- Comment on Hurry 1 month ago:
You know it, lol a blast from the past
- Comment on Hurry 1 month ago:
- Comment on [1] 2 months ago:
Missed a great opportunity to draw a tiny middleschool doodle dick
- Comment on Jesus Christ 2 months ago:
Technically Iesus with an I. Probably sounded out the same as the guy who did my drywall.
- Comment on Im flyinf to the USA from england 3 months ago:
I think they meant where, as in are they visiting mountains, desert, rainforest, plains, or certain city or state. There’s a huge range of cultures across the very different regions in the country.
- Comment on Octopus 4 months ago:
Stop, please. I can only get so erect.
- Comment on Empires fall 4 months ago:
Better ingredients, better pizza. Put Papa johns warm melty cheese in your mouth.
Honestly though i don’t mind papa johns pizza
- Comment on The mark 4 months ago:
No i was actually at work browsing lemmy on the toilet. Didn’t think it would hit this hard lol
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
Just be glad i wore my clean pair of boxers today
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
- Comment on JetBlue makes you watch an ad to connect to wifi 6 months ago:
I download from my Plex server to my local device (phone) for offline viewing
- Comment on The Factory must grow. 1 year ago:
Who would think to developer this scenic mountain range into an industrial complex. It would be too expensive to establish utility and transportation infrastructure, let alone the private cost for each building and the cost of exporting goods. Might be eligible to strip mining since the shit falls right into the hopper and those mountain springs carry all the tailings away for you
It is much easier to establish an industrial park in a level area, preferable near navigable water. Enter wetlands and low lying coastal forests. Avatar was dead on with this. They make for the most economical places to clear/drain, pave over and exploit. Distance to the port is a major factor in profit margins. Can’t stop the work.
- Comment on The look... 1 year ago:
Motherfucker is 6’2 - 250 and looks like he can bech press a moped. Not sure what she was hoping for
- Comment on ah, how genuinely delicious 1 year ago:
Dylan spits a mad fire, man
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Also if it’s cold as shit
- Comment on Price of electricity in Finland peaks at 2.35€/kWh today. Keeping my tiny granny cottage warm costs me over 50 euros for a single day. It's negative 25C (77F) outside. 1 year ago:
That’s akin to our rates, im about 13c/kwh delivered. I use about 1.2 to 1.5 mwh per month (with natural gas furnace and wood stove), so 2.50$/kwh would make me shut my house off at the breaker and call it camping.
- Comment on Price of electricity in Finland peaks at 2.35€/kWh today. Keeping my tiny granny cottage warm costs me over 50 euros for a single day. It's negative 25C (77F) outside. 1 year ago:
Good point, for aome reason i was thinking more off-grid than load balancing economics. The battery would probably help lower power by filling when power is cheap and supplying when the rates spike throughout the day
- Comment on Price of electricity in Finland peaks at 2.35€/kWh today. Keeping my tiny granny cottage warm costs me over 50 euros for a single day. It's negative 25C (77F) outside. 1 year ago:
At 50 bucks a day it would pay for itself pretty quickly. Not sure what prices are by you but here you can get a brand new big stove with catalytic converter and everything installed for 10k to 12k, or get a decent used stove and have someone install it for 5k ±
- Comment on Price of electricity in Finland peaks at 2.35€/kWh today. Keeping my tiny granny cottage warm costs me over 50 euros for a single day. It's negative 25C (77F) outside. 1 year ago:
Solar is quite poor in Northern winters. Wind + solar + heat would be a better bet, but the battery required to heat your house for more than a day with low winds would be prohibitively expensive. A wood stove would be the best bet
- Comment on Electric eel 1 year ago:
But how many amps?
- Comment on I love purple. 1 year ago:
History was yellow i think. Science def green. Purps for the social studies.
- Comment on I love purple. 1 year ago:
Math is red as shit tho
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Your missing out bro
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
True, but every place i went to on all of the islands out there had the straws, so it was working. They had the plastic silverware of the same material as well.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Hawaii has straws already figured out. They feel and work like regular ass straws, yet they are biodegradable and made from Papayai i think. Every restaurant and vendor i came across used them. Idk why it hasnt spread to the mainland.
- Comment on How can I get better at remembering names in video games? 1 year ago:
Bro I’m bad at babes IRL. The best tip ive heard is, as soon as you learn it, repeat it till it sticks while picturing the person in your head. Not sure if that applies to games
- Comment on This Captcha 1 year ago:
I think it means warmer than the thumbnail photo it shows at the top. It could mean temperature, it could even be trying to understand our sense of coziness, who knows what the ai is fishing for at any given moment
- Comment on The Sacred Hole 1 year ago:
- Comment on Gonna be a great day! 1 year ago:
“This note is redeemable in boulders”
- Comment on You know they're out there... 1 year ago:
Lol i can’t wait till our tow behind leaf sweeper starts slingin’ soggy logs into the hopper. I’m gonna get it all hooked up and let my wife drive the tractor.