- Comment on [deleted] 19 hours ago:
On the /s, I somewhat unironically agree woth that more than the case of just obtaining citizenship
- Comment on World travelers 2 days ago:
Yes, but for human related reasons. Humans moved them around a lot in Africa and Asia - moving them from Southeast Asia to India and Madagascar is bound to have an impact on the currents they get caught up in.
- Comment on Fucking hell 1 week ago:
No, 1-12 are influenced by the old base 12 Germanic/Norse system, which is why -teen starts at thirteen, same as in German (11: elf, 12: zwölf, 13: dreizehn, 14: vierzehn & so on)… The -teen for 1x in english is also a carryover from this, being threeten, fourten, fiveten etc. with only numbers over 20 having their orders reversed.
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Gemini and Copilot are often overly cautious with their guardrails on generating anything violent or misinformation, although super easy to bypass in most cases
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Images are a lot easier to create “good enough” generations of locally compared to text and video… I imagine the driving force is probably horny people like 99% of other innovations on in internet
- Comment on School is training for prison and wage slavery 1 week ago:
That’s a bit harsh, prison is a way nicer environment than school
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 1 week ago:
It’s not evil, you’re providing a service by offering the product in a more familar environment to people, but still it’d be good to be transparent about it rather than pretending you’re the seller
- Comment on gottem 1 week ago:
Libertarian ≠ capitalist… It’s just a diet version of anarchism at its core which husters are trying to rebrand as being purely pro-business.
There’s even Libertarian Socialism
- Comment on tickle tickle 1 week ago:
My sister did, you just need approval from some government offices so you don’t get mice that’ve had rabies-ebola-smallpox-anthrax tested on them getting out
- Comment on Sam Bankman-Fried is angling for a pardon from Trump 2 weeks ago:
There’s a difference between libertarians and republicans looking to make more money. Most of the supposedly anti-taxation anti-regulation billionaires just want less tax for them and fewer regulations for their business; everyone else and especially imported products can be taxed more to give the billionaire’s company more subsidies, and regulations to prevent competitors from growing or starting up is even more welcome. Even when it comes to personal freedoms, they don’t care and will gladly support the government in reducing those freedoms if it earns them some sway.
This all goes directly against the libertarian principles of government non-intervention in the free market people’s personal lives, both of which are vastly more important than just reducing taxes, which supposedly comes as a side effect later (even if in reality taxes would probably stay the same as you’d need to provide more assistance to low income people)
This isn’t to say that libertarians are necessarily noble or right or whatever, just that saying it’s about reducing taxes and giving power to corporations is buying in to the direction that corporations are trying to move the ideology in
- Comment on Sam Bankman-Fried is angling for a pardon from Trump 2 weeks ago:
Be generally aligned with the right
It’s gotta be authoritarian right though… I can’t see a pro-immigration, pro-choice, pro-gun, anti-tariff, anti-corruption (generally pro-freedom, that thing republicans pretend to like) libertarian getting anywhere with trump, it wouldn’t surprise me if a tankie got along better given they’re into most of the things trump likes
- Comment on Poor guy 2 weeks ago:
Of all the people who deserve money, corrupt politicians and lobbyists are the only two groups who deserve it less than people like musk
- Comment on A quarter of startups in Y Combinator's current cohort have codebases that are almost entirely AI-generated 2 weeks ago:
if any of these startups succeed, my condolences to the engineers who get hired afterwards and are stuck bugfixing
This is any successful startup - you don’t succeed by making a perfect product, you succeed by making a buggy mess that’s enough to convince both investors and more importantly customers that there’s potential… That means you need to rebuild from scratch in years 2-4 anyway, so frankly for the engineers who are coming in then, frankly there’s little to no difference
- Comment on If we want to have any power vs. watching helplessly while people in charge fuck everything up, we should focus on democratic workplaces. Not just unions, workers should own and control the business 3 weeks ago:
I think the best option is for workers to be able to get shares in the company they work at via an optional salary sacrifice scheme (so that it reduces the tax you pay, rather than letting you buy them with your after tax income)… If you care about the business, you can get a stake in running it, if you don’t you can collect your paycheck and go home.
The stock market shouldn’t exist however - when you leave the business you can either keep the shares, or return them to the business for “a fair price” (the amount you paid after inflation? or maybe just the current purchase price). Shares bought like this shouldn’t be able to be sold - only those owned by the founder(s) can be, with the caveat that they must be offered to workers at a reasonable price.
That system eliminates both forcing “responsibility” on people who don’t want it, as well as removing
peopleparasites who want to destroy the business to mall a quick profit. - Comment on If we want to have any power vs. watching helplessly while people in charge fuck everything up, we should focus on democratic workplaces. Not just unions, workers should own and control the business 3 weeks ago:
Workers owning the business < people who care owning the business
That can take the form of workers, but equally founders or just people with an interest in what the business does. Equally though hard to get a founder who doesn’t care about what the business does, but many workers genuinely just want a paycheck and to go home (myself included).
The problem is, stock markets and the existence of easily tradable shares, options etc. actively encourage people who not only don’t care about the business, but would be willing to mess it up for short term gain.
- Comment on Meow 3 weeks ago:
⅔ may be overestimating, but yes, they’re native to all of the Middle East and Africa, and most of Europe (outside of Scandinavia) and mainland Asia (outside of Japan & deserts, Siberia etc.)
- Comment on Meow 3 weeks ago:
Most places is a stretch… They’re invasive in around ⅓ of Earth’s land area and where less than ¼ of people live
- Comment on Meow 3 weeks ago:
That article seems very new-world-centric
Europe, Mainland Asia & Africa all have native small cats and so the birds and small mammals have evolved to deal with them, the issue is that in Australia & the Americas they haven’t and so that’s where all the risk of species actually being wiped out is - in the old world the cats largely just replace the larger predators that humans have killed off in the ecosystem
- Comment on What would happen if all undersea cables got severed worldwide simultaneously? 3 weeks ago:
Also Europe… A significant amount of Europe’s content is hosted in UK & Ireland (AWS EU-West) and Sweden (AWS EU-North) which would mean the two remaining major datacentres (Germany and Italy) would struggle
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 5 weeks ago:
That’s without considering the time to pack up your bags etc - ie there’s a fixed cost as well as the cost per room moved
To minimise the total societal cost, only one person has to leave their room, and by that (or any) one person not making the sacrifice, the average suffering increases across all of median, mean and mode…
It’s the opposite situation from where one person can get huge gains to the detriment of many others - eusocially it makes sense to do what’s best for the average person
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 5 weeks ago:
Theoretically, I guess… But my argument came when introducing the laws of physics into the world of the infinite hotel, but there comes a point where the movement is small enough that the electron orbits are unaffected when the nuclei move therefore there’s functionally no movement.
You’re not a criminal who goes around breaking the laws of physics like the rest of those “mathematician” types are you?
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 5 weeks ago:
Thing is, the message has to be passed along either by an intercom or by the person moving to the next room passing it on… Either way or travels at fastest at the speed of light, so you’ll have people in the corridors moving to the next room for an infinite amount of time purely from the time it takes to propagate.
Given you’re therefore committing to (at least on average) at least being without a room for the rest of time, why not just tell the chap in the first room to keep walking until he finds an available room? In terms of overall inconvenience (overall time spent without a room per person), it’s the same as the original as both are infinite, but for the average person it goes from the time to walk from one room to the next to 0
- Comment on I did my best… 5 weeks ago:
Wheres the part that starts off as a perfect half bagel at one side but is barely atoms thick by the time you get to the other?
- Comment on White House Faith Office 1 month ago:
By good morals I mean it came up about the time that people were moving from tribes where they knew everyone personally to settlements where it was impossible to… it sounds weird now but “don’t steal from strangers”, “don’t kill strangers”, “share your harvest with strangers in need” etc. were actually pretty novel ideas which needed to be taught and helped a bunch with ensuring people could co-exist with more people than they had relationships with
- Comment on White House Faith Office 1 month ago:
Nah, it was originally about making sure your population had good morals, then about controlling your population more generally, then about making money, then about banning fun for some reason, then about making money again
It’s been quite the wild ride
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 1 month ago:
Product placement is advertising, and as such saying “no ads” while not blurring out product placement would be misselling the service
- Comment on Fucking hell 1 month ago:
The Italian economy always used to be on par with UK, France, Germany, but look at it now…
- Comment on Fucking hell 1 month ago:
Better a muzzled monarchy than a power vacuum every time, it’s worked in the UK, Spain, (um… probably elsewhere but it worked well enough in those two places after their autocratic dictators kicked the bucket, and look where it left Russia and to an extent Italy - mafia, economy stagnating etc)
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 1 month ago:
No - there’s fuses in the plugs themselves, the switch is largely for convenience and safety - if you want to unplug something broken and potentially live, it’s much safer to switch it off at the wall than risk a shock
- Comment on Feelin free 1 month ago:
The lack of rich people doesn’t imply freedom - people who are forced to hunt, gather, fish or farm for subsistence only with no reward beyond that are enslaved to the need to produce food and find shelter, but that differs from a society where there’s sufficient food and shelter, it’s just hoarded by those who have too much
Additionally the presence of rich people doesn’t imply a lack of freedom - you could have a “safety net” system where everyone is guaranteed housing and enough grains and beans/similar to survive, and if they want more they can work for it (some of the taxes from this go towards compensating farmers and builders), giving people the freedom to not have to worry about survival, while also allowing for people to earn lots of money and buy nice things if they want and/or can