- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
Even if they did go through the trouble to do their own taxes, the IRS specifically instructs taxpayers to not calculate it themselves, but rather to use a “tax table” to lookup their income and next to it is listed their income tax amount.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
Check your owners manual to see if you have a button to disable “overdrive”, it’s for adverse conditions such as uphill or downhill, off-road or rainy, etc. It prevents the shifting up too early and gives each gear more range to operate in. By default it’s on because it saves fuel, and they make the button hard to find sometimes.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
Technically they have at least 2 “gears”, forward and reverse. But does it really count if all you do is shout at the angry pixies to run the other way?
- Comment on Erasure 1 month ago:
DEI is an attempt at merit-based hiring. The only difference is what the definition of merit is. The definition that is based on past achievements is biased towards those who have previously had better opportunities, not necessarily better skills. DEI takes a look at the potential of someone in the context of how well they’ve done with respect to what has been available to them.
Someone who has a GED instead of graduating high school on time might have had opportunities closed to them because they had a reason for dropping out of high school (e.x. had to help family by getting a job), so it wouldn’t be equitable to judge them harshly for not having as strong of a resume as someone who had a “conventional” experience and was given more opportunities fresh out of highschool because they could afford to take an unpaid/low pay internship, instead of focusing on taking care of a family.
Nothing about either situation really can tell you about an applicants potential in the field or their work ethic or anything. But 9 times out of 10 the one who was fortunate enough to finish highschool on time will be ahead in the selection process for no reason other than they didn’t have life get in the way of their career.
DEI won’t be able to magically tell you which candidate is better, but it can allow employers to level the playing field and use different metrics to measure merit that might be less biased against people who have had nontraditional lives through no fault of their own.
- Comment on American house 4 months ago:
Don’t worry, there’s always that one house that gives out files instead.
- Comment on Trump Seizes on Walz's 'I'm Friends With School Shooters' 5 months ago:
He probably meant to say “friends with victims of school shooters” or something along those lines. In the original clip the context around it makes that very clear.
- Comment on What can I do with US$10K that is a good investment? 5 months ago:
Don’t rule out a Roth if you only want to save for 5-10 years. You’re allowed to withdraw the principal (initial 10K) at any time for no penalty/cost, so long as it’s recorded properly with the IRS when you withdraw it.
- Comment on little hopper 6 months ago:
Maybe, but a locus is a type of grasshopper.
- Comment on I'll have a Number 9, a Number 9 large, a Number 6 with extra dip, two Number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda. 6 months ago:
70 in a 40 is impressive. Like how?
- Comment on Shart, not fart 7 months ago:
Shaka, walls fell.
- Comment on Roblox gets banned indefinitely in Turkey over “child exploitation” 7 months ago:
It’s a game designed for kids with not enough moderation/limitations for a kids game. There’s literal porn games if you look in the right places (called ‘condo games’)
- Comment on JetBlue makes you watch an ad to connect to wifi 7 months ago:
For a time, the Lego movie was an add on YouTube. The full thing. You could skip it after 5 seconds, but you had the option of watch the full movie.
- Comment on JetBlue makes you watch an ad to connect to wifi 7 months ago:
Plane wifi, in the Continental US, is typically done via cell networks. The plane just has stronger receivers and transmitters than your cellphone.
- Comment on Anon texts her very normal boyfriend 7 months ago:
The 4chan board is probably robot9000, or r9k. It’s common on that board to refer to posters as “robots” instead of “anons”, “fembot” is their equivalent of “femanon”.
- Comment on Quite a poor performance imo, lower than expected 7 months ago:
So archery is a sport because it requires effort, but the effort isn’t the part that makes archery hard? Olympic archers don’t struggle with pulling the bowstring, they struggle with aiming the bow to get fractions of a point.
If they ran a lap in between shots during the shooting sports would you call that a sport?
- Comment on Quite a poor performance imo, lower than expected 7 months ago:
For the air sports I might be able to let it slide, as air rifle/pistol is seen as more of a kids sport, to learn the basics. But their trap performance this morning was disappointing. So far, half of the shooting sports have been done, but the second half is more popular in the US, so there’s still time to see the US stretch it’s legs in shooting.
- Comment on We're coming for you 8 months ago:
- Comment on Celery 8 months ago:
That doesn’t make sense? Hemlock causes flacid paralysis, while a sardonic grin is caused by ridgid paralysis. I really only associate sardonic grins with tetanus infections, maybe strychnine poisoning?
- Comment on Stop the calculation... Your cat needs help! 8 months ago:
“Assume a spherical cow”
- Comment on Help me out here 8 months ago:
~150,000/night is a hefty cost.
- Comment on Justice for our boy 9 months ago:
I’ve been trying to reach you man!
- Comment on viruses 9 months ago:
Yes, this is a bacteriophage. Truly fascinating stuff I’m lucky to work with every day.
- Comment on Anon tells a story about president Taft 10 months ago:
Maybe. Or maybe he’s a lawyer. Then again, what’s the difference!
- Comment on This used book that I bought for 12£ on the internet was apparently previously bought from Oxfam for 1.99£ 10 months ago:
Based and librarypilled
- Comment on Moon dust 10 months ago:
Burned or unburned? They are two distinct smells.
- Comment on Cease your bigotry at once 10 months ago:
- Comment on ach, aye 11 months ago:
I’m a black Scottish cyclops. They got more fecking sea monsters in the great Lochett Ness than they got the likes of me.
- Comment on Jesus, help me! - No! 11 months ago:
Those shadows don’t make sense
- Comment on I forgot the password for an old encrypted usb drive and still do not know how to read it 11 months ago:
I’ll think about creating an addon to John called Lasagna which stalls Garfield.