealies withdrawals for em can be insomnia
I’m an insomniac anyway, Id’ rather knock myself out than stay awake for like a day or two straight and be miserable due to lack of sleep. I actually take Gabapentin as well, which helped me not feel like ass in the morning (the usual outcome of taking like 15 mg of Ambien, previous to about 2-3 years ago)
I feel you on the job thing, when I was 23 it took me many months to find a job in IT, it was awful, I remember the stress of it, I needed it desperately to stay in the country, otherwise I’d be deported to hell.
Luckily I’m a citizen so I don’t have to worry about that, but yeah, it’s absolutely miserable and demeaning. Half of the time is spent creating an account for something that you’ll never use again, verifying that your resume was parsed correctly, and then answering the same bullshit discrimination questions. 30% of it is spent wading through all the job postings from recruiters with horrible/useless job descriptions, and if you find one you like, talking to them for 20 minutes about the exact same stuff that’s on your resume and you go into detail about it and they stop you because they have no clue what you’re talking about. My mom keeps telling me “you may have to go for something that you don’t want” because she doesn’t understand that getting a helpdesk job takes just as much effort as getting a Linux System Engineer job.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
I see what you’re saying, but if you randomly come out and say “Here, I got you an Amazon gift card out of the blue, buy whatever you want” after they did something like this they’re going to know whats up. Also, I’m pretty sure most dads would rather not have that thought in their mind when they see an Amazon box addressed to their daughter and she runs to her room to open it up. I’m 38 and my dad is your typical “Dirty Old Man” that started making sexual comments about women around me when I was like 13, but I don’t think I ever felt comfortable talking about anything like this around him until I was like 19 or 20.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
I see what you’re saying, but if you randomly come out and say “Here, I got you an Amazon gift card out of the blue, buy whatever you want” they’re going to know whats up. Also, I’m pretty sure most dads would rather not have that thought in their mind when they see an Amazon box addressed to their daughter and she runs to her room to open it up.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
don’t come texting me about none I said
She sounds like a smart one>
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
or coconuts
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
“I slipped and fell on it…”
- Comment on JetBlue makes you watch an ad to connect to wifi 7 months ago:
Any plane internet I’ve used has been spotty and terribly slow, but then again, I haven’t bought it in years because of previous experiences.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
We don’t fuck fruits if that’s what you’re asking. Other things are fair game though. A horny (pre) teenage boy will fuck damn near anything he can fit his dick in.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
In what is best described as her ‘scientific experiment,’ Westbrook harvested healthy vaginal fluid using a wooden spoon.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
I did not need to know that, thanks.
The only thing I can assume is that these recipes are created by vampires for vampires that don’t want to bite people.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
Or totally creep out your kids. “OMG dad knows what I’m doing! And he wants me to keep doing it apparently, I’m going to fucking die.”
It would probably be a lot less awkward coming from the mom. I feel like it would be like a father having the “period talk” with his daughter (obviously this happens in the case of single dads but that’s not the point I’m making), it’s super awkward for both parties involved.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
Eggplant, obviously
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
I’m a dude and a cucumber definitely doesn’t seem like it would feel great going in and out. It’s bumpy and the skin is pretty coarse. A banana definitely sounds like a more logical choice.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
I still remember about 20 years ago a female friend told me that she masturbated using a bottle of Bawls energy drink (IDK if they even still make the stuff). It was a glass bottle that was bumpy all over (think of the divots on a golf ball, but inverse) and she apparently used it on her clit/vulva.
When I was a horny pre-teen boy and had no idea how to actually beat off, I discovered that rubbing a silk/nylon pillow with pictures of cats on it felt really good.
- Comment on How are you? 7 months ago:
Not the best…
I haven’t been able to find a job in my field (IT) for about a year, any opportunities which I think I have secured are ripped out from under me at the last moment. Two weeks ago I was waiting on hearing back about a 4th and final interview with CrowdStrike…then they screwed up 8 million Windows PCs and cost businesses about 5.5 billion dollars.
My brother has come to terms with his alcoholism and it’s been a rough few months for my parents. He’s 42 and has a 4 year old daughter, and her mother is an absolute nightmare to deal with (they aren’t together). My brother lives nextdoor to my parents …but I live 1300 miles away. We thought he was doing pretty well for the past month…but it turns out he was eating like the equivalent of one piece of beef jerky a day (in total) and not drinking any liquids other than (a reduced amount of) alcohol. He has been on blood pressure medication and apparently mistakenly doubled up on that, passed out at the top of his outside steps one night last week, fell down the steps and broke two of his front teeth badly. He’s been in the hospital for the past few days so they can get him stable. My parents are going to recommend in-patient recovery to him, because he wants to get sober, but can’t really manage to do it himself. My parents are 67 and 74, so it’s a ton of stress on them as well.
And the least of my problems: my short term memory is terrible (I’m 38 with ADHD). I’ve been attempting to learn how to dance Casino (Cuban Salsa), but I can’t remember a damn thing, I have practically zero rhythm, and my body is fucked up from minor scoliosis in two places which throws off my weight/center of balance and makes me shoulders tight (I’m “round shouldered”)
I just keep telling myself it could be a hell of a lot worse though.
- Comment on How are you? 7 months ago:
What board games? A few friends and I spent nine hours (we agree, it was ridiculously long, we were expecting 4-5 hours) playing Clash of Clans Last night. We started actually playing around 8:30 PM and finished at 5 AM.
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
It’s because AI is the new buzzword that has replaced “machine learning” and “large language models”, it sounds a lot more sexy and futuristic.
- Comment on Interspecies linguistics 7 months ago:
Bees actually dance to communicate and it’s considered a language 😄
- Comment on Fall In Love With Sexy Household Objects In Date Everything 8 months ago:
This is just bizarre…
I’m gonna go fondle my sweaters and then hump the fridge.
- Comment on How are seedless fruits grown, if they have no seeds to carry their seedlessness attribute? 8 months ago:
Genetic Modification
- Comment on Is there a way to read all of Trump's Truth Social posts without actually visiting the site? 9 months ago:
Because it’s funny to laugh at insane people