- Comment on [deleted] 11 hours ago:
Does anyone notice that OP and his personal assistant won’t engage with the well written comments on this post? Only the snarky or non-substantive comments get their attention.
I’m starting to think this question may not be asked in good faith.
Shocked, I tell you, that kind of behavior in this day and age.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 hours ago:
You can look at the words too! They explain what the pictures mean.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 hours ago:
So you just looked at the pictures, I take it.
- Comment on your brain on day 3 of planing a magnetic loop antenna 21 hours ago:
Capacitors store energy up to their capacity, not being snarky with the tautological statement, that’s what they do. So yes they can slow or modulate electron flow. The simplest pulsing circuit you can make uses a capacitor.
My own personal projects these days include work with super-capacitors to make battery-free solar projects.
This stack exchange has a good discussion that relates here:
- Comment on Short attention span 1 day ago:
There is actually some neuroscience behind this one. The act of hand writing activate more areas of the brain than typing the same info.
This is a popular press article covering some of these studies.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
It really isn’t even that.
The closest historical equivalent of an economic professional is the Haruspex.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
Congratulations! You are now a practicing economist. This is exactly how that field works.
- Comment on How to satisfy your merry Curieosity.... 2 days ago:
Yep, the first two steps alone are the definition of insanity.
The following two steps, if followed in moderation, may lead to a modest career.
If followed too closely, upon review, you may correlate the contents of your own mind and, well… 🤷♂️
- Comment on How to satisfy your merry Curieosity.... 2 days ago:
That is this time, right now.
Call yourself a scientist. Act like one. It is a terrible way to make money, but I will live the rest of my life on the war stories alone.
- Comment on uhhh overleaf you say 2 days ago:
I apologize, the lay was never in there to begin with. Only pain, only pubs.
- Comment on your brain on day 3 of planing a magnetic loop antenna 2 days ago:
Such a capacitor is used to fine tune antenna performance, so it is an inherent part of that particular subsystem. Anyone who has disassembled an older radio has probably run across one of these rotary air gapped type before.
Inductors use a coil to store energy whereas capacitors use plates separated by a dielectric material, which is air in this case.
- Comment on Do you think Social Media is just exaggerated as being placed of being the source of all problems? 2 days ago:
The internet is a firehose pumped from the septic tank of the human psyche.
If it is a general feature of enough human minds, it ends up there.
So, be better, I guess?
- Comment on your brain on day 3 of planing a magnetic loop antenna 3 days ago:
It’s a very lonely life having the most frenetic genetic tendencies of a terrier, a ferret and a pack rat. But the rush I get when I stumble upon obscure technological treasures? It makes it all worthwhile.
- Comment on Why can’t HVAC be made smarter? 1 week ago:
There are experiencing hysteresis!
- Comment on Severance Is an Indictment of Workplace Hell 1 week ago:
I like this blog post that calls Severance “marxist horror “.
- Comment on No one knows what the hell an AI agent is | TechCrunch 2 weeks ago:
I had a similar thought earlier.
- Comment on explain deez nutz 2 weeks ago:
And all statistics are damned lies.
- Comment on that about 1/1000 of your phones RF power output, and the distance is 384400km 2 weeks ago:
One bit! That’s all you get!
- Comment on Is there anything the internet can't do? 2 weeks ago:
No one spread a butthole before the internet? A bold claim, but I think you own the idea due to lack of prior documentation.
- Comment on Is there anything the internet can't do? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Is there anything the internet can't do? 2 weeks ago:
correct, a complex system of information sharing devices is way too busy for that
- Comment on Is there anything the internet can't do? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Is there anything the internet can't do? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Is there anything the internet can't do? 3 weeks ago:
That’s the spirit!
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 20 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Easy access to copious quantities of high production value porn in later generations.
You grow up wanking to clean shaven actors and that’s what you end up wanting in real life.
That’s my theory.
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 3 weeks ago:
As a kid we had a neighbor that ran a bee-brothel and had hives all over the region. Since his hives would just sit on un-used corners of farmland, he would offer some honey annually as ‘rent’. (He was also generous with his boat so a couple waterskiing trips were also on the table).
We (2 parents, 4 kids) would get a 5 gallon can of honey every other year or so.
That has been over 45 years now and my father is still working through that supply. We put it in sealed mason jars and it has remained good all this time.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
Minority parties have a great deal of procedural power and with such a narrow minority, even a few defections from the other party can swing a vote.
Politics is theater and it is breathtakingly stupid to just lay down and let them do whatever they want without using the power at their disposal.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
That is factually untrue. They did not get voted out everywhere and it is somewhat silly to say so.
House: R- 218, D- 215 Senate: R- 53, D- 47
That is what I call a fair fight.
Your position is indefensible.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
The traditional conservatives are suspiciously quiet right now, so I count them as fully complicit.