- Comment on The billionaires and politicians did it 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Nintendo has sent a DMCA notice to Ryujinx forks 3 weeks ago:
Why is Ryubing beyond reproach? I don’t see them doing anything differently than Ryujinx.
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 month ago:
Wait till you see our healthcare prices.
Image Orthoepoedist visit and back medicine for two months.
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 month ago:
Just got these from the grocery store and they’re like the size of an apple.
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 month ago:
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 month ago:
This is one of those neat factoids that isn’t entirely true.
Japan does wash and refrigerate its eggs, just not all eggs and brands and groceries (it’s not a law).
Refrigerate and unrefrigerated eggs side-by-side Image
Refrigerated eggs Image
Most of the low salmonella incident rate comes from a higher inspection rate of egg producers and, here’s the fun one, a higher rate of raw egg ingestion, leading to faster report and response times for when there is contamination.
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 month ago:
You really shouldn’t use sites like this for comparison as they’re not really adjusted for average expected living in any certain country.
They’re for if you took your lifestyle from country A and tried to transplant it in country B.
A good example is price per square foot for apartments etc. in Japan doesn’t really say anything about how the average living space is also much lower so you shouldn’t try and buy an American suburban house in Japan anyway.
- Comment on Germany’s four-day work week proves to be a massive hit 2 months ago:
We got rid of our stand-ups in favor of a morning slack check-in in the group channel.
We even have a little bot that lets you input them at any time before the scheduled deadline and reports them all at once so you don’t have to put it in in the morning (many people prefer reporting on their day at the end of the day).
This combined with a robust pull request system means that a lot of work can get done async.
We have occasional meetings but they’re pointed and specific between only the people that need to talk so nobody’s time feels wasted.
It took like 2+ years to develop this culture but it’s worth it.
- Comment on POV: It's January 19th 2 months ago:
The fact that it’s hit #1 on the US Apple app store is wild to me.
Five eyes agents must be pulling their hair out.
- Comment on POV: It's January 19th 2 months ago:
Meanwhile all the TikTok users seem to be moving to a copycat called Red Note
- Comment on Oh well... 2 months ago:
I think many people (me included) feel that it shouldn’t be the employee’s responsibility to find shift coverage.
- Comment on Oh well... 2 months ago:
That depends entirely on your job:
High court rules vital Shinkansen drivers can’t dictate days off
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 2 months ago:
They can’t, actually, because they don’t hold the rights to that content, only to GOG and the installer. Once it’s installed their distribution and license rights end.
If the game you install has its own license from the rights holder that gets revoked then you’ll be in breach of that license, if anything.
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 2 months ago:
This is just the license do download the game, not to install it.
Once you’ve downloaded the software they can’t revoke it anymore.
- Comment on Improve your Wi-Fi with this one trick 3 months ago:
Yes but you have to put a slit in front of it so the wifi waves turn into wifi particles.
- Comment on I guess I'm just a cubicle monkey now 3 months ago:
I wonder if halo universe Excel has holograms.
- Comment on The torque better not be too strong with this one 3 months ago:
I don’t get the problem with flathead, for household applications it seems the most superior because I can use literally anything in my house to drive the screw (butter knife, credit card, a housekey)
plus almost every size of flathead screwdriver can fit in almost every size of flathead screw.
- Comment on ohh ... 3 months ago:
In Japan if you work full time for a larger employer, you pay into “shakai hoken” (societal insurance) this pays you like a third of your salary if you get injured and have to refrain from work for awhile. (This is at least partially paid for by your company because you can only legally be fired in Japan if the company proves beyond a reasonable doubt you were either belligerent or the company couldn’t survive without you)
- Comment on Ice cream machine is also broken 3 months ago:
They don’t pay out unless you call crime stoppers. If they called 911 they don’t pay out.
- Comment on Tokyo government gives workers 4-day workweek to boost fertility, family time 3 months ago:
Oh good another Premium Friday
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 3 months ago:
The way Coffee Stain explained it is that the exclusivity windfall gave them enough runway to finish the game.
If the system of temporary exclusivity in exchange for upfront development cash continues I think it’s an overall win for the gaming community as games get to come out at leas rushed pace and with potentially less cash generation grabs in the game itself.
- Comment on Why are people impressed with SpaceX? 5 months ago:
no rocket as powerful as this one.
So I’m confused on this because people still seem to be using Starships’s old estimates of 100 tons to LEO orbit, which the SLS can put 145 tons to LEO.
Then 6 months ago Musk got on stage and updated the specs to Say that Starships’s current design can only do 40-50 tons.
This feels awfully familiar for anyone that’s seen early Tesla specs/presentations/promises and I can’t help but wonder as to the validity of everyone saying SpaceX is mostly insulated from Musk’s “influence.”
- Comment on Question about upcoming trends and hardware requirements 5 months ago:
DirectML sucks but ROCm is great, but you need to check if the software you want to use works with ROCM. Also note there’s only like 4 cards that work with ROCm as well.
- Comment on Question about upcoming trends and hardware requirements 5 months ago:
ROCm is comparable but very few applications work out of the box with it.
- Comment on Ubisoft's Board is Launching an Investigation Into The Company Struggles 5 months ago:
It seems like a very polarizing game, you either really enjoy it or not at all.
- Comment on Ubisoft's Board is Launching an Investigation Into The Company Struggles 5 months ago:
I love the division 1 and 2 but the first game had some MAJOR bullet soak issues for the first half-year of the game’s lifetime.
Massive always does good work despite Ubisoft, in my opinion.
- Comment on Pressure washing 6 months ago:
The key is to get one where you can widen the spray and squeegee everything off.
- Comment on What are the scariest games you've played? 6 months ago:
You should play voices of the void then. Game is chock full of random spooks with lots of very quiet and relaxing downtime, so they hit pretty hard when they happen.
- Comment on Bumble 7 months ago:
I think I remember a site like that existing in the 2010s, where you had to apply to join and it only let in equal numbers of genders.
It was the 2010s so the waiting list for dudes joining was way longer than the one for women. It was like trying to get in a dance club.
- Comment on Steam adds new "Trending Free" tab to hide demos from new & trending 7 months ago:
I have a feeling a lot of these demos were just trying to game that very “new and trending” page, and this change will produce fewer demos.