I experimented making a cola drink tonight. Yesterday I had to make a thing called browning syrup for it, because it’s hard to buy Parisian essence these days, (and Parisian essence these days is just colour 150). Today I made the actual cola syrup and it’s cooling and developing in my fridge. I always thought cola was made out of cola nut, and maybe it once was, but according to wiki it’s made of lots of different things like citrus peels, star anise, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamon and other spices. Huh, TIL. The Minipeelers were keen for me to make Nuka Cola from the Fallout Cookbook Elder got for his birthday. Surprisingly it tastes like cola! Plus I saw the soda stream pepsi syrup at the stupormarket which had a horrific amount of numbered additives. Like, is it even food at this point. And 1.25 litre coke varieties were $4, surely they’re taking the piss at this point! So I made my syrup and couldn’t resist trying it early… you pour it in a glass and top it up with fizzy soda water. We were all pretty amazed. Can’t wait to try it tomorrow with the flavour all finished developing.
Discussion Thread: Monday, 3 March 2025
Submitted 1 day ago by briongloid@aussie.zone to melbourne@aussie.zone
PeelerSheila@aussie.zone 1 day ago
SituationCake@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
How brilliant. I never would have thought this could be made at home, I just assumed the flavour was artificially made. I’ll have to look up some recipes out of curiosity!
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 22 hours ago
That’s so cool. I’ve heard about Open Cola and wanted to make it without caffeine or artificial sweeteners but it seems like a bit of an undertaking!
Let us know how it is
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Gibson’s welcome home day is today, and the ten years sobriety.
A good combo lol.
Just chilling today, weekend coming up will nice ❤️
underwatermagpies@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Congratulations! Sounds like an occasion for a cake. Or to buy yourself something nice.
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Duenan@aussie.zone 1 day ago
urge to zzzzz
just_kitten@aussie.zone 1 day ago
10hr day with more urgent desktop stuff to do this evening, but pretty good day out even though I was in a really foul mood in the am after realising either I or someone else fucked up majorly and I started in the wrong location wasting a previous few hours. all good now. I got to see these little cuties too which was lovely.
House looks like a dump, I have a full day out tomorrow plus a bday to go to in the evening, REA comes for inspection on Wed am… guess I’ll try to tidy as much as I can now and do some frentic cleaning early Wed morning.
Prolly should’ve done it on the weekend but oh well!
TinyBreak@aussie.zone 1 day ago
ended up purchasing that campervan over the weekend. Gotta wait a couple of weeks to pick her up cause they towing folks have a bit of a backlog, then will probably empty it, clean it all up check for anything that needs work maybe give it a service and we pick a destination and give it a try!
If you like any good camping spots that work for caravans/campervans let me know. I cant keep going to tidal river.
dumblederp@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Coopers Creek.
Eagle@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Avoid at all costs.
TinyBreak@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Im seeing mixed things about caravans and campers. A few people suggestion it should be tent only. How do you find it?
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Hell yeah!!!
TheWitchofThornbury@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Closer to home - O’Brien’s Crossing.
Thornburywitch@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Maybe try some spots along the Murray River. I’m thinking Barmah (red gums) and maybe bits of Hattah-Kulkyne NP. Great birdwatching at both. Bearing in mind that the cold weather isnt too far away now.
TinyBreak@aussie.zone 1 day ago
hoping to build to that yeah. Starting the wife off with some more “glamping” locations. Probs ensuite sites with power (I know I know, hardly even camping!) but shes been burnt by the proms weather the last couple of times we’ve gone.
Eagle@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Turton’s Creek, Bear Gully. I’ll think of more later!
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Nelson at Glenelg River has a great caravan camping ground.
It’s a long way tho.
calhoon2005@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Right on. Bimbi Park in the Otways is great.
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Gibsons got some special treats and is sitting in her cat tree.
I’m on the couch with a fancy pizza and my new favourite drink, gatorade.
LowExperience2368@aussie.zone 1 day ago
First day of school today.
Classes were boring. Hopefully the ones later this week will be better. People were interesting. So was getting lost on a new campus.
little first world problem dump from a lost bean
I’m so torn on what to do with careers. I know I’m never stuck, but there’s that part of my mind that needs an answer. Do I get a generalist job, that will teach me many skills but might not allow me to make the impact I want, or do I do more study, having wanted to do well in the past, but failed to live up to my potential? One of the many things that have attracted me to teaching is the less apparent corporate greed and not sitting at a desk all day. Although, part of me just wants to “surrender” and get a job so I can GTFO of this house. A job that will mean I won’t have to take work home. I’ve got my parents and sister in one ear, with one saying don’t do teaching because I’m going to get abused by “shitty kids” and cry and not know what to say when a kid tells me to fuck off. Plus the workload. I’m going to try living in the present more. See how I go after prac. I am trusting that I will know with time. That’s what always happens. Now it’s time to do some tolerating uncertainty exercises.
Eagle@aussie.zone 1 day ago
My friends who are teachers love their jobs, one primary one secondary. The primary teacher has it tougher, so they switch to being a specialist teacher every couple of years, then back to the classroom for a few. It’s a good career choice and they live a reasonably comfortable life styles as single people.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I’ve got my parents and sister in one ear, with one saying don’t do teaching because I’m going to get abused by “shitty kids” and cry and not know what to say when a kid tells me to fuck off. Plus the workload.
What do your friends, teachers and classmates say?
LowExperience2368@aussie.zone 11 hours ago
They don’t really say anything.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
When I went looking at houses in Seaholme I went to the beach too and found some pieces of coral. Seems there are big reefs off the rocks close by. Might be nice to go out and take a look one day. 🙂
here’s the bits I found, it’s a type of pavement coral, common name Green Coral.
PeelerSheila@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Watch out for certain 🔵💍🐙 ! When I was a kid growing up near there they were often seen in those rocky bits there, don’t know about these days though.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I’ll be careful.
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 day ago
When you scratch yourself do you scratch under your clothes or on top?
Alamutjones@aussie.zone 10 hours ago
Damn you
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
ffs, now I’m itchy.
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Nits nits itchy scalp nits
PeelerSheila@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I start out on top but then I get under and really scratch the skin 😬
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Under. No matter what lol
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Yep same. I use a back scratcher.
just_kitten@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Under, unless it’s in the nether regions. Scratching over clothes makes it worse.
Force_majeure123@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Depends if it’s an itchy bum
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Cheeks under. Crack over.
tone212_@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
Definitely under, I hate the feeling and sound of scratching through clothes. And it’s never satisfying.
SituationCake@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
Depends if I’m out in public or not.
MeanElevator@aussie.zone 1 day ago
My neighbour, whom I whinge about regularly, has spent the last week ripping up the grass from his nature strips (each side of the his driveway) and swapping it.
Basically the grass that was on the left is now on the right and vice versa.
In fairness, he used fertilizer, reseeded and all that, but it looks like shite.
Not sure what he’s trying accomplish.
mysticgreg@aussie.zone 1 day ago
It’s the first step in relocating to the mirror universe?
MeanElevator@aussie.zone 1 day ago
The end result is something worse than he started off with. Perhaps he knows something we don’t.
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 day ago
My neighbour has a patchwork fence. This morning I heard banging so he’s probably added to it. Paling, corrugated iron, scraps of wood. I might go out later and take a pic cos it’s a work of art.
MeanElevator@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Some people just like doing shit for the sake of doing it I guess.
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Bamboo cotton sheets.
I feel like I have to have shower before I have a nap loo
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I have bought some fancy sheets.
Now for the nap.
Duenan@aussie.zone 1 day ago
tombruzzo@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Make sure you sing the dango song every time if it’s a thing in this game as well
Duenan@aussie.zone 1 day ago
No canteen yet or food.
Might have to finish a couple of quests before I get access to it.
Taleya@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Any Severance fans also seen Dollhouse? 'Cos goddamn.
Force_majeure123@aussie.zone 1 day ago
RustyRaven@aussie.zone 1 day ago
ETA for afternoon tea: 15 mins. Iced fruit bun, highly anticipated yummyness.
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 day ago
My finger had an intimate argument with some bluestone / basalt yesterday whilst moving it. Feeling that today.
Spoke about gravity, savlon and poor judgement. Basalt won.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
do you have someone to kiss it better?
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Unfortunately finger is single atm :( its other four friends are trying to avoid the same fate which I respect.
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Noticed all my nasturtiums were gone… ran the tape back and a workman whippersnippered them. Forget even trying anymore.
Maybe that’s what happened to the marigolds too (despite bright flowers)
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
maybe next time cordon off the garden bed with some string and sticks
SpinMeAround@aussie.zone 1 day ago
That moment of “NOOOOO” when you accidentally open Duolingo after a couple of months. And yet, I feel too guilty to turn off the notifications – even though I pretty much have all notifications turned off on my phone!
Catfish@aussie.zone 1 day ago
When the day dawns we depart for Ikea. Hopefully the non weekend timing makes this a less earsplitting experience than otherwise. Also reading up on removing yuccas, WTF have we gotten into?!?! 🤯
tombruzzo@aussie.zone 1 day ago
My lenovo smart clock fell and the power cable snapped right on the metal barrel. It’s a 20 volt power supply as well so I guess it’s just trapezoidal ewaste now.
Maybe I’ll get one with the wireless charger as ac replacement so I get a bit more convenience out of these things if they’re going to spy on us
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I read a short biography of one of my fave artists last night.
He was not a good person, he came from a deeply misogynist society , knew better but still aided in events leading up to a young woman being murdered by her husband.
He was also not some magic artist that had no help or training.
I am conflicted as his paintings really are beautiful.
Duenan@aussie.zone 1 day ago
The AFL really needs to get its shit together.
To allow the opening game to happen with the cyclone over in QLD is pure insanity as much as I want to see my team play.
Move the opener to round 3 where the bye for the teams are or move it locally and tell people early so that they don’t make a dangerous trip to Brisbane.
Anyway that’s my rant for the day.
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I’m not sure I’m going to bother buying a coaxial cable for the tv if the dvd player isn’t working
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Power is out here inner east I can’t see shit
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Tomorrow is Pancake Tuesday which means the following day is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. Every year I give up sugar but it’s not really much of a challenge because i don’t eat that much of it so this year I’ve decided I’m giving up bread as well. (I love it, but it hates me).
So if there is something you’d like to give up, feel free to join me. You can do it for a week and see how you go or continue for the 40 + days. It’s up to you.
Duenan@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I think all the napping I did over the weekend screwed up my sleep last night.
It felt like I didn’t sleep well and I “B set” of dreams.
Force_majeure123@aussie.zone 1 day ago
4 day weekend next weekend, but it can’t come soon enough. Might have slip in a mental health day somewhere this week
PeelerSheila@aussie.zone 1 day ago
bacon@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Beep Beep 🚚
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
New band audition Friday!
Goodnight all ❤️
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
She is definitely plotting something!
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
We ran out of her favourite cat food so she had to slum it with a cheaper one.
I’m a dead man…