Can we get a wiki going of files for awesome stickers like this one that people can print off?
made a sticky
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
That Bass Pro Choice in the background is cool, too! 5 weeks ago
I’d like this but in like 10 different brands. 5 weeks ago
Minimum wage doesn’t even really apply anymore since it has not been updated in forever. It really should be $20 an hour now. 5 weeks ago
We need a maximum wage, for maximum effort 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
This is my motto, my teenage daughter is going into the work force eventually and I drill this into her head, i also remind her that your coworkers aren’t your family and your boss is not your friend. Don’t do “favours” for your employer who can afford to pay you, do favours for your friends not your job 5 weeks ago
“We’re a family here” = “We will disregard any boundary you set up for your work/life balance because we are both your work and life now.” 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Maybe we should talk! I’ve got a few ideas for stickers and patches I want to make but I can’t design for shit. 5 weeks ago
yes! i got you, message me! 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Fun experiment next time you’re at Wendy’s. Ask a worker their salary. 5 weeks ago
Why is Pippi Långstrump on the top? 5 weeks ago
This sticker is based on the Wendy’s logo. The restaurant was named after the founder’s daughter and the picture of the girl on the logo is based on her. 5 weeks ago
What kind of weak ass question is that? Pippi and her magic horse are about rebellion, about political and social upheaval 5 weeks ago
If you abuse cattle for a living and fish for a hobby, why should I lift a finger to help. Helping you harms those I love more than it aids you. 5 weeks ago
What if I told you I don’t fish? 5 weeks ago
Wow very aggressive comments (left leaning) in here!
Everybody is thinking about the workers, but did anyone stop and think about the shareholders for a minute? Do you know the calorific power of a $1 bill, compared to a $100 bill? Well, it’s actually the same because they have the same size and composition. But the emotional heat they produce is not the same at all. You have to burn a very large amount of $1 bills to warm our hearts. And it’s a lot of work. For our servants anyway. Increase the wages, and you reduce the number of large denomination bills we can burn in our marble chimneys. That literally makes us sad.
Think about it. By increasing the workers wage, what you really do is pile up more misery on the shareholders.
Please 🙏 🥺 we need this. Well not really but hey 5 weeks ago
Minium wage food for minium wage workers. Be kind tonyour neighbor, unless their hat is red. 5 weeks ago
fair and square 5 weeks ago
Meanwhile California, minimum effort, but fast food workers make more than most. 5 weeks ago
Imagine being so stupid that you think A) fast food is minimum effort and B) $20 an hour is more than most people make in fucking California 5 weeks ago
It was mostly meant to poke fun at how fast food employees tend to mess up orders or not try, despite getting the massive pay raise. I came from browsing all channels and the post image was amusing so I thought it was a less serious thread, it wasn’t until I started getting downvoted that I realised this was in Work Reform. I still kinda stand by my statement, in that when it comes to people in California (that even care about what the minimum wage is,) fast food workers are probably out-earning the majority of them, considering minimum wage is still $16.50 for everyone else.
The post implies that if you’re making minimum wage, you should put the minimum effort, I don’t disagree with that. However, fast food workers in California do not make minimum wage as of 2024, I was implying that they shouldn’t continue to put in the ‘minimum effort’ and at least get people’s orders right. Don’t put words in my mouth as I never once implied that fast food as a job is minimum effort, especially after the change here. 5 weeks ago
That’s a horrible stance. So every teen that gets their first job, with no other working experience, shouldn’t try to do the best they can? 5 weeks ago
Every teen that gets their first job should still be paid enough to make a living, if it’s a full time job. Then we can talk about doing the best 5 weeks ago
What? Lmao
You expect to buy a house on a minimum wage job? 5 weeks ago
[deleted] 5 weeks ago
Are they working for free? Lmao
This is why you’re all depressed; even if the minimum wage would be $20 you’d still complain that you want to own a house on a minimum wage job 5 weeks ago
I’m gonna put in minimum effort regardless of pay. It’s capitalism. I’m being forced to work so I don’t die. I don’t want to work. But since I have to, I will do the bare minimum. 5 weeks ago
So you think the rest of us should work, keep the world turning and support you? You can always homestead some land, grow/hunt/catch your own food, weave your own clothes, all that. LOL, if you think you’re forced to work now.
Haven’t been at my job for a month, GM and 2 of the AGMs are already noticing me.
I work hard, am already stronger mentally and physically, already getting better work and better schedules. Got pulled in the GM’s office while walking by, “Hey Shalafi, we’ve been talking about you! How would you feel about doing $better_job next month?”
Meanwhile, the lazy get part-time work on the shitty night shift. You’re a night shift guy. 5 weeks ago
You are a fool and they will use you up and discard you like a tissue. There is a vast difference between taking pride in good work and selling yourself short.
I am sure the folks on night shift know of your attitude and leave shit for you to clean up, not because they are lazy but because they hate you. 5 weeks ago
The good ol’ argument: You don’t like capitalism? Be a cave man. XD And yes, I am working night shifts. I get to do less and get paid 20% more than the day shift. 5 weeks ago
Congratulations on appeasing middle managers, the laziest people taking the most and doing the least are at the top of the hierarchy, not the bottom. 5 weeks ago
Look at the little boot licker go. I just got a raise, I don’t work for shut but boy does it look like I do 5 weeks ago
Ah, good old capitalism apologia. I’m not sure the billionaires need your fervent protection, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
Also if you think you will see any of the profits from that better job, that’s quite humorous. You will, at most, get a tiny raise that isn’t even comparable to the amount your boss puts in their pocket. Maybe a pizza party. 5 weeks ago
Your post reads like you write get rich quick schemes using crypto for “alpha males” on twitter 5 weeks ago
Good for you, champ! Keep up the good work :) 5 weeks ago
You’re the same MF who will refuse wage raises, deny days off, fire people with cancer who miss work, and take credit for your employees’ work when you make management. You’re the problem. 5 weeks ago
Imagine thinking the point of life is to work, and not to live. Imagine being that far up your own ass.
I’d pity you if you weren’t so smug. 5 weeks ago
How do you talk so well with a boot so far down your throat?