- Comment on Massive Cyber Attack On AWS Targets 230 Million Unique Cloud Environments 7 months ago:
Am I the only one who feels like this is an AI generated article incorrectly summarizing the actual info?
- Comment on President 360 No Scope... 8 months ago:
Thank you for being a far better person than I, in that you actually give enough of a fuck to remember at least one specific, named person who was murdered in the way I was described.
This is not sarcasm it’s a genuine emotional appreciation. I don’t have it in me to remember, since all the shit news day in and day out just all blurs together and is too much for me to cope with if I tried to remember, but I’m glad someone is.
- Comment on President 360 No Scope... 8 months ago:
So… Same as it’s been since the war on terror began in 2001?
Oh, now they can assassinate white people in first world countries, not just drop bombs on weddings in mideast countries. I see. Totally makes all the difference.
(I am feeling very cynical here haha, I get this is a big significant legal precedent for the USA but yeah)
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I used to drive past their factory every day on the way to work. Should have taken a photo for all those sweet internet points, rip
Tbh though you can barely tell it’s their factory from the outside, if not for their vans parked around you’d never know.
- Comment on Microsoft stole my Chrome tabs, and it wants yours, too 1 year ago:
This behaviour is why I roll my eyes when the edge fanbois are all like “iTs AlL cHrOmE aNyWaY”.
Fuck any company that uses their power to try trick people into using their software, yes including google.