Biden has the chance to do a big, big funny here.
President 360 No Scope...
Submitted 8 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 8 months ago 8 months ago
He wont even condemn Israel to improve his ratings. At this point it seems that the democrats are trying to get trump elected. 8 months ago
What if democracy lost 12 years ago and they just pretended the Dems still existed? 7 months ago
You mean besides the constantly doing that, the aid, and everything else for nearly 2 years lol? 8 months ago
If he relly believes democracy is at stake there is only one course of action left 7 months ago
I used the chistofascist supreme court to destroy the chistofascist supreme court. 7 months ago
Middle of the next debate, right in the forehead. Needs a good walk-off one liner to follow it though, that’s probably the biggest obstacle for him 7 months ago
Just drone strike the debate. No survivors. People want both candidates off the table, give the people what they want. 8 months ago
Cyberpunk Intensifies.
How long until the President is also the sitting CEO of Raytheon or Blackwater? 7 months ago
We could just go with the cowboy classic Pinkerton as well 7 months ago
Nah, they got bought by Securitas. 8 months ago
Does this mean the President can murder the DC members they don’t like and replace them? 7 months ago
Sure. Even better, if you replace them with ones that will rule this was an error and the president only gets qualified immunity, you’ll still be in the clear because you were acting on what you thought the law was. 7 months ago
The better move is actually remove the SC, replace it with a new one that repeals all Republican changes since 1980.
Allow the president immunity until the end of this term, then make it a death penalty offence to basically do anything Trump or his cronies have done.
After all of MAGAs leaders are in jail or in the ground for the treason they committed RETIRE and hold an election again 7 months ago 7 months ago
If he went to their homes and strangled them himself? Yes. If he ordered someone to do it. The laws and UCMJ apply to those people so no. There’s this thing people keep forgetting about. The UCMJ isn’t just guidelines. It’s actual rules. And murder is still illegal. 7 months ago
If he went to their homes and strangled them himself?
I was actually think of him pulling a Vlad the Impaler and inviting them over for dinner.
The UCMJ isn’t just guidelines. It’s actual rules. And murder is still illegal.
If there’s anything I learned from the Trump years, hell even the Bush II years, is that there are no rules if no one enforces them. 7 months ago
IANAL, but there is the presidential power to pardon. So the president could in theory give an illegal order (as long as it is an official act they have immunity) and promise a presidential pardon once the order is fulfilled (therefore extending immunity to the perpetrator). Meaning the president can entirely circumvent the UCMJ. 7 months ago
Plenty of people willing to go to jail for 20 years to preserve democracy. 8 months ago
So… Same as it’s been since the war on terror began in 2001?
Oh, now they can assassinate white people in first world countries, not just drop bombs on weddings in mideast countries. I see. Totally makes all the difference.
(I am feeling very cynical here haha, I get this is a big significant legal precedent for the USA but yeah) 8 months ago
This was kind of my response. Everyone is thinking of Trump’s shit, I was wondering about Al Awlaki. Assassinate a 16yo American citizen at a child’s birthday party in Yemen? Np.
What result did we expect except some weird middle ground that allows the war on terror and a shitload of other extra-judicial killings with no proper declaration of war? They’re codifying immunity that was already assumed. 8 months ago
Thank you for being a far better person than I, in that you actually give enough of a fuck to remember at least one specific, named person who was murdered in the way I was described.
This is not sarcasm it’s a genuine emotional appreciation. I don’t have it in me to remember, since all the shit news day in and day out just all blurs together and is too much for me to cope with if I tried to remember, but I’m glad someone is. 7 months ago
Congrats everyone, we got the Purge, but remember this is America where hoarding happens. Everyone doesn’t get one day, one person gets 4 years. 8 months ago
The real question is, if you defend yourself with a gun is it considered self defence or just the assasination of the president? 8 months ago
Its like in that movie with convicted drug trafficker, Tim Allen, where if you kill Santa Clause you become Santa Claus. If you kill the president, even on accident, you become the president. 7 months ago
Instead of getting fat really fast, you get old. 7 months ago
convicted drug trafficker, Tim Allen
Is there some news I missed? 8 months ago
Yes. 7 months ago
But remember, if you do drugs, you go to hell and fucking die 7 months ago
Maybe social media was not worth it. 8 months ago
So, the President is legally allowed to just kill anyone, but if anyone is resisting, even just saying “if you kill my uncle’s nephew’s father’s roommate and I will seek revenge”, it’s
18 U.S. Code § 1751 - “Presidential and Presidential staff assassination, kidnapping, and assault,” which covers attempts to kill or inflict harm on the President.
18 U.S. Code § 871 - “Threats against the President and successors to the Presidency,” which criminalizes threats to kill or harm the President. 8 months ago
That’s an Onion article, right?
Right? 7 months ago
No 7 months ago
The best part is that whatever illegal thing Biden would do, will be designated as an unofficial act by the SC and whatever Trump will do will be designated as an official act. Kind of genius. I was asking myself before how they would get around the fact that they give Biden the same power that they wanted to give to Trump, but they don’t by leaving themselves a food in the door to decide on each single act themselves. 8 months ago
If it is an official act, which would mean they would have to assassinate you in their function of being the president. In other words, they couldn’t just kill their neighbors.
They could probably kill them as part of a celebration, I guess. Jk, I hope. 7 months ago
“Trump was a threat to democracy and I took appropriate action”
Literal fascist shit? Yes. Legal? Who knows? By the time they figure it out, biden will be dead from old age. 7 months ago
The president has always been allowed to assassinate you… They’re in charge of the CIA/FBI/NSA/IRS/Other scary 3 letters who assassinate people all the time.
Making presidents immune in official actions was never a good idea given the sheer number of decisions they have to make and the scrutiny they’re under means they’re sure to break laws sometimes, plus the subjectivity of some laws (eg is making bad decisions and crashing the econony treason?) however in unofficial actions they should absolutely not be immune. 7 months ago
Brb, looking up who the IRS assassinated this year 7 months ago
I get why you’re getting down voted, but also at the same time Obama did drone strike a US citizen ……/Killing_of_Abdulrahman_al-Awlaki 7 months ago
We are cooked. Completely cooked. American democracy is over and it’s time to prepare for a harsh right wing fascist regime.
…but vote for Biden.
It was too late 12 years ago, this is everything playing out. Everyone acted like the 2020 election was our fight to keep democracy, we had already lost it by then, the conservative plan just hadn’t been completed yet.
I am not saying you should go vote and vote for Biden. I am saying that, we can never, ever elect another Republican again, or we are fucked, I do not see the that happening. If we beat trump in 2024, we may not in 2028, or new trump, whoever the new right wing strong man is may win in 2032.
It’s already over, it’s been over. Our chance to stop this was long before anyone even realized it was a problem.
The problem didn’t start, nor does it end with trump, he is just the figure head for both sides. 7 months ago
time to prepare for a harsh right wing fascist regime
Wow, that’s a good point, but some people may take it the wrong way and say things like ‘what taco bell are we meeting up to plan to depose the current massively corrupt Supreme… taco?’ ‘Is surprise attacks on Taco Bell’s military installations a viable objective?’ ‘Would the taco bell ‘fresh crew’ join the efforts to over turn the corporate structure?’ ‘Or would we all just move to Spain and enjoy the authentic taste of a secular society with universal healthcare and tapas as far as the eye can see’? 7 months ago
Obama literally did kill an american 16 year old in yemen, so this is nothing new. 7 months ago
But that kid was killed by an attack marked ‘‘to whom it may concern’’, not a focused deliberate attack with his name on it. He was a casualty, not a victim of assassination. 7 months ago
Sure allegedly it was to kill someone else that wasnt him, but it sure seems like they just “by chance” killed the son a couple weeks after the father “on accident”.
But think of it outside of the propaganda; the president was allowed to blow up the wrong person (that happened to be an american minor in a family that had the father killed a couple weeks before) in a country that we are not at war with. 7 months ago
Obama literally did kill an american 16 year old
Not to be purposely irritating by being pedantic, but I think my hyper-literal thinking style is having trouble believing this. I don’t think Obama literally killed a 16 y/o. He may have given an order, approved of it, or placed someone in charge that decided to do it, but I doubt that he personally killed the 16 y/o. Is my understanding of the word “literally” incorrect in this case? 7 months ago
Yes you are correct, he just signed off on it, and allegedly they were trying to kill someone else. I am just pretty skeptical that this wasnt some kind of message from the CIA that they will kill whoever. 7 months ago
And here we unsurprisingly have the fascjsts chiming in that this literal right wing coup by the sc is nothing because Obama once did this completely unrekated thing. 7 months ago
Are you really not aware of how presidents have been doing whatever they want for decades? The supreme court didnt make any new rule, its just ruling on what has been happening forever, and you are just reading headlines and believing the propaganda. 8 months ago
I have seen this plot before… In a game from Japan where the president beats everyone up in a fucking giant mecha 8 months ago
I need to rewatch that Dunkey video. 8 months ago
To be fair, the VP did organize a coup against him. 7 months ago
Honestly, Michael Wilson was willing to ride on the outside of a rocket into space and put his life on the line to save America from nuclear armageddon. We’d be fucking lucky if we had anyone with that level of conviction and love for their country in charge. 8 months ago
How is this different than before? 8 months ago
They stopped pretending. 7 months ago
A president could always order an assassination on anyone’s ass. It is now with even less ✨ consequences ✨. 7 months ago
Wait, are you saying that they actually faced consequences before? 7 months ago
The SCOTUS interpretation is exactly the interpretation I was taught in school back in the 90’s/2000’s. 8 months ago
JFK would disagree. 7 months ago
In capitalist America, the president shoots you 8 months ago
trump said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and not lose any votes. this all seems like it’s going according to plan. 8 months ago
The boys did this last season. Its complete satire but its like holding a mirror to reality at the moment. 8 months ago
Seems like not only he can do this now, how turntables 7 months ago
Someone played uno reverse card on him 💀