- Comment on Warner Bros. Cancels Planned ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ Game Expansion 8 hours ago:
Yeah, I was surprised given the success that they didn’t even spit out something to keep people engaged with the game. Seemed like even a small content update or doc would have pulled people in.
Hopefully it just means the follow-up will be even better.
- Comment on Warner Bros. Cancels Planned ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ Game Expansion 9 hours ago:
They’re still moving forward with the sequel (at least according to the article), so if I had to guess they figured they missed the boat with the expansion and want to focus on the sequel instead.
- Comment on Iceland knows what's up 17 hours ago:
I’ve been to that museum. It is extremely bizzare with a bunch of real penises from all sorts of animals (and people) floating in jars. The facts on all the plaques are kinda fun, but many of the penises are in questionable state.
Also the museum was started by someone who was randomly gifted a whip made from a bulls penis. That kicked off a weird fascination and he started both collecting and being gifted more and more until he figured they might as well open a museum.
- Comment on Anon is a specific type of prepper 4 days ago:
Gifs are actually really inefficient. It’s largely a legacy format issue, but Gifs store every frame as it’s own image while mp4s (in simple terms) store the delta between frames.
This link sorta talks about it - medium.com/…/gif-vs-video-9b9392ec5814
- Comment on Top 50 TV Shows Of All Time Ranked by the most known sources of ratings like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic etc. Agree? 6 days ago:
I don’t know there are more similarities than I initially thought:
- a lot of mystery of the others / whitewalkers
- a lot of politics around leadership and vying factions
- some mystical element around saving the world
- a complete flop on wrapping up the ending in a meaningful way
I mean it’s been forever since I watched Lost, so my recollection may be off, but they’re not a dissimilar as you’d think.
- Comment on Top 50 TV Shows Of All Time Ranked by the most known sources of ratings like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic etc. Agree? 1 week ago:
Same with Game of Thrones. For a plot driven show, the inability to stick the landing is a huge negative for me. Same reason why Lost is such a terrible show.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
Read the chart, it says taxable income.
Deductions and other tax games may lower you’re taxable income, but the progressive tax brackets apply this way to all taxable income.
- Comment on After 120 years of conservation efforts, Yellowstone bison are a single breeding population, researchers discover 2 weeks ago:
My take from the article - not good or bad.
Researchers and conservationists used to see them as two herds, but seems more likely it’s one big herd with interbreeding. For most people that doesn’t matter, but for those concerned about the genetic diversity of the heard it may impact how they support the bisons.
- Comment on Morrowind-inspired indie RPG Ardenfall releases in early access this year 2 weeks ago:
Haha, well dread Delusion probably has a lower polygon count (sorta ps1 like graphics), but yeah every hit lands stats just impact damage/stamina.
- Comment on Morrowind-inspired indie RPG Ardenfall releases in early access this year 2 weeks ago:
Dread Delusion is the one they mentioned and I really enjoyed it. It’s definitely a more constrained game than morrowind (a few weapon types/spells/smaller map/etc.) however I didn’t find it that limiting. Finishing most of the quests won’t feel like a slog, but there won’t be a lot to do after finishing up the main quest.
What really makes the game is the asthetic and world building. Most side quests feel meaningful and you stumble upon them naturally through exploration and progressing the main quest.
The leveling mechanic doesn’t really lock you out of any specific skillset, and items and consumables enable you to upskill when needed.
The only real let down for me was the ending. It was a bit anti-climatic. Like a lot of these games its basically a slides how at the end on how your actions impacted the world.
- Comment on Fast-paced turn-based tactics game Warside for fans of Advance Wars launches April 14 2 weeks ago:
How does it compare to the first? I don’t know why, but the first one didn’t really click with me. I think the CO being on the field made it feel too fire emblem rather than advance wars.
- Comment on Fast-paced turn-based tactics game Warside for fans of Advance Wars launches April 14 2 weeks ago:
Plus the move away from pixel graphics really hurt the asthetic, but I think they knew without doing something graphically that people wouldn’t fork over $60.
- Comment on Scarlett Johansson Wants Marvel Fans to Let Black Widow Go: ‘Let Her Have Her Hero Moment’ 2 weeks ago:
Not only is time travel such a messy plot device (especially if it’s not the primary premise of the movie), but they shot themselves in the foot for anything post endgame.
Most people think it’s super hero fatigue, but I still blame the issue of “the world experienced five years, but not everyone was there for it”. It’s just so messy and really screwed with every story immediately after.
- Comment on Scarlett Johansson Wants Marvel Fans to Let Black Widow Go: ‘Let Her Have Her Hero Moment’ 2 weeks ago:
!She dies when they go back in time to get the soul stone. Gamora was sacraficed by Thanos to originally get the stone, Black widow gives her life so Hawkeye can live the second time around.!<
- Comment on Scarlett Johansson Wants Marvel Fans to Let Black Widow Go: ‘Let Her Have Her Hero Moment’ 2 weeks ago:
She was definitely a name before Ironman 2 with movies like “Lost in Translation”, “The Island”, “Girl with a pearl earring”, “Black Dahlia” to name a few.
I remember people being excited about seeing her in Ironman 2.
You are right that they grabbed cheaper people originally, but they werent unknown names.
- Comment on TSLA gonna rebound. Proof: 2 weeks ago:
Most of Wallstreet bets it’s just hopium, but elons already played a lot of games with the stock market to get Tesla as ridiculously overvalued as it is. I wouldn’t put it past him to do more (cause he already has) straight up illegal things to boost that price. I mean he already used the president to do a car show (which is all sorts of stupid and illegal).
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
My take on the movie was a lot about growing up and maturing.
If you notice the sky and general atmosphere of the movie becomes less fantastical as time goes on. Additionally the sex thing starts with her being taken of advantage, to her taking advantage of the second guy, and then to her using sex in the third arc, and by the end when the evil guy tries to force her to have sex she kills him. Additionally, through each of those progressions we also see her mature or learn more about the world.
Not saying it’s the best movie, but there were at least some themes and plot points going on.
- Comment on Thinkpad for the win 2 weeks ago:
Haha, wasn’t sure how many would know the reference.
- Comment on Thinkpad for the win 2 weeks ago:
Comes as part of the iRack.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
While the amount of debt has been ever growing, it hasn’t relative to GDP. When it has grown, it’s grown primarily due to policies from Bush and Trump. Both of these president’s also passed massive tax breaks which is a significant contributing factor to the national debt.
At the end of the day, the national debt only matters if we can’t pay it. All the cuts being made to federal spending right now are more significant because they will slow down the economy and cause reverberations for years to come (public research and investment are multipliers for the economy in many ways).
As you call out, we should be taxing billionaires, which points to the larger economic concern right now for America - economic disparity.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
You’ve really bought into the propaganda there, besides Clinton our national debt has always been the “highest” every year. The most important factor is foreign vs domestically held debt, and that ratio hasn’t changed for the worse.
Obviously we have some spending concerns, but financially that’s not the primary concern for the US right now (and we wouldn’t be talking tax cuts if it was).
- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 3 weeks ago:
They should just call them import or sales taxes, the average person doesn’t get tariffs.
- Comment on Hardcore gaming 4 weeks ago:
SteamOS is still the main OS. I’ve just got a microsd for dual booting. I feel like a ROG Ally would be a downgrade at that point.
- Comment on Hardcore gaming 4 weeks ago:
I did install windows on a microsd to play some online games with my steamdeck. It’s a so-so experience, but at least means you can literally play anything on the steamdeck.
- Comment on Games franchises that need metroidvania spinoffs? 5 weeks ago:
It already exists, but the sands of time Metroidvania “Lost Crowns” was surprisingly good.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 1 month ago:
Thanks, OP seemed more curious about the technical aspects than just the absurdity of the comment (since pretty much every business uses SQL) so hoped a more technical explanation might be appreciated.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 1 month ago:
Sure, basically any time you have a many-to-many relationship you’ll have to repeat keys multiple times. Think students taking courses. You’d have a students table and a courses table, but the relationship is many students take many courses. So you’d want a third table for lookups where each row is [student_id, course_id].
This stackoverflow post has a similar example with authors and books - stackoverflow.com/…/how-do-i-model-a-many-to-many…
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 1 month ago:
If SSNs are used as a primary key (a unique identifier for a row of data) then they’d have to be duplicated to be able to merge data together.
However, even if they aren’t using ssn as an identifier as it’s sensitive information. It’s not uncommon to repeat data either for speed/performance sake, simplicity in table design, it’s in a lookup table, or you have disconnected tables.
Having a value repeated doesn’t tell you anything about fraud risk, efficency, or really anything. Using it as the primary piece of evidence for a claim isn’t a strong arguement.
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 1 month ago:
Yeah, every few months we might get something delivered (sometimes on a rainy day for example), but we made a rule about picking up food once food prices started rising and it the delivery was adding $20 to the orders.
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 1 month ago:
If you want to limit consumer decisions to subscription vs no-subscriptions than sure, but subscriptions are just one element of the choices people have to make.
You also have issues like data privacy, ethical labor, maintainability, etc. Too many things for everyone to keep up with and effectively vote with their wallet.