most people are focusing on the free labour roblox is extracting from kids but from the article:
Further claims stated, according to Turkish media, that Roblox hosted virtual parties promoting pedophilia and that “robux,” the platform’s virtual currency, was being distributed by bot accounts to encourage children’s involvement in these activities, and excess presence of gambling sites and their predatory tactics.
so it looks like roblox was banned because of bad moderation in regards to gambling and sexual predators, both of which are massive issues of the platform. overall i think this is a good move which hopefully will push roblox to do better. 6 months ago
Broken clock moment for Erdy 6 months ago
At least he cares about Palestinians. Unlike Kamala. Mrs. “Shut up, I’m talking”. 6 months ago
And I could say at least Kamala doesn’t have all her political opponents locked up. I wouldn’t do that though because boiling a politician down to a single issue doesn’t make any sense. 6 months ago
You can do the right thing for the wrong reasons and this is a classic case. He’s an ethno-nationalist. Ask him how he feels about Kurdish minorities or the genocide on Armenians. 6 months ago
Tankie bullshit 6 months ago
You asked Joe Biden to step down and you got what you wanted. Good job, be happy. 6 months ago
Is this sarcasm? This feels like sarcasm. 6 months ago
Why? I don’t know anything about the game, is it bad for kids? 6 months ago
They exploit kids for free labor among other things.… 6 months ago
Investigation: How Roblox is Exploiting Young Gamers
Roblox Pressured us To Delete our Video. So we Dug Deeper. 6 months ago
It’s bad and it’s kids. Like, the game is no better if you doin’t aim it at kids, but the fact they intentionally employ child labor as a gamified device is just disgusting. 6 months ago
It’s a game designed for kids with not enough moderation/limitations for a kids game. There’s literal porn games if you look in the right places (called ‘condo games’)